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Farmaajo oo jahwareer siyaasaddeed, military, dhaqaale & xidhiidh Bulsho

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Quoting a failed politician, waliba mid gaday baddeena. I guess it is expected from the desperation of secessionists, clawing the metaphorical 'xunbo cuskay.'


When Suldaanka became a shameless propagandist, a la Duke and Juju of SOL's heydays in mid 2000s, then xaalka uma sahlano for diehard goosashadoon folks. Riyadii goosashada is becoming ever more elusive, ever more nigtmarish, especially since Farmaajo's election, who brought a wave of unseen-before neo-daljaceylnimo to Soomaali masses, which is making the likes of this thread creator more scared and hopeless, hence quoting failed and corrupt politicians. Who will you quote again? Cumar C/rashiid? Muuse Suudi? Qeybdiid? Heck even Moorgan?

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This is not about Somaliland, there are other topics on this site that you can happily share your opinion about Somaliland.


This thread is about Farmaajo's sinking boat. So going back to the topic, I don't care who the dude is, I don't know him but I happen to agree on what he wrote in that post. You do not necessary have to like the guy, but you must respect the opinion.


The list he provided include some damning hard hitting points.



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Quoting a failed politician, waliba mid gaday baddeena. I guess it is expected from the desperation of secessionists, clawing the metaphorical 'xunbo cuskay.'


When Suldaanka became a shameless propagandist, a la Duke and Juju of SOL's heydays in mid 2000s, then xaalka uma sahlano for diehard goosashadoon folks. Riyadii goosashada is becoming ever more elusive, ever more nigtmarish, especially since Farmaajo's election, who brought a wave of unseen-before neo-daljaceylnimo to Soomaali masses, which is making the likes of this thread creator more scared and hopeless, hence quoting failed and corrupt politicians. Who will you quote again? Cumar C/rashiid? Muuse Suudi? Qeybdiid? Heck even Moorgan?


Waryaa MMA, Odayaasha ka daa tooshkan aad ladaba ordaysid.


If you see recent increase in activities, the reason is, they have to deal with many pressing issues, including but not limited to:


- Doorashada beelaha calamada xisbiyada tunka kusita. Add that, the limited choice of viable candidates, except of three bad tempered dinosaurs.


- Battle hardened former Cheif Spin Doctor, who changed tag lately, and started turning his fire power on fomer comrades.


- Last but not least, a resurgent Wanlaweyn FGS headed by new genaration of Qurbajoog youth.


Suldaanka took the helmet of Saalax, and Oodwayne is the backup army with those big hitting dusty essays :-)

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Waryaa MMA, Odayaasha ka daa tooshkan aad ladaba ordaysid.


If you see recent increase in activities, the reason is, they have to deal with many pressing issues, including but not limited to:


- Doorashada beelaha calamada xisbiyada tunka kusita. Add that, the limited choice of viable candidates, except of three bad tempered dinosaurs.


- Battle hardened former Cheif Spin Doctor, who changed tag lately, and started turning his fire power on fomer comrades.


- Last but not least, a resurgent Wanlaweyn FGS headed by new genaration of Qurbajoog youth.


Suldaanka took the helmet of Saalax, and Oodwayne is the backup army with those big hitting dusty essays :-)


Yaa aqrinaayo hee wuxuu qoro. Muxuu gacmo daalis yahay. Suldaanka ayaa u jawaabaaye, at least qof mar mar wax garto ah, not Trump-like odey on the verge of senility. Or as Mr. Kim of Waqooyiga Kuuriya would have called him, a total dotard.


Waxaa ka cabsanaa ashahaadadiisa inay noqon doonto: Aqoonsi, aqoonsi, aqoonsi.

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Waryaa MMA, Odayaasha ka daa tooshkan aad ladaba ordaysid.


If you see recent increase in activities, the reason is, they have to deal with many pressing issues, including but not limited to:


- Doorashada beelaha calamada xisbiyada tunka kusita. Add that, the limited choice of viable candidates, except of three bad tempered dinosaurs.


- Battle hardened former Cheif Spin Doctor, who changed tag lately, and started turning his fire power on fomer comrades.


- Last but not least, a resurgent Wanlaweyn FGS headed by new genaration of Qurbajoog youth.


Suldaanka took the helmet of Saalax, and Oodwayne is the backup army with those big hitting dusty essays :-)


Sxb waa Caytamaysa... ma aniga ayaa garanwaaga Saalax igu mataashay? Hadii Saalax maanta yidhaah hal qof oo reer Somaliland ah oo reer SOL ah ayaa yaqaana, xaal ayaan bixinaya.


Kolkan darsay anigu Saalax waa from Pirateland. Nin reer Somaliland oo is qariya anigu ma aqaan.

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National Constitutional Convention boycotted by review and oversight committees


Mogadishu (HOL) - Two pivotal bodies that are responsible for the review and implementation of Somalia’s constitution have boycotted a planned conference scheduled from the 8th through the 10th of October in Mogadishu, citing an overreaching Ministry of Constitutional Affairs of derailing the talks.


Somalia’s Federal Member States of Puntland, Jubbaland, Galmudug and Southwest have also come out and embargoed the convention for similar reasons.


In a statement released to the press, the Constitutional Review Committee (CRC) said that proper procedures have not been followed by the Ministry of Constitutional Affairs.


Somalia’s Minister of Information, Eng. Abdirahman Omar Osman announced that the national constitutional conference has been postponed due to technical reasons, without citing any specific details.



A senior government official who spoke to HOL on the condition of anonymity said that extensive planning went into organizing the conference and the federal government has spent close to $2 million dollars in travel and accommodation for the hundreds of delegates it is hosting.


The Oversight Committee Chairman Abdi Qeybdid has called on the international partners and donors to follow his lead in boycotting the conference and asked them to stop financing the 3-day convention.


Prime Minister Kheyre held an emergency meeting with the Oversight Committee on Sunday in response to the boycott. OC Chairman Abdi Qeybdid said that the two have reached a tentative agreement but did not elaborate on the status of the convention or whether they will continue to boycott it.


Somali Regional leaders convened in Kismayo on Sunday to discuss recent developments in Mogadishu. Unconfirmed reports indicate that the purpose of the meeting could be to form a Federal Member States Council.

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Are you seriously expecting Mr Farmaajo to govern Somalia when he can't even read the word radicalization?


You expect too much of him. The person who calls the shots is Mr. Keating and he doesn't want the charade to stop. The merry go round is not going to stop until the citizens of Somalia proper learn to take back their dignity.


It is truly tragic. May Allah help these people. They are way in over their heads.


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Ace of Spade ,



Are you seriously expecting Mr Farmaajo to govern Somalia when he can’t even read the word radicalization?


I gave up on him when he butchered the names of great poets of Somaliland.


I think this Farmaajo Gov't will be a trainwreck in slow motion.


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Mucaaradku waa shay wanaagsan marka dadku caqligoodu si fiican u shaqaynayo waxbuu dhisaa waxba ma dumiyo, waana toosin ay ka faa'iidaan dad hogaanka haya,ayaguna xaq uma leh inay dhibsadaan,saburkeeda iyo dulqaadna waa inay la yimaadaan.


Balse mucaaradkii soomaalidu, wuxuu noqday maaweelada caruurta iyo beeshayda maxaa looga tagay iyo gabaygii adeerkay sida laysugu qasay ma aragteen waa bitibiti aan macno lahayn,waxaasoo kale qiimaha mucaaradka bay hoos u dhigaysaa.


Farmaajo markii la dooranayay xaqiiqdii waxaan ka aaminsanaa shakhsyan anigoo fiirinaya qaabka beelaysan ee wadanka loo haligay, inuu u dabacsanaan doono beelaha qaar kuna dhici doona jeebka afmiinshaaro qabiil ku gowsa beelay ciridkooduna lafaha jabin karo oo waxba hambaynayn.


Qab jabintu waa nooca ugu fiican siyaasadda dhanka federaalka iyo beelaha isla fogaaday labadaba.


taasu waa taas


Madaxdii asaga ka horaysay waxay iska laaluushi jireen beelaha ay is leeyihiin daaqad bay kugu furi ama dhaqaale ama mansab ama labadaba waa isugu dari jireen si ay jeebkooda xal ugu helaan,mana lahayn aragti fog iyo mid dhow toona.


Nimankan cusub way bilaabeen inay dilaaciyaan nabarkii bararka la buskoon waayay, aragtidaydana waa shay aad u wanaagsan in laysku dhaco ama laysku qabsado waraaqo ay ku qoran yihiin sharciga iyo dastuurka lix madaxweyne inaysan wada talin karin cid walbaa way garan kartaa ama beel beel ka fiicanu jirin.


Haddaan khalad jirin sax la heli maayo,Aakhirkana waxaa imaan doona, qaanuunkii lagu wada shaqayn lahaa, waana arin faa'iido u keeni karta jiilka ayaga ka dambeeya.


Haddiise wax la qurxiyo hoostiisuna nadiif ahayn sodon sanoo kale yaan khiyaali ku jiraynaa iyo dhaantada noo casriyeeya.


Waxaa kuusoo haray Snm sideedaba

Snm, shayga kaliya oo soomaali kala maqan yihiin waa fanka iyo suugaanta taasina waxay shaqayn kartaa markii nabad iyo kala dambayn ka helo suuqa fanaanintuna furmi karaa.


Haka shaqeeyaan mar haddaysan qowl iyo gacan waxba ka gaysan karin inay soo duceeyaan ducada muslinkuna meel banaan kuma dhacdo.


waxayna ducaddaasu waajib noqotaa markii aad waxba awoodi waydo sida idinka muuqata, luuqadda carabigana waxaa lagu yiraahdaa (adcaf al-iimaan).


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Haddaan khalad jirin sax la heli maayo,Aakhirkana waxaa imaan doona, qaanuunkii lagu wada shaqayn lahaa, waana arin faa'iido u keeni karta jiilka ayaga ka dambeeya.


Haddiise wax la qurxiyo hoostiisuna nadiif ahayn sodon sanoo kale yaan khiyaali ku jiraynaa iyo dhaantada noo casriyeeya.


Gooni intaas kore ayaa xikmad ku dhamaystirantahay. Waxa raggan qurbaha jooga iska indha tirayaan, xaaaladaha wadanku uu soomaray 30kii sano ee tegay.


Maanta meel fiican ayey wax u socdaan, wax badan oo hadda khaldanna way saxmi InshaAllah. Waana midda keentay in qofkii arintaas ay dhibayso uu jiifsan waayo.


A picture is worth a thousand words, sawirka ku dhegan hoolka shirku ka dhacayo, iyo weliba khudbooyinkii halkaa laga akhriyey, waxay muujinayaan biseylka ay gaaratay maaanta Maryooley.

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Sxb waa Caytamaysa... ma aniga ayaa garanwaaga Saalax igu mataashay? Hadii Saalax maanta yidhaah hal qof oo reer Somaliland ah oo reer SOL ah ayaa yaqaana, xaal ayaan bixinaya.


Kolkan darsay anigu Saalax waa from Pirateland. Nin reer Somaliland oo is qariya anigu ma aqaan.


Suldaan, Saxiib xaal ayaan kabixin hadii aan kuu gefay.


Waxa lakiin aan la dafiri karin, in tirida doodadaha (topics) aad maalmahan furaysay, iyo weerar/weerar celiska isdaba jooga ah, ay na wada xusuusin karto rag loo yaqiin Cheif Spin Doctors, kuwaas oo soo maray SOL mudada aan soo Jiqilla waynaa madashan, taasoo gaaraysa 11 sano.

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Meesha malaa waa ka maqnayde, waxa in badan meesha misinformation ku faafinaayay Saalax, siiba faafinta wararka qabiilo is dilaaya, dumar sawiradoodii iyo waxyaabo runtii aan ku masaalay qof aan diin lahayn ama damiir kale oo qabta uu so dhigo.


Laakin anigu, waxaan soo dhiga meesha waa topics ka hadlaaya wanaag, horimar iyo mar mar oo siyaasadda/politics ka hadlo.


Hadii aad maanta ii sheegtid hal topic oo deel-qaaf ah oon meesha soo dhigay, waa ka raali celinayaa.



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Saaxiib waa runtaa Madashan waqti badan waan ka mashquulsanaa.


Arinta aan tusaaleeyey waa dhaqdhaqaaqa siyaaday maalmahan iyo sadexda sababood.


Waxaad ka jawaabtay Sababta labaad, mida saxexaadna dooda ayaaba ku saleysan. Waxaan jeclaan lahaa in aad wax uun ka tiraahdo sababta koowaad, doorashada iyo musharixiinta sadexda ah ee aan saluugay.


Howsha Saalax maalin bay qabasho laheyd, waadna ka aamusteen maalintaas. Sababtoo ah, waxuu waqtigaa weerar ku hayey reero kale, asagoo Shaati beesha ah huwan, waana loo sacbinayey.

Waxa la ilaaway waajibku inuu ahaa in gacmaha la qabto.


Unsur akhaaka Daaliman aw Madluuman. Hadaanu maryooley nahay, oraahdaas waxaanu kaqaadanay tarjumaadii Jaahiliyada, ayadoo waajibku yahay midda Islaamka in laga qaato.


Qofka kaliya oo aan ka sheegi karo, inuu arintaas uga duwanaa ragga kale ee beesha waa saaxiibkey Tallaabo.

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