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Clan enclaves & Villa Somalia at odds.

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In the real world federal governments have certain powers given through the constitution of said country. This are unique powers that are known by everyone.


Among the powers of the federal governments are:


A) The monopoly on violence. the federal government has the power to declare

war and the authority to use its military power.


Now, in the case of Somalia, almost all regional governments have their own army and they also have the right to declare war on Al-shabaab and others.


B)The power to issue a national currency and manage the national economy.


Also, most of the Somali regional governments do print their own money and manage their economic activity by entering multilateral agreements.


C) The federal government manages and leads all international and foreign policy issues of the state .


Even in foreign policy most Somali states did establish their own foreign policy without consulting the federal government. THey enter military and intelligence cooperation with both neighboring and other countries.


D) the power to tax and distribute the wealth throughout the regions.


The Somali federal government does not have neither the means nor the capacity to collect any taxes within the regional government. Some of you probably have heard few months ago about the federal government distributing some funds to the regional governments. The fact is that money came from the World Bank and was intended to distribute to the regions.


The main issue here is the Somali federal government does not have a carrot or stick to change the behaviour of the states. By rejecting and contradicting the national government they will not pay any price. The president may have the title, but he does not have the means.


When they are collecting some cash or forced by the donors , they would all act nice and fly to London in order to get the goods, but they have no obligation to follow a man who is hiding in Ugandan tank.


These regions did not declare separation like Somaliland , but their behaviour is just like separate and equal nations.. If they are not equal to the national government, why would they be called president.


As times go by, it will be easy for the next leader to abolish them as they stand today.


Rather than complain, one must work hard and build the national tools to confront these rogue states. THe first enemy of the state is within Somalia. The successful president will be the one who defeats tribal enclaves.










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Federalism is the worse kind of government for SOMALIA, it will only extend and bring more misery, conflict, confusion, and eventually break the country into tiny tribal fiefdoms controlled by Ethiopia. Who came up with this SH!T!


And this is just the beginning.

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Harun Maruf

Harun Maruf @HarunMaruf



A 3rd Somali region declares it's standing w/ UAE-Saudi cloalition against Qatar in an unprecedented challenge to the powers of federal govt

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This is politics 101. The federal govt takes a correct moral decision and states neutral , does not break diplomatic relations with Qatar and allows Qatar airways in its airspace. The federal regions are protecting their economic interest with UAE and Saudi Arabia and I think there is understanding that the federal regions should maintain their economic ties and the federal govt stays neutral and should not antagonize their benefactors.

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This is politics 101. The federal govt takes a correct moral decision and states neutral , does not break diplomatic relations with Qatar and allows Qatar airways in its airspace. The federal regions are protecting their economic interest with UAE and Saudi Arabia and I think there is understanding that the federal regions should maintain their economic ties and the federal govt stays neutral and should not antagonize their benefactors.


If only ppl writing at SOL politics had little understanding about the reality on the ground. Some are here to just warm up to the notion, that any bad news from Somalia, is just a blessing for interests of their Beel. Others live in places with century old democracies and systems. They expect this infant federal system to behave in similar fashion.


Waxaad moodaa in Maryooley ay fahamtay maalmahan, sida ciyaarta siyaasada loo xarakeeyo. Aan iskala qeybino, qolo walba dhinac ha u ganto kubada, habeenkii ayaanu kala warqaadan ayey howshu ku socon maalmahan.


Ninkii raba in dadkan daalay iyo maamulkan curdanka inuu cadow ka xoog badan uu ku jabiyo, danta uu rabo haka lahaadee, xaaladu sidaa u dhici mayso.

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Macnaha rasmiga ah oo ka dambeeya federaalka waxa isha ka tuuray maakhir,inuu umadda sii kala fogooyo mooyee rajo sooma wado,aqoonteedana yeellan mayno ilaa qarniyo dambe.



saaxiib polatics ma'ahan aragtidayda markii dalal kale ku cayaaraan jiritaankaaga dadnimo,kuguna khasbaan waxaadan gayin adoo dhuuni raacaya,qatar waxna kuuma dhimin waxna kuma tarin waxaad kula colowdaa meesha ma yaalaan.


Waliba waxaa hoos u dhacaysa aragtidooda ay kaa qaadan karaan mustaqbalka , oo ku aadan inaad u gadmi karto cid kastoo leef kuu tuurta.


usoo noqo nadaamyada gobolada


Wuxuu keeni karaa khilaaf gudahooda marka laga reebo boqortooyada puntland,oo caa'ilad kaliya xukunto siday doonaana u tasarufta,runtiina noqotay,nadaam aan kula tashan kaana tashan.


Galmadug waa qabiilo usu tagay hadaysan wada cunin laaluushka carabta ama qaarkood damiir celinin way adag tahay inay mowqif qura yeeshaan.


Sidoo kale jubaland hiiraan iyo k/G.


Dawladda waxaa la gudboon inay si toos ah ula xiriiraan UAE iyo KSA una sheegaan inaysan wax tarkooda u adeegsan kala qaybinta umadaan dagaaladu soo daashadeen,ixtiraamaana jiritaankooda.


Madax ku andacoonaysa imaaraadku waxbuu ii qaybtaye qatar maxaan ka helay,kana xishoonayn inay gacantoodu hoosayso waa sharaf dhaca caadada noo noqotay aqoon kastoo madaxeena lagu shubo.


Aduunka dawlad bilaash wax ku bixisa ma jirto marka laga reebo soomaaliya.


Maxaa maslaxada oo ugu jira wax tarkooda? laysma waydiin!


ma dhaafsiisna aragtidooda hotel aysan horay u seexan iyo is bitaal qabsin ku xumaaday looga qalay ama xoogaa jeebka kore loo galiyay, waa intaa waxay damiirkoodii iyo kii dadkay matalaanba u iibsheen.


Haddii la waydiiyo su'aal ah maxaad wax u maamulaysaa haddiiba dawlad kale jeebkeeda aad cod ku leedahay,maad ayaga calankooda ka taagtid dusha sare oo iska tuurtid kan dhiisha ama xidigtu ku sawiran tahay oo wax dheefaba lahayn


Fedaraalka dhexe soo cid kistaa cod kuma laha? muxuu ka samaysanyahay?


soo ma matalo dhamaantood?


dastuurkiisa ma ogolyihiin mise maya?

su'aalahaas markay ka jawaabaan waxbaa noo bixi lahaa


Carabta waxay is hayaan qatar ma'ahan waaa dad wada dhashay oo waliba jufo hoose isku ah berina way heshiin


waxa isku haya soomaaliya waa turkiga iyo carabta,waana in la fahmaa carab hurdo ku daahday daba galkoodu inuusan waxba soo kordhinayn


Turkigu wax muuqda yuu dalka u qabtay siiba caasimadda kumana mashqulin inuu maamul goboleed gaar gaar ula danaysto,taasna waxay ku tusaysaa inuu leeyahay caadifad muslin oo sax ah, indhaha caalamkana kusoo jeeday asagoo waliba wax sharuuda ku xirin.


dekeddii berbara wax soo saarkeedii iyo xoogsadiiba hoos bay u dhacday sida muuqata qaylo iyo qayil la'aan baa ka dhacday.


boosaasana rajo bay ka filayaan balse waa inay sharuudaha buuxiyaan kana hor yimaadaan dawladda dhexe sidoo kale J/land G/mudug Hiiraanland K/G


Markaan isku dhex yaacno sideenii oo alle noo carroodo oo hadana abaaru timaado bay noo soo ducayn ama xoogaa saliida iyo bur isu kaayo kor saari ayagoo waliba telefishinkoodii wata waa carab lagama lug baxo haddaadan aqoon u lahayn.


Dad aan maradooda guntan aqoon cid walba way bahdili aragtidayda.






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This has nothing to do with politics. Folks, Somalia did not side with no one, all it did was exercise the right to avoid someone else s conflict. It did not cut it's to UAE or the Saudis.



As our friend Gooni said, these Arab cousins could reconcile tomorrow, and as many reports indicate , they might end the blockade as soon as the son becomes king.



Also, the regional governments, can protect their interest and keep trading as usual without taking part in the conflict. They UAE are taking over Boosaaso and could even take Kismaayo soon. The crust of the matter is a regional government joining a conflict and illegal blockade of another country while contradicting the national government.



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The problem is that most of the Somalis idea of federal system is a strong federal government and weak member states and that is wrong. Each entity has its responsibilities and duties but sometimes things may overlap due to some special circumstance. Case in-point when Trump cancelled the Paris agreement, powerful states such CA, NY, Washington forged alliance and promised to adhere to the Paris accord in rebuke to the Trump administration. I thought Galbeedi, the pragmatist will appreciate the political maturity of Somalis. Gooni will always reject federalism even though there is no alternative and even though your candidate Farmaajo is implementing it rather well. As Che said the problem is not federalism or any any other system we choose, it us.


At the present time we are in no position to antagonize unnecessarily powerful states in a conflict that has no strategic significance or lasting impact. The federal govt has taken a moral stance and the member states are safeguarding the interest of Somalis and to remain friendly with all Arab countries. Farmaajo and Khyre understand this dilemma and are not rebuking the federal member states.

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This president must take the moral leadership and warn these countries. It is an open season with him. from Egypt to Ethiopia, now the UAE is probably paying everyone to weaken him and he has done nothing to reverse this.


He has the power of the Somali people behind him , yet he is acting like a weak leader who has no backing.


or maybe there is underground war going between him and the gulf.


his actions of handing Qalbi Dhagax had negative effects inside Ethiopia. What can stop him of just saying that "Ethiopia must guarantee the safety of Somalis under he control. Well, he can not do that because he just transferred another Somali to Ethiopia .


Well, this president has to man up and come out from hiding.

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Gelbeedi, I guess you haven't read well about the point PA made earlier.


Ther is no war here. Unless you're in the same page with Anti-Federal brigades from day one, led by Oday Gooni for his well known stand and, The Sultan of Melbourne, also for a known reason.


The two sides, FG and FS have valid points in there positions. They are both here to safeguard interests of the nation, whether it is Federal or State level. Nobody want to create missery for this fragile nation. Both FG and FS are in a position to understand one another in this case.


Please cut off the bulshit of"Somali people" are with or not with someone. The leaders in both Federal and States are the voice of the Somali people. Keyboard warriors living in the west are not and, most of them live in fantasy filled day dreaming.


I will take someone serious the day they live among their ppl and, make statements based on reality.

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Foreign issues are under purview of the federal executive branch, That;s very clear. Whether the Federal Government is wrong or right is beside the point. We can't have federal states pushing the agenda of foreign powers and undermining Somali sovereignty.


These states could have expressed their displeasure in private or through the federal parliament..


Listen to Xaaf:


He and others are flagrantly undermining the central government hence Somali sovereignty


You need to see the big picture!!,



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You can write down on a piece of paper all the "clauses" you want and call it a constitution. If there is no strong power to enforce it, it is not worth the paper it is written on.


In the short term, What foresee is a continuation of the status-quo for sometime to come. Villa Somalia remaining weak and at the mercy of powerful clans and clan-enclaves.


For the long term, as people get tired of the continuous never ending quagmire that "Federalism" brings, I see a conflict between the two opposing sides "Federalists" on the one side and the "Centralists" on the other side.


Whoever wins in this final showdown, will bring a semblance of a Government which can legitimately claim representation of what used to Italian Somalia.

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Foreign issues are under purview of the federal executive branch, That;s very clear. Whether the Federal Government is wrong or right is beside the point. We can't have federal states pushing the agenda of foreign powers and undermining Somali sovereignty.


These states could have expressed their displeasure in private or through the federal parliament..


Listen to Xaaf:



He and others are flagrantly undermining the central government hence Somali sovereignty


You need to see the big picture!!,


Che, waa sidaad u sheegtay. Wayna iman waqti dhow in lakala guro xuquuqaha iyo waajibaadka FG & SG. Waana midda usbuucan oo dhan Xamar looga shirayey. Inta arintaas laga gaarayo, waxa furan in la ilaaliyo maslaxada guud iyo mida gobol intaba.


Hadii FG u aragtay dan mowqifka ay qaadatay, waa mid ixtiraam mudan, waxaase meesha aan laga saari karin in arintaas, ayaduna aysan wax u dhimin masaalixda gobolada.


Waxa kaliya aan rabay, inaan waxyar uun tooshka kushido raggan ku barbaaray/baraaray nidaamkii Kalitalisnimada, una sheego in wadanku sidii hore uusan marna kusoo noqon doonin.


Wadama Afrika horumarka sameeyey waa kuwa leh saaxiib laysku haleyn karo ay dhabarka saaraan, sidoo kalena kudadaalay inay sameysan cadow ayagoo si kale wax u maareyn kara.

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