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Somalia in bid to ban Kenya miraa import

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Saturday, April 26, 2014



Somalia in bid to ban Kenya miraa import








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THE Somalia parliament is set to debate a motion seeking to ban miraa imported from Kenya. Kenya exports about three million kilogrammes of miraa to Somalia annually.

The motion was filed by an MP who lives in Nairobi after the parliament was ‘angered’ by the ongoing swoop in Kenya that has led to the deportation of hundreds of Somalis. A local media outlet said majority of MPs have supported the motion. The MP declined to be named for fear of victimisation.


Most Somalia MPs reside in Kenya and occasionally fly to Mogadishu for house sessions. “Somalia must be respected as an important trade partner to Kenya. Its citizens must be respected too,” said the MP. He said Somalis have found themselves unwelcome in the country where they have sought refuge. “Claims of terror links are unsubstantiated.”

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Danjire Maxamed Cali Ameriko oo Deg deg kusoo gaaray Muqdisho una warbixin doono Madaxda Dowlada Soomaaliya.


Waxaa Goordhaw Garoonka Diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde ee Magaalada Muqdisho kasoo dagay Safiirka Dowlada Soomaaliya u fadhiya Dalka Kenya Mudane Maxamed Cali Ameeriko, kadib markii ay Xukuumada Soomaaliya ku amartay in deg deg Muqdisho ku yimaado


Danjire Maxamed Cali Ameriko oo goordhaw kasoo dagay Garoonka Aadan Cadde ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay in uu qorshaha uu u yimid Magaalada Muqdisho in ay tahay Fulinta Dalabkii Golaha Wasiirada uga dalbadeen in uu Muqdisho yimaado.


Shir Deg deg ah ay xalay ku yeesheen Magaalada Muqdisho Golaha Wasiirada Xukuumada Soomaaliya ayaa loogu yeeray in si deg deg ah Magaalada Muqdisho kusoo gaaraan Safiirka iyo Qunsulka Dowlada Soomaaliya u fadhiya Dalka Kenya.


Safiirka ayaa Madaxda Dowlada Soomaaliya uga warbixin doono sida ay u dhacday in Ciidamada Kenya ay xiraan Qunsulka Safaarada Soomaaliya ee Dalka Kenya iyo dhibataooyinka kale ee Ciidamada amaanka Kenya ku hayaaan Soomaalida kunool Dalkaasi.

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The motion was filled by an MP who lives in Neyrobi. Hahaha, I stopped reading after that, plz stop posting nonsense. Demanding respect while living in a foreign country , by the host country. Malistar, seriously whats wrong with u.

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Wafdi ka socda Ganacsatada iyo Beeraleyda Jaadka Kenya oo gaaray Muqdisho iyo Xog ku aadan Ujeedka Socdaalkooda


Beeraaleyda Kenya ee Meru ayaa dadaal xooggan ugu jira inaanu is dhimin dalabka maandoorihaya Jaadka ee suuqa Soomaaliya oo ah midka keliya iminka ay gacanta ku haystaan, waxayna kaashanayaan gacansato iskugu jirta Soomaali iyo Kenyan, kuwaas oo dadaal xooggan ugu jira in suuqa Jaadka ee Soomaaliya aan la xirin iyadoo ay ka welwelayaan iney saameyn ku yeelato mashaakilaadka dadka laga soo eryayo dalka Kenya.


Qof qariyay magaciisa oo xog-ogaal u ahaa arrintan ayaa xaqiijiyay in xubnaha ka tirsan xukuumadda oo ay u ballaan qaadeen inay hor istaagi doonaan mooshin xubnaha golaha baarlamaanka ay ku doonayaan in lagu joojiyo Jaadka Kenya, maadaama dalka Kenya uu dhibaato aad fool xun ku hayo shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool dalka Kenya gaara ahaan xaafadda Islii ee magaaladda Nairobi.


Kulanka ay xubnaha dowladdu la qaateen ganacsatada iyo beeraaleyda maandooriyaha Jaadka ayaa ah mid noqon kara khiyaano qaran, sababtoo ah waxay tani ka hor imaaneysaa danaha dadka Soomaaliyeed, weliba xilligan xasaasiga ah.


Ku dhawaad 72 million oo dollar oo faa’iido ah ayuu dalka Kenya ka helaa maandooriyaha Jaadka loo soo dhoofiyo dalka Soomaaliya, halka dadka Soomaaliyeedna ay ka helaan kaliya khasaare dhaqaale, nololeed, qoys iyo caafimaad intaba.


Arrintan ayaa ku soo beegmeysa xilli ay magaaladda Muqdisho ka jirto hadal heyn ku saabsan dood uu baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ka yeelan doono joojinta Jaadka Kenya.


Socdaalka Ganacsatada iyo beeraaleyda ayaa sidoo kale ku soo beegmaya xilli horraantii bishan ay dowladda Ingiriiska dalkeeda ka mamnuucday ganacsiga Jaadka, taas oo sababtay in dhaqaalaha Kenya uu hoos u dhaco, maadaama ay sanadkii ka heli jirtay lacag ka badan 20 million oo dollar.


Ma dhici karto in dowladda Soomaaliya ay mamnuuc ka dhigiweyso maandooriyaha Jaadka oo dambi ka ah dalal aan xitaa Islaam aheyn sida, Mareykanka, Ingiriiska, Canada, , Norway, Holland, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany iyo Poland.


Xafiiska Shabakada


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The motion was filled by an MP who lives in Neyrobi. Hahaha, I stopped reading after that, plz stop posting nonsense. Demanding respect while living in a foreign country , by the host country. Malistar, seriously whats wrong with u.


Kenyan Gov are waging economic and discrimination war on Somali people -


If the Ban is implemented it will be great blow to the Khat market in Kenya.


Kenya - The Kikiyu Farmers and Gov are too feel Some Pressure Job losses Tax reduction and etc .



The Gov should also remove the Kenyans troops who are getting paid well to stay in Somalia .








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^ hehe, with great intellectual geniuses like you speaking for federal republic of Somaliya, Im sure we right on to the path of recovery , rebuilding , And rebranding. Sweet job done my Tutsi buddy. Sweet job done. Akuna matata.

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^ hehe, with great intellectual geniuses like you speaking for federal republic of Somaliya, Im sure we right on to the path of recovery , rebuilding , And rebranding. Sweet job done my Tutsi buddy. Sweet job done. Akuna matata.


Sxb Hawdian your sarcasm is becoming dryer by the comments you make, as it is fun Watching when you poke sarcastically at Dr.Osman (threads & comments) but its now becoming nuisance and childish when doing so in every thread someone makes!


Sxb I suggest you stop at this moment polluting in every threads with your nonsensical sarcasm that has no bearing or relations of that particular thread, i hope you heed my advice carefully about your tiresome sarcasm.

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Well, let us see 3 million kilograms a year. how much is worth every kilogram of mera. if one kilo is mere 100 shilin , thats is 300 million. Britain has banned already the import of mera, and add that to Somali import ban, well that could hurt the Kenyans big time.


The truth is you need a different leadership to implement these actions. The Somali President is not ready to wage these or other diplomatic messages. It is too late now. You can't retaliate abruptly, he should have a national strategy to deal with vultures from the neighboring countries before he started flying around.


AAn ooyee albaabka ii xidha.


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@DALMAR buddy, I dont take advice from people who live in bunga bunga land where you kill eachother with spears everyday . get used to me making fun of yours stupd tribes everyday. Free speech ,and on . Yours truely , someone who is willing to throw a banana after you. Forget about the banana you dont even deserve it ,I'll give to monkie . . OMG.

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To ban Mirra is first step. I will also remove the useless Ambassador America who was complacent in the arrest of thousands of Somalia and the looting of Somali property in Kenya. Instead of defending them he was minimizing the damage done to Somalis in Kenya stating that few hundred were arrested when thousands were being held in stadiums like animals.

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@DALMAR buddy, I dont take advice from people who live in bunga bunga land where you kill eachother with spears everyday . get used to me making fun of yours stupd tribes everyday. Free speech ,and on . Yours truely , someone who is willing to throw a banana after you. Forget about the banana you dont even deserve it ,I'll give to monkie . . OMG.


First of all I was born in Europe and second of all I'm from the parts of Somalia like you Somaliland that is functioning well,....there fore you claim is absurd and baseless, I only adviced you so you can look closely on how stupid and insane you sound.


Sxb fix up before you make a fool out of yourself, which I'd assume is already too late.


As for my tribe being stupid, sxb no matter how high or low we fall its your tribe that will always be looked and margnilised as second no 5th class garbage stupidely, will forever live under H or D rule ridiculously and stupidly. AND THAT IS A FACT!!!

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@DALMAR buddy, I dont take advice from people who live in bunga bunga land where you kill eachother with spears everyday . get used to me making fun of yours stupd tribes everyday. Free speech ,and on . Yours truely , someone who is willing to throw a banana after you. Forget about the banana you dont even deserve it ,I'll give to monkie . . OMG.


That was such a stupid and idiotic thing to say. Please don't post on this forum again.


The internet really does bring out the worst in people

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Kenyan Gov are waging economic and discrimination war on Somali people -


If the Ban is implemented it will be great blow to the Khat market in Kenya.


Kenya - The Kikiyu Farmers and Gov are too feel Some Pressure Job losses Tax reduction and etc .



The Gov should also remove the Kenyans troops who are getting paid well to stay in Somalia .


Kikuyus don't farm khat

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@DALMAR, I can see you taken this to the heart please don't cry brother. I can see how civilized you are being politle and everythng . Also congrats being born in yurub. Im just a big bad hutu wolf born in africa. I will go and make som dikhr now , also pleas check you inbox ( waxan ubaxye inan yurub usoo dhoofo) . Asc wr wbr . Also Dalmar let me just put this in record you tribe is the best , it really is. I left " tribe" 20 + years ago so , lets not blam them for me being bad. I hope that clears out any misunderstanding .@ DOCTORKENNY . Please brother , let us not point fingers at eachother, okay I did linkto a monkeyvideo , who hasnt inthisday and age. Lets just say no more monkey links in this thread.

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