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Direct flights are pouring in. Pilot says this is the best runway in Somalia

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The best. No questions asked. Hear it from the foreign pilot himself niyoow.


The Chinese know how to build quality stuff niyoow.

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That is Ina Olad CEO of Daalo Airlines the man speaking with grey suit, seems

people from West Burco do business everywhere. Bosaso airport is looking amazing.

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Gooramada caalamigaa ee soomaalida mushkiladoodu waxaa weeyaan waxa ka dega diyaarado caalami ah oo lagasoo kiraystay ruushkii burburay waana inaad neefta isku celisaa ilaa ay hawada ku fogaato


Ayadoon dadkii kasoo deigin baa alaabtii iyo boorsooyinkii lagasoo dejiyaa halkaa waxaa ku bilaabata ha igu joogsan iyo boorsadaydii ma aragtay malaha Dubai baa looga soo tegay iwm, wax standard oo caalamka sedexaad iyo kan shanaad oo la haystaan ma jiro


Garoon caalima ah wuxuu u baahan yahay diyaarado caalami ah iyo dad taba baran oo ilko qurxoon.


Shamitadaan meesha lagu khasaariyay waxa ka Baraka badnayd ayadoo wado loogu dhiso dhulka gaari waaga ah diyaaradahaan ruushku uma baahna garoon caalami ah meeshay doonaan bay ku degaan haday lacagtooda helaan taasi waa aragtidayda.


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^ Salty qabyaalad cuqdad masquearding as constructive criticism. Shamitadaan meesha lagu khasaariyay kulaha.


Funny thing is a fellow Gedo-ite Saacid approved this project over the objections of the HAG camp, and that one of main reasons he was removed by Daaman buurne

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It is premature to talk about international flights, but a strategic port city of Boosaaso needs an airport. It is minutes away from the gulf of Eden.


When the Ethiopian Airline appraisers arrived to check the just finished Hargeisa Airport in 2014, they faulted the capacity of the runway to handle heavy 737 Boeing planes. Also the perimeter of the airport was not fenced to keep human and animals from entering.


connected people and incompetent minister mismanaged and used normal asphalt with no deep cement concrete. If you want to compare check these two runways.

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Gooni, dadku dalka way booqanayaan . marka aad eegto malaayiinta Soomaalida ah ee qurbaha tagtay, waa lagama maar maan in la helo kaabayaal sida Airporada oo kale ah.


Dubai, Cadan, iyo Khaliijkuba waxba uma jiro Boosaaso.

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waa runtaa saxiib kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha waa loo baahan yahay

aragtidayda baahidu waa labo siday iigu muuqato


mid waa daruuri midna waa tarfiihi ama faanfaan somaliya wadan dalxiis ma ahan waqtiga hadda la joogo


baahidiisu waa ceelal biyo laga cabo wadooyin islaanta dhali wayda lagusoo gaarsiiyo isbitaalada, dugsiyo wax barasho oo bulsho caafimaad qabta barbaarisa.


Baahida hore waa taas


Tan dalxiiska waxaa soo jiita bulsho qurux badan oo dhul nabada ku nool masha allah reer beriguna waa dad nabadeed balse indho dalxiis lagu qaabilo kuma arag ninyahow


xaafuun hadii baddu soo buuxiso waa jasiirad airport ay ka soo dhoofaana ma leh wadana ma leh

su'aashaydu waxa weeyaan....


islaan ciyaal dhaqan celisa wadata iyo oday carabtu soo tarxiishay maxaa dhaqaale kasoo geli kara airport caalami ah oo ku yaal soomaaliya meeshay ku dhamaato?






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gooni, the airport will serve the Mudug, Nugal, Bari, Sool and Sanaag. The people, that had to travel to these regions, were forced to go to Hargeisa and Mogadishu. It is a matter of need and this part of Somalia needed a decent airport. The population size and the land mass does justify the cost.


As for customers, I would not underestimate the returnees, business people and others who come to see and possibly invest. Of course, a tourism industry is highly unlikely now. However, potential investors (who are the actual targets) need infrastructures, ports, roads, etc. One must have good infrastructure before investors can even entertaining coming to Somalia.


We cannot attract investors if we shelf projects just because there might not be customers.


Besides, Puntland have embarked on building roads (Ceel-Dahir to Ceerigaabo), (renovating Galkacayo-Garowe) (Goldogob-Galkacayo.

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^ Add to that, there was a lot Garabeyshan for seats on these flights, you can understand why PL'ers breathed a collective sigh of relief at this development.


Gooni's cantarbaqash is so transparent, he doesn't hide it. LOL, Xaqdi ha u dhiman.

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che mahad sanid

tartanka garoomada shirkadaha dhoofinta xoolaha iyo xabagta wax badan baa dalka iyo dadka faa'iida kasoo gala waa runtaa

balse mudug iyo boosaso waa 700Km hadaanan khaldanayn hargaysana waa isku dhowyihiin qiyaastii


kasbashada dadka ama customer'ka waa lagu tartamaa

danyartana faa'iido weynbaa ugu jirto meeshii jeebkaaga badbaadisa waa ehelkaa


si kastaba nin aqoon leh waa baraha dadkaan aqoonta badbayn sidaydoo kale thanks



saxiib allaha ku saamaxo puntland haddaad il uga baqayso biyaha badda oo dhalo ku jira iridda hore halagu xiro



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