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SW3 & SW6 Merged Into 1 SW3 Administration. A Victory 4 Locals

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DEG DEG: Maamuladii isku Heystay Koonfur Galbeed oo La Isugu Geeyay Saddex Gobol

Posted on June 23, 2014RBC, Wararka


raxanreebMuqdisho (RBC) Xaflad goordhow lagu qabtay xarunta madaxtooyada dawlada federaalka Soomaaliya ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa lagu saxiixay heshiis ay wada gaareen dhinacyadii isku hayey maamulada saddexda gobol iyo lixda gobol ee Koonfur Galbeed iyadoo madaxda dawlada Soomaaliya, Midowga Afrika, UN iyo Midowga Yurub ay goobjoog ka ahaayeen.


Xafladan oo ay joogeen wakiilo ka socday labada dhinac ayaa waxaa lagu saxiixay heshiis dhigaya in hadda iyo kow dib loo soo bilaabo dhismaha maamulka Koonfur Galbeed iyo in saddex gobol lagu soo koobo maamulkaasi lagana tanaasulo maamulkii lixda gobol.


Dhinaca kooxdii loixda gobol wadatay ee uu hogaminayey Madoobe Nuunow Maxamed ayaa waxaa wakiil u ahaa C/fataax Geesey, iyadoo Madoobe NNuunow uusan ka soo qeybgalin xaflada maanta, halka dhinaca saddexda gobol uu joogay Maxamed C/nuur oo hogaaminayey kooxdi wadatay saddexda gobol.


Heshiiska ayaa dhigaya in mudo 30 maalmood gudahood lagu soo dhiso guddi farsamo oo ka shaqeeya dhismaha maamulka cusub oo ku saleysnaaan doona saddex gobol, waxaana lagu wadaa in doorasho cusub loo qabto madaxtinimada maamulka.


Xafladan lagu saxiixay heshiiska waxaa ka hadlay guddoomiyaha baarlaamaanka Maxamed Cismaan Jawaari, raysal wasaare C/weli Sheekh Axmed iyo madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo dhamaantood sheegay in heshiiskan uu muhiim u yahay nabadeynta dalka.


Wakiilka Igad Maxamed Cabdi Afeey, wakiil ka socday UN iyo wakiilka Midowga Yurub ayaa iyaguna ka hadlay xaflada saxiixa heshiiskan oo sida la sheegay soo afjaraya colaada ka jirtay gobollada Koonfur Galbeed.



RBC Radio

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Wararka aan ka heleyno Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud uu aqoonsaday Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya ee ka kooan Sadax Gobol oo kala ah Baay , Bakool iyo Sh/Hoose.


Madaxweynaha ,R/Wasaaraha iyo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa si isku mid ah u aqoonsaday Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya oo ka kooban sadax Gobol,

Aqoonsiga ay madaxda sare Dowlada aqoonsadeen ayaa dhalisay Khilaaf xoogan oo Dowlada dhaxdeeda ah, waxaana arintan si weyn uga soo horjeeda xubno katirsan Golaha Wasiirada Xukuumada Soomaaliya iyo Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka.


Wasiirada iyo Xildhibaanada kasoo horjeeda aqoonsiga Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed ee ka kooban sadaxda Gobol ayaa ku doodaya in aan wax la tashi ah lagala sameyn Wasiirada iyo Xildhibaanada kasoo jeeda Deegaanadaasi, waxa ayna tilmaameen in dadka dagan Gobolka Sh/Hoose aysan waxba kala socon Qorshaha Maamulka Sadaxda Gobol.


Waxaa sidoo kale arintan si weyn uga soo horjeeda Shirqoolna ku tilmaamay Xildhibaanada kasoo jeeda Beesha Hawiye oo ku eedeeyay Madaxda Dowlada Soomaaliya in ay abuurayaan colaad hor leh iyo in la kala fogaado.


Maamulka Shabelle State ayaa dhankooda si weyn uga soo horjeeda qorshaha Dowlada Soomaaliya ay ku aqoonsatay Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya , waxa ayna ku eedeeyeen in arintaasi uu ka dambeeyo R/Wasaaraha Soomaalya.

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I hope that this will start the healing process, it's not about who was there first it should be about how to better the lives of everyone there.

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It looks powers to be have endorsed this and SFG leaders are on-board willing or unwillingly.


UN Representative for Somalia welcomes agreement on new Interim South West Administration in Baidoa


Mogadishu, 23 June 2014 – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia (SRSG), Nicholas Kay, welcomed the agreement today to establish a new interim regional administration in south west Somalia.


Under the leadership of the Federal Government, supporters of two different state formation processes met in Mogadishu and agreed to establish a new Interim South West Administration, including the regions of Bay, Bakool and Lower Shabelle.


“I welcome the agreement to establish a new Interim South West Administration in accordance with Somalia’s Provisional Constitution. I congratulate all parties for their commitment to finding a solution through peaceful dialogue and patient negotiation. I urge all parties to continue to work closely with the Federal Government and ensure an inclusive administration is established swiftly. The Federal Government will also need to continue to consult community elders and local stakeholders to ensure that residual issues are addressed in an inclusive and conciliatory manner.


“Today’s agreement is a significant step forward in Somalia’s progress towards federalism. I congratulate all parties on the agreement and look forward to working with the new administration within the context of the New Deal Somalia Compact. It will also clear the way for improved security and a more effective campaign against Al Shabaab. As an observer of today’s agreement, the United Nations is committed to supporting the Federal Government’s peace-building and state-building efforts.” Mr Kay said.




Ergeyga Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya oo soo dhoweeyay heshiiska Maamulka cusub ee Ku Meelgaarka ah ee Koonfur Galbeed ee Baydhabo


Muqdisho, 23 June 2014 – Ergeyga Gaarka ah ee Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya (SRSG), Nicholas Kay, ayaa soo dhoweeyay heshiiska maanta la gaaray ee ah in maamul goboleed cusub oo ku meelgaar ah laga dhiso koonfur galbeed Soomaaliya.


Iyadoo ah garwadeen ka tahay Dowladda Federaalka, taageerayaasha laba maamul oo kala duwan ayaa ku kulmay magaalada Muqdisho waxayna isku afgarteen inay sameystaan maamul cusub oo ah Maamulka Ku Meelgaarka ah ee Koonfur Galbeed, oo ka kooban gobollada Baay, Bakool iyo Shabeellaha Hoose.


“Waxaan soo dhoweynayaa heshiiska lagu dhisayo maamul cusub oo ah Maamulka Ku Meelgaarrka ee Koonfur Galbeed iyadoo la raacayo Dastuurka Ku Meelgaarka ah ee Soomaaliya. Waxaan u hambalyeynayaa dhammaan dhinacyada heshiiskan wadagalay sida ay uga go’antahay inay helaan xal iyadoo loo marayo wadahadal nabad ah iyo wadaxaajood dulqaad leh. Waxaan ugu baaqayaa dhammaan dhinacyada inay si dhow ula shaqeeyaan Dowladda Federaalka ayna xaqiijiyaan in si degdeg ah loo dhiso maamul loo wada dhanyahay. Dowladda Federaalka waa inay sidoo kale sii waddo wadatashiga ay la leedahay odayaasha bulshada iyo dadka degaanka ee ay arrintu khuseyso si loo xaqiijiyo in arrimaha weli harsan wax laga qabto loona qabto si loo wada dhanyahay oo dibuheshiisiin ah.


“Heshiiska Maanta waa tallaabi muhim ah ee hore loo qaaday horumarka Soomaaliya ay ku gaarayso nidaamka federaalka. Waxaan dhammaan dhinacyada ugu hambalyaynayaa heshiiska waxaana ku hanweynahay inaan la shaqeeyo maamulka cusub iyadoo la raacayo Heshiiska Hiigsiga Cusub ee Soomaaliya. Heshiiskan wuxuu sidoo kale waddada u furi doonaa amaanka oo hagaaga iyo olole dagaal oo waxtar leh oo ka dhan ah Al-Shabaab. Qaramad Midoobay, oo goobjoog ka ahayd heshiiskii manta, waxaa ka go’an inay taageerto dadaallada nabadaynta iyo maamul dhisidda ay waddo Dowladda Federaalka,”ayuu yiri Ergeyga Gaarka ah Nicholas Kay.


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Nuune Objects


So does Xaad and co


With IC endorsement, these two groups might be considered spoilers.


In any case, tribal federalism is not way to go.

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I hate to say it but when it comes to politics Puntland is getting its way, it's too bad that when it comes to natural resources they are screwed. No foreign company wants to navigate governmental layers to exploit things.

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Maalin cad been la isku sheegooyaa, la ismaaweelinaayaa.


Dad waxeenan rabin sandulisnimo laguma marsiin karo. Shariif Xasan maalin cad xoog loogu saaray Baydhabo bilooyin kahor, awood uu ku hirgaliya wuxuu watay markee u socon weysay laba gacansaar ah inuu doolar u dhiibo ha dhaho waala wada heshiiye. Yaa heshiiye, yaana la mataloyaa. Yaa waaye dadka kala 'saxiixday' waxaan? Geeseey? Yuu matalaa Geeseey? Jagadiisa wasiir xataa waa laga qaaday.


Afeeyga oo Axmed Madoobe fadhiyo Kismaayo la jiro ayaa iska dhigaayo 'beesha caalamka.' Shir ku sheegaan intee la marsiin doonaa. Malaaqyadii maanta ayee ugu kacsanyihiin.


Suu waa hore Yalaxoow u yiri, gurbaantii la xaday meeshii lagu tumi lahaa la rabaa. Waa qalalaaso ka abuur deegaano nabad ah. Waana mid Barbaarta u sahli doonto si sahlan inay kusoo noqdaan deegaanadii laga qabsaday.



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Shir Jaraa’id Maanta Ka Soo Baxay Madaxda Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya


Madaxda Dowlad Goboleedka Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya ayaa maanta shir balaaran ay ku yeesheen Baydhabo kaga hadleen dibindaabyada ka dhanka ah Koonfur Galbeed ee kasocota Magaalada Muqdisho.


Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Gollaha Guurtida Koonfur Galbeed Suldaan Siraaji Aadan ayaa shirka jaraa’id u akhriyay Saxaafada, wuxuuna kaga hadlay Shirka Jaraa’id Arrimo badan.


Sidoo kale Gudoomiyaha Gollaha Guurtida Koonfur Galbeed Malaaq Xasan Shure ayaa baaq kama danbeys ah u diray Xubnaha Gollaha Guurtida Koonfur Galbeed ee ku sugan Magaalada Muqdisho.


Malaaq Xasan Shure ayaa sheegay in Maamul xalaal ah ay u sameyn doonaan Gobolka Baay gaar ahaan Magaalada Baydhabo, “wixii hada ka danbeeya ma jiri doonto in lagu takri falo Canshuurta laga qaado Shacabka Baydhabo” ayuu yiri Malaaqa.


Halka Hoose Ka Dhageyso Shirka Jaraa’id ee Maanta Kasoo Baxay Madaxda Koonfur Galbeed.



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Somalia needs to be decentralized ( a strong central government but local issues left to the regions) but not in this way. Puntland opened Pandora's Box.


Above anything else, there needs to be a genuine reconciliation, Somali-owned and Somali-led.

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Somalia needs to be decentralized ( a strong central government but local issues left to the regions) but not in this way. Puntland opened Pandora's Box.


Above anything else, there needs to be a genuine reconciliation, Somali-owned and Somali-led.


So the 18 regions of Somalia would be the ones who handle local issues and provide government services? Some of these regions aren't economically viable and don't even have a significant population.


Wouldn't it be better to combine some of these 18 regions into larger, viable, Federal States which can provide for themselves and are able to compete on the national stage?


If we have Puntland, Galmudug, Jubbaland, Bay&Bakool, etc. Then how would this stand in the way of genuine reconciliation.


And if the HAG community has a different mode of governance than the Puntland or Gedo community, then why not let them rule their regions the way they see fit? It's not like they're seceding from the nation. They still are the same country but we'll have 6 different Administrations and Somalis could freely move from state to state.

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No one has done any census or can definitively tell or predict the economic output or potential of any region. In any case, this is beside the point, what is important is reconciliation followed by a political process that enjoys legitimacy from the public. The mechanics of state building will prove easier if these actions are taken.

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How are we to pursue reconciliation when a segment of the Somali population does not YET have any elected leadership who would take part in reconciliation negotiations on their behalf?


Now with the differences between the 2 groups in Baidoa resolved, I believe Somalia as a whole is closer to genuine reconciliation process starting. All we now have to wait for is for the HAG communities to form a representative federal State for their regions.



I believe once the HAG communities, who are yet to coalesce all their quarrelsome local group administrations in the central provinces into a federal state, finally agree to erect a federal member state, only then can we ask every state's elected/selected leaderships to come to the table for reconciliation and whatever else that is in the collective interest of their respective states.


Charity begins at home: Everyone should focus on developing their respective regions and local districts. We need to stop scapegoating our own local failures for the lack of reconciliation with other Somalis.

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Che your opposition to federalism is just like your naive support for shabaab before you figured out how bad they were. No Somali will submit to be governed from Mogadishu again. There has to be genuine power sharing between regions and central government. No one will accept a governor or mayor appointed from Mogadishu. Federalism may not be the best model, but it is the only solution for the current governing crises facing Somalis.


Those who think federalism is bad let them produce a viable working model for the present day Somalia.

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Even though Sharif Hassan is shady character, yet in the case of 3 region SWS, he is more realistic in what is possible and achievable rather than incorporate Juba which is already recognized federal state. It is better that people in these regions come together and build the new state together rather than create conflict. These are three important regions with lots of resources that can succeed together and does not need other states to be viable.

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