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Heineken Beer in Mogadishu = Destroyed

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I would be fine with the alcohol ban if they were as serious in punishing murderers and rapists and tackling corruption.


I made valid points but you chose to ignore them


I am,


Abdi "Somalia will never have hope" Johnson


You do realize that banning alcohol imports is far far easier practically than tackling corruption and prosecuting rapists? I mean, it's just common sense!


And if you don't think Somalia will ever have hope, then why do you associate yourself with Somalis?


I am,


Doctor "Self-Haters will never Prosper" Kenney

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Somali is my identity. I hate those who lead the Somalis. How can Somalia have hope when they prioritize hijabs, beer and condoms over guns, murders and rapes?


People will always have sex. Sex outside of marriage occurs in Somalia. Why should they not be given access to condoms and sex education? Why should they get STI's? Abstinence is the best way to prevent STI's but sex is natural. Somalis should have access to condoms and contraception.


I didn't say tackling corruption and rape is not easy. But they dont prioritize it. And most of the time old wrinkly men lobby for their clansmen to not be jailed so criminals dont face justice even when caught.


Somalis are only OK for condoms, beer and hijabs regulations. Its a cultural problem we have. Somalis are more vocal about alcohol bans than stopping clan wars and fighting poverty. This is why Somalia is a shit hole; they prioritize the wrong things in life. This is why our community suffer 90% unemployment in the West and high drop out rates. They prefer to chew khat than work and prefer to sit at home than go to school.


You can't keep blaming AbdiJohnson and say AbdiJohnson is the problem of the Somali community. I am the perfect person for Somalis to scapegoat for their problems. Its time for people like AbdiJohnson to lead the Somali people. The other option is only war, destruction and misery. I offer hope.


I am,


Abdi "I will give your kids a country" Johnson

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People will always commit murder. Some murders are more gruesome than others. Why not just give Somalis access to automatic rifles and let the murders be quick and painless, instead of having them use axes and machetes? Don't you care about the well-being and suffering of murder victims?


People will always commit theft, so why waste our time and resources by prosecuting thieves?


People will always consume drugs, so why should we prosecute heroin smugglers, cocaine traffickers, and ecstasy manufacturers? It'd be a waste of time and resources! Let them sell drugs in peace!


It's the same analogy.


Clan wars are a major problem in Somalia, which will be solved one day by the Grace of Allah. But we must not lose sight of the bigger picture here. Somalia is an Islamic society and we must not tolerate these diseases (homosexuality, illegal drugs, pornography, etc.) in our Somali Islamic society. And since when am I against the existence of condoms and other contraceptives? You're literally making up arguments out of thin air. You want to promote all of these disgusting ideas into our country, under the pretense of, "Oh, clan wars and poverty exist in Somalia! So stop wasting your energy on fighting these vices in Somalia!"


Get out of my face with that illogical argument! Neither of them are good for Somalia and Somalia shouldn't have any of these sick and deviant practices. Stop trying to mold Somalia into your idea of a secular, sexually permissive, and drug-infested society. It won't work and it'd only corrupt and further destroy our nation.


I am,


Doctor "Secularists are not welcome in Somalia" Kenney

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Um. I didn't say not fight other things, just to prioritize certain things.


You cant go all crazy when you see beer but use khat. Khat is a drug that makes you intoxicated but its sold more than bread. Khat is the most sold commodity in the Somali regions. Somalis aren't to be taken seriously when it comes 'morality'. A wadaad gives Islamic lectures while chewing khat


I am,


Abdi "Hypocrites don't build nations"Johnson

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