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Where is Ali khalif galaydh ? RIP to Khatuum

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CAASIGA Ali khalif galaydh










No Respond from Puntland admin ????? \ While Hargeysa admin are sending Troops and capturing Talex doing as it pleased ?






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Mr malistar, why don't you keep us updated with the progress your uncles are making in looting the properties of the peace-loving Somali people of lower shabeele? Surely neither professor Galaydh nor his khaatumo ragtag militia have lost any of their land or homes as a result of our army taking control of Taleex.

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Exactly my point hag is going around lower shebelle killing women and children using government subsidiesed weapons from the world. And malister comments on Galayd hahaha...


Malister your people are what you accuse us to be in every sense a clan enterprise masking as a government.


Not one hag is mentioning lower shebele look how they all try and change te subject of what's really important.



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Mr malistar, why don't you keep us updated with the progress your uncles are making in looting the properties of the peace-loving Somali people of lower shabeele? Surely neither professor Galaydh nor his khaatumo ragtag militia have lost any of their land or homes as a result of our army taking control of Taleex.



Hargeysa admin Are forcing people to adopt Secession agenda using violance forcing the people of SSC to abandon Somalia .


A entire clan elders and politicians have been humiliated and chased out of their homeland .. This naked aggression to robe people nationality and identity cannot be compared to the lower shabbelle trouble.





Jun 13, 2014 - 58 Jawaabood

Waxaa dagaal xoogan uu qaraxay deegaanka saaxdheer ee Gobolka Sool gaar ahaan goob lagu magacaabo geel-boob wuxuuna sidoo kale kusii fiday aagag hor leh.


Dagaalkan ayaa u dhaxeeyaa maleeshiyaadka maamulka Somaliland iyo Ciidamada maamulka khaatumo ee ku sugnaa deegaankaasi oo garab ka helaya Shacabka deegaanka.


Dhinaca kale maleeshiyaadka Somaliland ayaa maanta gelinkii hore waxay goobo ka baxsan Gobolka sool kula dagaalameen Ciidamo beeleedyo kasoo Jeeda Beesha Gaas waxaana la sheegay in labada dhinac uu soo kala gaadhay Khasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawac.


dagaalka haatan ka socda Duleedka deegaanka Saaxdheer ayaa wali la haynin Khasaaraha dhabta ee ka dashay kaasi oo u dhaxeeya Maleeshiyaadka Somaliland iyo ciidamada Mamaulka Khaatumo.






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Berde khaatumo waa geed berde ah mirihiisa duuduub ku liq

Markaan seexan wayay laba habayn baa ilaahay mid reer bari ah iisoo diray wuxuuna ii sheegay in puntland si hoosa ugu sheegtay odayaashii iyo mushaxariintii inay isaga soo baxaan taleex si labada maamul u xisaabtamaan kiniinigaas ku meel gaarka ah oo shiinaha laga keenay baan madaxa dhulka ku dhigay.


Gurigaad ku dhalatay baa berduhu ku yaal hadaad ka cararto salkaa laga goyn snm kuu waraabin mayso!


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Malister nothing in somalia but Burundi, Uganda and Kenya. The people of las canon who have lived under somaliland for over 6 years now have seen more development then the entire history of their town. Taleex is now part of the fold they live under the shahada and will see their city flourish like all somali lands cities. You argue about unity of somalia. Unit galkayco, stop killing the people of shebeleda hose, stop claiming peoples houses in mugdisho, stop being so reliant on Christian mercenaries for protection. So much for your unity. What unity does somalia have ...???


Hahahahah...unity...what a joke.

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Hargeysa admin Are forcing people to adopt Secession agenda using violance forcing the people of SSC to abandon Somalia .


A entire clan elders and politicians have been humiliated and chased out of their homeland .. This naked aggression to robe people nationality and identity cannot be compared to the lower shabbelle trouble.


What elders Khatumo was a political organization The Garaad clan elders are in Somaliland garaad selebaan is in xudun nd so ins garaad jamac is in laacanood. The political difference with some of the elites of khatumo and the SL government is political.There is no tribal war there is no dispute between territories or clans or fighting. Shabeelada hoose is a tribal war en expansion by reer galguduud and the government of Somalia is turning a blind eye there is a saying amuusnaantu wa ogalasho. They support the war in lower shabelle., The two situations cannot be compared in taleex not a single person died , in Lowershabellle the death toll is above 50.


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War xaji hag like burying ther heads in the sand. They live in other people's houses in mugdisho, they continue to attempt to rob te land of shebelede hoose and kill its inhabitants. Not one of them says anything. Galcayco is divided in half. They have no army, no police, no order. Rely and regularly praise African christen mercenaries for propping up their false regime. And they speak to us about unity. We created unity you hag. The difference is we were sincere about unity, hag use it for the sake of using it. If they believed in unity they wouldn't be killing women and children in shebelede hose if they had an ounce of dignity or self respect or were guinine about unity they would ask our enemies Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and others to Leave.


These people don't know anything about unity they cant even cohesively unite with the people they live next to...



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