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Multi-ethnicity in Djibouti: Which one would you pick?

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Djibouti is a good example how people of different ethnicity can live harmoniously...As long as the growing corruption and unemployment are tackled by the government otherwise that is the time bomb threatening Djibouti's harmonious environment.

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They all look the same bro not my flavour give me something more excotic Southamerican , venezuela , colombia , brazil,ecuador , cocos island etc woow qurux wa loo dhasay.

Latin america hablahoda waa qurux layab ah I will post more about this iyo personale experience cajaa,ib ah aftr bishan ramadaan woow NabadDoon Hawd

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Allah subhana Watacaal is just. Injustice and corruption will not last. I had "Aftur" yesterday with one of my friends from Djibouti who is close to the Ruling Family. He was telling me about the huge mansions built in a place called " Haramuus" from the north of the airport. He said it costs between $ 800, 000 to a million. the sea water was brought close to the homes. Everyone one want to be part of that class , even those who had homes are building second homes.


I told him about those huge Hollywood style mansions that dominated the landscape in Mogadishu, in nineteen eighties. They were called " Booli Qaran". They were huge houses with acre style playground and a parking lot that could take 10 luxury cars. Everyone knew they were built by a stolen money, that is why when the uprising came, all the anger and frustration of poor who were watching these fat cats turned ugly, and Somalia is still sorting out about that calamity.


In Mogadishu a freind who were A senior bureaucrat said " Waa markii iigu horaysay een arko albaab lagu fuarayo "remote iyo Qalab raaxo oo casriya oo Qasiriga dhex ceegaaga, maalintii ku xigtaynaa, beertiisii oo Afgooye ku Taala Ayaan u raacay". " Waxaan la yaabay sida ay u barwaaqaysteen, isagoo weliba waxuu ka dhegana daadinaya, markaasaan ku Idhi, waar waatanoo nolol iyo raaxo aduun waad gaadheene, miyaad dadka iska sii jeedisaan ood biyaha iyo Korantada iyo waxayaabha daruuiga aad waxooga xooga saartaan".


Nin daar ku jiraa daruur ma arkee ilayn xalay roobkii baa da'ay.


Well within few years the peasants with forks descended from the mountains. If Djibouti doesn't change, expect the peasants uprising sooner or later.

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Quruxdu waa nabadda iyo dhaqaalaha foolxumaduna waa dagaaladda iyo fakhriga


Dumarka hadii la dhaqaaleeyo oo qaraxa iyo qoraxda laga ilaaliyo ma foolxumadaan xataa hadii ay duurka babu new guinea ku noolyihiin ama saxaraha kalahari



Booli qaran guryo caadiya ayay ahaayeen cid iska lahayd ma granayo ,laakiin soomaalidoo waali soo wadata yaa guryo rinjaysan aragtay, sabatoo ah qofku markuu waalanayo hal mar dharka ma tuurto waxbuu ku marmarsiyoodaa,


Daar nal ka shidan yahay daris lama noqon karo anigoo rooti iyo biyo isku dhuuqaya ,waa danbaabtay intaad haysato ku shukri xisaabta kalana alle u daa adna sabur.


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They all look the same bro not my flavour give me something more excotic Southamerican , venezuela , colombia , brazil,ecuador , cocos island etc woow qurux wa loo dhasay.

Latin america hablahoda waa qurux layab ah I will post more about this iyo personale experience cajaa,ib ah aftr bishan ramadaan woow NabadDoon Hawd


lool. So you dislike your kind and fancy South Americans for looks? You need in Qur'an lagugu akhriyo.

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gooni, Booli Qaran looma bixiyeen haday guryo caadiya yihiin. Aduunka meel walba dad ladan iyo faqiir way wada joogaan, waana la wada noolyahay. Waxaad shaqaysatona cidi kugu qabsan mayso. Daarta shaqeyso oo dhiso. Haka dhisan askariga mushaarkiisa iyo caano boodhaha qaxootiga loo keenay.


Biilka korontada Djibouti guriga caadiga bishii waa saddex boqol oo doolar. Biyaha xaafada badankooda waxa loogu dhaamiya qasabado maalin dhaaf ah. Hadaad soo marto suuqa sare, waxaad arki sar dheer oo la yidhaahdo Sarta aidiska. Lacagtii loogu talagalay Aidska ayuu wasiirkii caafimaadku ka dhistay. Dadka ayaa ku sheekayts. Waxan guryha laga dhisanayo lacag la shaqeystay ma ahan. Waa Foreign aid money.


Waxani waa " Sunatu Kawniya", dawlad Muslim ah oo cadaalad xumo iyo dulmi ku baahday ma sii jirto.

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Waa sax galbeedi waad asiibtay( maa ikhtalafnaa)


Difaac ma leh xoolo masaakiin laga xaday, balse guryuhu ma ahayn palaces macnaha wax weyn oo qaran loo burburiyo sugg ilaa xisaabta danbe yaa ka fiican in go’a la tuurto ama laysla bas beelo waa intaa kaliya ujeedadaydu

Aduunka meel aan wax lagu xadin ma jirto dadka aadka u gaajaysan baa guryahoodu kala duwan yihiin allaha u maciino.


Ramadaan kariim saxiib


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