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Former Siad Bare driver kicked out of his house in Mogadishu

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According to Mogadishu mayor Muungaab this old man is from Gedo thus

guilty by association.








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Some clans want to have their own piece of land exclusive to them and share other clan's lands too.


its not fair.


Every clan has its own dagaan, they should stick there.


All the these problems would end.

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Odaygaan waxaan kula talin lahaa inuu ogaado qaabka wax u socdaan xamar waagii aabe siyaad allaha u naxariistee joogay ma’ahan halgan dheer baa loosoo maray lahaanshaheeda rag baa naftoodii iyo ilkahoodiiba ku waayay waana arinta keentay in xuduudkii soomaliyoo dhan la waayo naftaada bulikeeti ha siisan waa talo kashka iyo laabta kasoo go’day.



Soomaalidu waa dad isku asala mana aaminsani shakhsiyan inay dhul kala leeyihiin laakiin waxaa la rabay inuu kornaylku ku quus qaato markuu cadaaladda doonayo shan madaxweyne oo ka dambaysay marxuumkuu darawalka u ahaa oo caqligooduna dhaafi waayay shangaani iyo kaaraan.


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mana aaminsani shakhsiyan inay dhul kala leeyihiin


How so ?


cid waliba soo degaan ukhaas maleh ?


Xamar belongs to certain clans, outsiders should keep out.


Let him go to Gedo or Garbaharey, what is he doing in Xamar ?

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You are not very bright, are you?


Che, How do you do ?


I was being hyperbolic of course, but its not far off the truth.


One of the lead causes of the Somali civil war was the southern clans' anger at domination by the northern clans, they also felt their traditional territories were being encroached upon.


Now, smart people who had houses and plots in Xamar have already sold it, they know Humpty Dumpty can't be put back together.


But there are few stupid holdouts like these driver who need to be reminded why the civil war was fought and more importantly who won.


Get it ?

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I am well.


Most of the land disputes and conflicts in today's Somalia is between people within the same tribe. Your assumption that segregation will solve the problem is flawed.


What do you suggest, each sub-sub-sub-sub clan should go to their village?

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That is minor compared to the elephant that is the conflict between the two major clans in Somalia. That is what started the civil war not some minor skirmish between two sub clans which always happened but never took down the country.


The root of the problem is the brazen territorial ambitions and desire for domination by the different clans and sub clans. Somalis are always scheming on how to displace other clans from their lands.


Put and end to that and you solve Somalia's problem for good. Which is impossible unless these mad people settle down and become farmers.



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I am well.


Most of the land disputes and conflicts in today's Somalia is between people within the same tribe. Your assumption that segregation will solve the problem is flawed.


What do you suggest, each sub-sub-sub-sub clan should go to their village?


Why not ?


Unless the hosts are cool with different clans' in their backyard.


The only other option is for the dissolution of all clan identity, which you and i know ain't gonna happen.


its one thing if you stay in another person house to be quiet and behave yourself, but they bad mouth the hosts and scheme endlessly.


clannism is their alpha and omega.


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There hasn't been any wars between major clans since early 90s. Every subsequent major war since early 90s were between sub-clans within the same larger clan. Apart from Juba, borders were quickly established following the fall of the Barre regime. That started with Mudug agreement where Aidid and Yusuf decided to spare their people.


Since every major war including the Beledweyne conflict carried out by Ato, Kismayo conflict between Jees, Morgan and Hiirale, Xamar between Cali Mahdi and AIdid and Puntland civil war, were mostly fought by sub-clans within a large clan.


You can segregate Somalis and divide the country into million villages, these things will still persist.

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^ i stated for you the solutions as i see it, Che, ruminate on it and then reply to me.


its not hard


1. Every clan retreats to its original territory


2. Ditch nomad-ism and adopt sedentary lifestyle.


3. Dissolve all clan identity - the least likely option.



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it is very realistic.


We agreed the major clans are back in their home bases, hence federalism and what have you.


Desegregation at the sub clan level in some places has yet to take place though, e.g


Reer Bari desire to be left alone in their land.


Some HAG Clans are squatting on fellow HAG's territories in central Somalia.


In so called Somaliland, some inter clan sorting has to take place.



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