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Gedo Clan from Cabudwaaq warns Centeral State that they will join Puntland

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Beesha Caabudwaaq oo war cad kasoo saray dhismaha maamulka gobolada Dhexe ee muranku ka taagan yahay


Waxgaradka Beesha Caabudwaaq ayaa maanta war cad kasoo saaray muranka ka taagan maamul u sameynta gobolada dhexe ee Soomaaliya. Sidoo kale waxgaradka Beesha Caabudwaaq oo ka hadlay Shirka dhawaan la cilaamiyay ee Beesha Caabudwaaq ku yeelaneyso magaalada Cabudwaaq ayaa daboola ka qaaday in ay taageersan yihiin qabashada shirka guud ee Beesha Caabudwaaq dhawaan uga furmayo magalada cabudwaaq.


Ugu danbeyntii waxgaradka Beesha Caabudwaaq ayaa ka digay dhismaha maamul Beeleed hal gabol ah oo aan Dastuurka Soomaaliya wafaaqsaneen, hadii lagu dhaqaaqaana sheegay in ay iyagana Maamulka Puntland ku biiri doonaan.

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If the Bililiqo Inc decide to side step the federal constitution and try --for clan reasons alone--to take the 2 districts of Hobyo and Xarardheer from Mudug to form this so-called abortion called central state, then by all means ...two can play that game, and the Kacaan family in Galgaduud will have no choice but to hark back to their pirate brethren in Puntland.


Remember these Central State proponents were the same folks who used to accuse Puntland of propagating a clan federal system. But now they are the ones in the forefront of trying to split Mudug along clan lines. But let me assure them, they will reap only what they sow... If they think of breaking Mudug apart, then Galguduud will be split along clan lines too.

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How can Geedo join Puntland when it is not even geographically connected?


niyoow you a reasonable HAG but your geography sucks. Gedo clan lives in Abudwaaq which is the largest city in that whole region of Galgaduud. that clan is 60 to 70% of total population of Galgaduud today. they dominate that land niyoow. your subclan has guriceel, dhusamareb and haradheere but the total population combined for those three towns is still smaller than the biggest city in the region which is caabudwaaq. i have friends from galgaduud and everybody can tell you this. the demographics of somalia has shifted. the galgaduud clan moved to mogadishu and the caabudwqaaq clan left mogadishu and moved to galgaduud after civil war. that is why they are the dominanant clan in that region nyoow

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You need a lesson in tribal geography.


kkkk it must be so. Because Galgaduud iyo PL wali soo Mudug uma dhaxeeyso?


Mooge, what are we going to do about Mudug ninyow? I guess this guy's ideas are working.


Go to 11 minute mark.





P.s. not HAG but close. I am sijuu. I find you regular Somalis fascinating though. I should study y'all.

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Last I checked Sujui was not a Somali clan, so spare us the Cabtrabaqash señor.


Only a man uncomfortable in his own skin would be ashamed of the clan and lineage from whose loins he has sprung from.. Tsk tsk tsk :D


Now back to the churlish question you vomited out earlier of " Galgaduud iyo PL wali soo Mudug uma dhaxeeyso?"


Was that a desperate attempt at humor? Are you considering joining the comic circles? Lemme guess, you are sujui thusly, you have every right to ask such silly questions on this forum! :D


Saaxiib, allow me to educate you and enlighten your Sujui wayward soul...


Puntland is Mudug and Mudug is Puntland!


I will even go as far as to say Puntland is Cabdi Qeybdiid and Cabdi Qeybdiid is Puntland!


Now take that to your local Sujui bank and cash it. These funds will sustain you way better than the fake money that Damjadiid has stuffed in your pockets :D

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Ha igu matagin ninyow. PL iyo Mudug wax iska galay ma jiraan. Qeybdiid is called Qeybdiid because in uu wax Qaybsado ayuu diidaa. He's coming for the whole of Gaalkacyo mar dhow. :)


Also, there are sijuu clans. Look up any Kenya map and find the Somali people that live there.

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They can migrate to Puntland or Gedo.

Caabudwaaq is in Galgaduud and will be part of Galgaduud maamul. Or back to civilwar.


Choose well niyoow.

In warfare the mogadishu clan is superior


Yes indeed you are superior, when your adversary is sleeping and you rally others into your side.

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Ha igu matagin ninyow. PL iyo Mudug wax iska galay ma jiraan. Qeybdiid is called Qeybdiid because in uu wax Qaybsado ayuu diidaa. He's coming for the whole of Gaalkacyo mar dhow.


Also, there are sijuu clans. Look up any Kenya map and find the Somali people that live there.


Saaxiib, you must have been eating expired Maharaga Ya Naz to utter such utter nonsense. :D


Mudane Qeybdiid has just gotten distracted by Damjadiid cash, that is all. He knows he will eventually have to submit to the warm loving embrace of Mother Puntland but first he must see out Damjadiid's Gacan-ku-rimis agenda in the central provinces come to naught and prove to Culusow & co. that he tried all he could to sow discord in the brotherly Puntland communities that live in Mudug and that he failed miserably


See all this Mudug machinations and the federal politics currently in play in Somalia are beyond the mental capacity of the average sujuu--so, I'd suggest next time that you only eat freshly prepared Ugaali and maharaga--and leave the real politicking to more capable individuals from the Sujui clan you claim to be a part of! :D

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Embarrassment? Moi? :D


The sujuu jokester strikes yet again...kkkkk


You expired sack of beans with feet, don't you dare!


Everybody on SOL knows that Tillamook is a wonderful poster, entertaining, honest, and, unmerciful to Damjadiid minions.


Just ask anybody from "my region" like Mooge, et al :D

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