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Somalilanders massacred in Awaday, Oromia by their Ethiopian "brothers"

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Tirada iyo Magacyada Rag Ka Mid Ah Ganacsatada QAADKA Oo Intooda Badan U Dhasheen Somaliland, Oo Dad Gadooday Oo Qoomiyadda Oromada Ahi Ku Laayeen Magaalada Hawaday Shalay



Hawaday, 13 September, 2017-(Himilo) – Alle ha u naxariistee Rag Tiradooda lagu sheegay illaa 17 isla-markaana badankoodu ka soo jeeda Somaliland, ayaa Shalay Siyaabo kala duwan loogu Dilay Magaalada Hawaday ee Dalka Itoobiya.

Raggan la laayey oo dhammaantood ahaa Shaqaalihii ka shaqeynayey Maqsinnada Qaadka ee Magaalada Hawaday ee Qaadka looga soo diro dhinaca Somaliland, ayaa Shalay iyaga Shaqo-Maalmeedkoodii Caadiga ah ku jira waxa si Kadis ah Maqsinnadii Qaadka ee ay ku shaqeynayeen ugu soo galay Boqollaal Qof oo Qoomiyadda Oromada ah, kuwaasi oo la sheegay ka biyo-diidsanayeen Taageero la sheegay in Qoomiyadda Soomaalidu ay Taageertay Hawl-gallo ay Dawladdu kaga hor-tagaysay Kacdoonnadii Oromada ee Sannadkii hore dhammaadkiisa Dalka Itoobiya ka dhacay, ayaa markii ay galeen Maqsinadda Qaadka ay Rasaas la dhaceen Raggii Qaad-waleyaasha ah ee Maqsinnada ku sugnaa, Qaarkoodna ay Majooyin ay siteen Qudha kaga jareen, halka ay qaarkoodna ka soo tuureen Dabaqyo ay ku jireen.

Wargeyska Himilo oo Xalay la xidhiidhay Magaalada Hawaday ayaa loo sheegay in Gabi ahaanba Maqsinnadii Qaadka ee Hawaday albaabbada loo laabay oo aanay shaqaynayn, ka dib markii Shaqaalihii Qaadka ee Dhagartaa ka badbaadday ay Nafahooda ula carareen Dhinaca Magaalada Herer, waxaana la sheegay inay wakhti Xaadirka ku jiraan Xero Ciidan oo halkaa ku taalla isla-markaana ay badbaado bideen.

Dhacdadan Naxdinta leh, ayaa keentay in Ganacsatada Qaadka ee ku sugan Somaliland, sida Caasimadda Hargeysa inay waayaan Cid ay Lacagtii Qaadka ku hagaajiyaan oo ay u diraan.

Dadkan la laayey ayaa waxay iskugu jiraan Karaaniyiin, Khasnajiyo, Dirawaliin, Iibiyaal Qaad, Raaciga Qaadka iyo Shaqaale Hoosaad kale, sidaasi awgeed Wargeyska Himilo wuxuu halkan idiinku soo gudbinayaa Alle ha u naxariistee Magacyada Lix ka mid ah 17-ka Qof ee Oromadu ku laysay Magaalada Hawaday, inkasta oo Wargeyska HIMILO ka cudur-daaranayo in aanay u suurto-galin inuu soo wada Gudbiyo Magacyada Dadkaasi oo dhamaystiran, hase-ahaatee aanu hellay Magaca koowaad iyo Naanaysaha, waxayna kala yihiin sidan:-

1.Cabdiqaadir Aadan Xasan.

2.Cismaan Cawdal.

3.Guuleed Hambase.

4.Cabdillaahi Fadhaase.


6.Axmed Faraqe.

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32 Somalis killed in Haawaday district of eastern Ethiopia


(Medeshi)- Aleast 32 Somalis were killed on Tuesday in Haawaday district of eastern Ethiopia.


The killings are related to an ongoing conflict between the Oromos and the Somalis in region 5 of Ethiopia. 17 of the victims have been identified as Somalilanders from Awdal region. Most of the victims were Khat traders, drivers and support workers. Haawaday is one of the locations where Khat is exported to Somaliland.


The Oromos have accused the Liyu police of the Ethiopian Somali region of killing its people; but the spokesman for the Liyu police told the VOA Oroma language that the accusation is baseless.



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I would hope you stop using the term Somalilander for Ethiopians or their Abyssinian precursor see all Somalis one and the same.


Somalis are confused a lot who can't see the big picture. Political differences no matter how deep or painful should not blind us from seeing the larger threat facing all Somalis. We have no brothers and no friends. The sooner we understand that the better it will be for the Somali nation, a big force to be reckon with should they decide to stop the current insanity.


AUN intii dhimatay,

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This did happen within the Somali zone. It is the first time the large number is killed by Oromo. I blame Cabdi Illey who is used by the TPLF to oppress and kill he Oromo through his liyuu police.


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Che-Guavara incase you haven't noticed I am mocking the

"Ethiopians are our brothers aka wiil Addis ku dhashay

ba iga dhow wiil ku dhashay Mogadishu" politicians.

Somalis are nothing overall in Ethiopia and the bottom of

the pile.

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This did happen within the Somali zone. It is the first time the large number is killed by Oromo. I blame Cabdi Illey who is used by the TPLF to oppress and kill he Oromo through his liyuu police.



It happened in Awaday it is part of Oromia it might have been

part of Somali zone in the past. Everything has consequences,

of course other ethnic groups will get angry if Somalis attack

them following Tigray orders.

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Saalax is a confused kid. This has nothing to do with geopolitics. It is civil strive between neighboring ethnic groups.


Ilaahay ha u naxariisto dhamaan inta ku dhimatay.


The root cause of the issue is Ina Ilay and his Liyu dogs who causing lots of problems for all the ethnic groups including Somalis.


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Suldaanka however you look at it, it is clear Somalilander lives

have no value same goes for the rest of the Somalis in Ethiopia.

Abdi Iley is just a puppet working for his Tigre masters. It is the

Tigre gov that told him to provoke the Oromos in the first place.




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Suldaanka do you honestly believe Iley and Liyu Police act on their own? Nothing is done without the permission of TPLF Generals.


Gen. Abraha Woldemariam ran the Somali Region like his personal fiefdom. Iley is a merely puppet, a brutal one and gift to TLPF and its army.


Gen Masho, Abraha's replacement, is no different. No paramilitary force in the Somali and Oromo Regions will act on their own. The TPLF will encourage and tolerate these activities as long as it distracts the restlessness young Oromos.


The TPLF understands the Somali psyche. If a Liyu force kills civilians in Galgaduud, the leader of the force will mostly like be someone from D-block. If they kill anyone in Gedo, the leader will likely be from H or Dir Blocks. Somalis don't look beyond the obvious and TPLF counts on that simple fact.


Liyu's most victims are OGs.


Salaax, I understand you are going with this, dead Somali is a dead Somali. How Somalis from different regions view such acts is at this point irrelevant,

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Che you have to realize the only way to make khat addicts realize

the reality is writing in big letters. Otherwise the nonsense of

"Ethiopians are our brothers" will continue.

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do you honestly believe Iley and Liyu Police act on their own? Nothing is done without the permission of TPLF Generals.


Gen. Abraha Woldemariam ran the Somali Region like his personal fiefdom. Iley is a merely puppet, a brutal one and gift to TLPF and its army.


Gen Masho, Abraha's replacement, is no different. No paramilitary force in the Somali and Oromo Regions will act on their own. The TPLF will encourage and tolerate these activities as long as it distracts the restlessness young Oromos.


The TPLF understands the Somali psyche. If a Liyu force kills civilians in Galgaduud, the leader of the force will mostly like be someone from D-block. If they kill anyone in Gedo, the leader will likely be from H or Dir Blocks. Somalis don't look beyond the obvious and TPLF counts on that simple fact.


Liyu's most victims are OGs.


, I understand you are going with this, dead Somali is a dead Somali. How Somalis from different regions view such acts is at this point irrelevant,


I understand that Ina Ilay is a puppet. But that is the whole point, he is the worse puppet that ever lived.


The Oromia leaders will never succumb to this kind of low, nor do the Amhara region leaders.

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Che, said


"Suldaanka do you honestly believe Iley and Liyu Police act on their own? Nothing is done without the permission of TPLF Generals.


That is exactly what is happening. There are TPLf commanders and their army in the border regions. Some times they instruct the liyuu Police to do their damage within Somalia to subdue regional governments.


Here Faysal Rooble is contradicting himself. In the interview ha said that "the Oromo are responsible , and this is solely between them and Somali communities and the Ethiopian government has nothing to do with it" at the end of the interview he inadvertently said , " The Liyuu police were ordered by Addis Ababa government not to intervene in Liban region confrontations".


The Liyuu police can easily stop the Oromo and protect the Somalis, but the Liyuu police were not created to serve and protect Somalis. It was created to crash the independence seeking Somalis and to intimidate the Somali regional administrations. Since EThiopia can not invade openly Somalia due to the weak ,but internationally recognized government, they are unleashing the Liyuu to their dirty jobs.


The Oromo are rising up and they were agitating for the last year and half to get rid of the TPLF power through public uprising and protest. Despite the emergency powers implemented by the government , the Oromo issue won't go away. a small uneleted minority who are less than 7% of the popolation can not rule 45 million people who mifgt be 60% of the popolation. That the crust of the matter.


Now the TPLF has devised a new plan to shift the war from the suburbs of Addis and to the Somali and Oromia region. If conflict starts there, they could be able to stay in power for few more years and would pretend to be trying to resolve the same issue they created themselves.


They unleashed the Somali alphabet guerilla movement in the eighties, warlords in the nineties, and Al-shabaab after 2005. Yet, since 1991, they pretending to reconcile the Somali political players they themselves created. They might use these same formula and and create dangerous conflict between Somalis and the Oromo. Also the way the Oromo are committing these crimes against innocent Somalis could create a lasting enmity. You can not hack to death civilians who has done nothing against you.


Furthermore, the demarcation of zones is solely on the authority of the TPLF. THey were the ones who single handedly took the ancient Somali town of Dire-dawa and made it federal controlled zone. Many traditional Somali towns were given to them, but it all on the authority of the TPLF.


The Oromo should not fall into this trap created by the colonial rulers of the TPLF. They should not be acting like savages cutting the throats of Somalis. The best solution is for the Tigray boys to go back to their region and abolish Ethiopia just like former Yugoslavia. No empire of the 19th century has survived except the Abyssinian despots,


Even a friend told me , " Hey Galbeedi, you, Abdi Samatar and others must stop criticizing Ethiopia or more Somalis will be killed by the TPLF through Oromo or even through Cabdi Illey.


My friends, nothing happens without the TPLF, so prepare for the worst. We, the Oromos and Somalis should not fall to their plot twice. We should work together to get rid of northern highlanders who has no business in Jigjiga and Hawaas.













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Guys, you sum it up,nothing happens without TPLF, and they are playing high level game.


I had long discussion with my OROMO friend, who is very fluent in SOMALI, he told me Oromos understand and expected this game, it is simple strategy of SOMALIS vs OROMOS,and Tigrey to rule.


The Tigrey is shitting their pants after they saw the OROMO, giant waking up, and to stop SOMALI lagu jeheen. Tigrey are very smart, and will try to survive by any means.


AGAIN ,somalis and Oromos should not fall into this trap.

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