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Che -Guevara

Ahmed Madobe: We Failed

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A government draws respect and power not from the foreign governments or economic might or any of that. Rather a government that has and enjoys the legitimacy of those they represent can withstand whatever thrown at it.


This cannot be said true for the phantom government in Villa Somalia. And because of that the international community has such powerful sway over and flog it which ever way it likes.


The Madoobe dude of Kismayo understands that he too exists because of foreign power and therefore when push comes to shove has to tow the line.


In contrast the Pirate enclave enjoy a level of legitimacy from their people and that allows him to refuse what the people he represents don't accept.



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ahmed madoobe waa nin macquul ah laakin waxaa qadka kasaaray oo bohol ku ridy asxaabta reer lugooyo, laakiin hada cashar ayuu soo qaatay

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Waa beel laandheer ah dee. There are the 5.5.


Cismaan Gamuute“C/weli Gaas Kismaayo ayuu 4.5 ku saxiixay Markuu Muqdisho tagayna wuu ka baxay”..


Published on January 26, 2016 by tusmo · No Comments

Siyaaasi Cismaan Xasan Faarax Gamuute oo horay xildhibaan uga soo noqday dowladdii Carta, ahna Siyaasi reer Puntland ah ayaa madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland C/weli Maxamed Cali Gaas ku dhaliilay go’aan qaadashadiisa arrimaha doorashooyinka Soomaaliya ee dabayaaqada sanadkaan 2016.


Halkaan ka dhageyso wareysi


Cismaan Gamuute waxaa uu waxaa uu sheegay inuu xog rasmi ah ku hayo in madaxda Puntland iyo Jubbaland ay shirkii Kismaayo ku saxiixeen inay qaateen nidaamka wax qaybsiga qabiilada ee 4.5, balse markii cadaadis xoog leh uu uga yimid shacabka siyaasiyiinta kale ay heshiiskaas ka baxeen.


Si gaar ah waxaa uu u soo hadal qaaday in Madaxweyne C/weli Gaas ku eedeeyay inuu dowladda federaalka ah uga baxay heshiiskii ahaa in la isla qaatay 4.5, ka dib markii cadaadis xoog leh uga yimid shacabka Puntland iyo Siyaasiyiinta Puntland oo aan oggolayn in mar kale wax lagu qaybsado nidaamka 4.5.

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The Madoobe dude of Kismayo understands that he too exists because of foreign power and therefore when push comes to shove has to tow the line. In contrast the Pirate enclave enjoy a level of legitimacy from their people and that allows him to refuse what the people he represents don't accept.


I agree. There are things Puntland can do which Madoobe can't.

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C/weli is a democrat, he is trying to do things with consensus.. What he doesn't get is in the Somali political environment of " I jiid aan ku Jiidee", you need to be tough. they see consultations as weakness.


C/raxman Farroole is behind the curtain maneuvering against Gaas. Faroole has no business of interfering the current leadership and their decisions. He has no business to even talk to the media. Did you hear anything about Cade Muuse and others?, no. The federal government has a good partner in c/weli who is more flexible than Faroole , so they must not push him to the hardliners camp.

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Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay Soomaaliya Michael Keating oo gaaray Kismaayo


Magaalada Kismaayo waxaa maanta gaaray wafdi uu hor kacayo safiirka cusub ee wakiilka uga ah Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya Mr. Michael Keating ee sanadkii hore damaadkiisa loo soo magacaabay.


Waxaa wafdiga garoonka Kismaayo ku soo dhaweeyey madaxda Jubbaland oo ugu horeeyo madaxweyne ku xigeenka Cabdullaahi Sh Ismaaciil Fartaag iyo masuuliyiin kale oo maamulka tirsan.


Safarkan oo ah kii ugu horeeyey ee safiirka ku tago Kismaayo ayaa ujeedkiisa lagu sheegay is xogwaraysi ku aadan Xafiiska Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya waxaana uu la kulmi doonaa Madaxweynaha Jubbaland Axmed Madobe.


Mr. Michael Keating iyo Axmed Madoobe ayaa dhamaadkii bishii hore kuwada kulmay magaalada Muqdisho oo ahaa kulankoodii u horeeyey.


Horseed Media

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