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Most Of The Victims of The Mogadishu Bombings Were From Puntland

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After much mayhem, and as the dust settles, it is becoming clear that most of the victims in this latest atrocity came from Puntland as reported;


Akhriso Magacyada Arday,Siyaasiyiin iyo Isim reer Puntland oo ku dhintay qarixii shalay ka dhacay Muqdisho.

Arday reer Puntland ah,Siyaasiyiin,Isimo iyo Ciidamo ayaa umada reer Puntland kaga geeriyooday qarixii Ismiidaaminta ahaa ee shalay ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho,waxaana dadka ugu badan ee qaraxa ku dhintay ay ahaayen reer Puntland.

Liiska Magacyada dadka reer Puntland ee qaraxa Muqdisho ku dhintay;-

1- Cabdi Shakuur Mire Aadan oo xilal kala duwan kaso qabtay Puntland ahaana Qoraa,

2- Agaasimihii hore ee Wasaaradda Ganacsiga Puntland Maxamed Yuusuf Sharlaawe.

3- Shire Jaamac Xassan oo ahaa Arday reer Puntland ah oo Muqdisho u doontay Waxbarasho Jaamacadeed oo Turkiga ah.

4- Maxamed Amiin Guure Arday reer Puntland ah oo Waxbarasho Jaamacadeed oo Turkiga ah sugayay.

5- Suldaan Cabdulqaadir Suldaan Yaasiin Keenadiid oo ka mid ahaa Isimada Puntland.

6- Xildhibaan Axmed Ducale Xaaji Kafee oo ka tirsanaa Golaha Baarlamanka Puntland.

7- Cabdifataax Khaliif Baadiye oo ahaa La-taliyaha Ra’iisul Wasaaraha

8- Axmed Abshir Muuse Sarkaal oo ahaa Sarkaal ka tirsan Ciidanka.

9- 6-askari oo reer Puntland ah oo ahaa illaalada Ra’iisul Wasaare Sharmaarke iyo dad kale.

Madaxweynaha Dawlada Puntland Mudane Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali ‘’Gaas’’ ayaa si adag u cambaareeyay qaraxa ka dhacay Muqdisho.

Gobolada Puntland ayaa si wayn looga dareemay Ardayda,Isimada,Siyaasiyiinta iyo Saraakiisha reer Puntland ee qaraxa ku Nafwaayay.

Si kastaba ha ahate,umada reer Puntland ayaa wali u taagan sidii umada Soomaaliyeed ay dib ugu hanan lahaayeen Qaranimadii ka burburtay.

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My deep condolences for Shacabka Reer Puntland.

They must continue the jihad against alshabab. Kill them on spot.

If u see a person hiding mine, shoot him dead on the spot. Wallahi there is no mercy for terrorists.



The centre of terrorism is Hargeisa. That city must be levelled niyoow. Its where al suicide attacks are planned.



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The centre of terrorism is Hargeisa. That city must be levelled niyoow. Its where al suicide attacks are planned.


I spot no difference between you and the bombers of yesterday.


Both of you are:

- Blinded by hate.

- Call for indiscriminate killings.

- Enjoy the misery of the other nomads.


The only difference is that, you are in an early stage, spitting the hate poison over the internet. If you could have had the means and materials of the Central Hotel psychopaths you will have committed nastier atrocities.

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Sida la sheegay hotelka waxaa iska leh ganacsato somalilander shaqsiga lahaa gaariga fuliyey qaraxa waa somalilander wuuna baxsaday gabadha isku masjidka hortiisa waa shaqaalaha hotelka waana somalilander



Punland waxay sheegaysay waxbaa ka jira

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Sida la sheegay, iyo bla bla bla.


Waryaa cadnaan1 bal noo sheeg,


Yaa sheegay?

cadynta uu hayo masheegay?

yaa hubiyey in sida lasheegay wax u jiraan?


Caqliga majuhuu kagalay maryooley ma is tiri.





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yonis sxb filmikiina wuu qarxay waa la ogaaday halka laga soo abaabulo falalka argagixisada waana hargeysa


hotelka waxaa leh reer jirde huseen ninka qaraxa ka dambeyey wuxuu qaraabo la yahay milkilaha hotelka wuxuuna hotel daganaa 6 bilood wuxuuna haystaa dhalashada britishka.





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AUN,,haters gona hate and foreva lose.So the war lords,aideed,ali Mahdi,islamic courts etc who leveled Mogadishu ,killed and maimed 100,000s of thousands and sent millions fleeing from Mogadishu to as far away as Minnesota must have been from Hargeisa!!!.Nothing is gonna change so long you'r(some southerners like you) the bomber and the hater.


condolences to the good Somali people.

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yonis sxb filmikiina wuu qarxay waa la ogaaday halka laga soo abaabulo falalka argagixisada waana hargeysa


hotelka waxaa leh reer jirde huseen ninka qaraxa ka dambeyey wuxuu qaraabo la yahay milkilaha hotelka wuxuuna hotel daganaa 6 bilood wuxuuna haystaa dhalashada britishka.



So that convinced you, Hargeisa is responsible for the atrocity and hence be leveled in the words of your fellow hate monger Axmed!

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We loose too many of our sons in senseless killings everyday, for what?.

We lost more of the brightest group of our citizens yesterday. It is my belief that those that orchestrated these atrocities did so in the hope that they will destroy our collective will to move forward and reconcile our differences. The mere fact that the majority of the victims were not necessarily from the Banadiir region as you would have expected tells us something, our people are slowly rising from the ashes and reintegrating, we are starting to move around without fear of being targeted due to our qabiil. It is a good sign and those that did this are hoping that we go back to the ways of days gone.


They are hoping we don't get together, we don't talk to each other because only in those circumstances can they flourish. It is therefore of no use to us collectively to label each other- we will only be benefiting the bastards that did this. Instead, the deaths of our people should make a difference. It should be a time to get together and work out the issues before us and hopefully resolve the stupid arguments we have. When I say "we", I am not referring to s specific region, I mean the entire Somalia and yes, it does include the regions of somaliland and it's populace. They may disagree, but they are as much victims as any other. They suffer as much as the rest of Somalis. We need to stop the hateful speeches and I do admit I have in the past been at fault too. Time to take a higher moral ground brothers and sisters.

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I spot no difference between you and the bombers of yesterday.


Both of you are:

- Blinded by hate.

- Call for indiscriminate killings.

- Enjoy the misery of the other nomads.


The only difference is that, you are in an early stage, spitting the hate poison over the internet. If you could have had the means and materials of the Central Hotel psychopaths you will have committed nastier atrocities.



How can i differentiate terrorists and somalidiid? They work together. Somalidiid gives bombs to terrorists, fund themm and instruct them to attack xamar so that ictiraaf may come.


I fear for my aakhiro if i differentiate terrorists from somalidiid, and somalidiid from terrorists. Also i fear for my aakhiro if i dont hate terrorists and somalidiid.


This attack was committed by terrorist supporter siilaanyo abuu caloolweyne, to kill puntlanders wherever they are.


Puntland must answer this cruel attack against their people. Socalled govt in xamar is weak, they are no one. Puntland is more govt than socalled govt in xamar ever wished to be.

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Puntland must answer this cruel attack against their people. Socalled govt in xamar is weak, they are no one. Puntland is more govt than socalled govt in xamar ever wished to be.


What will that achieve?, that is precisely what the perpetrators want. Instead one should look at this holistically and see the big picture.The enemy thrives on one thing "divide and conquer", I refuse to let the enemy divide us, and that should be our mantra when we face the enemy as one.

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