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Ato Ahmed Silanyo and the Irish/Italian flag receive massive welcome

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Degmada Gabiley waa in KABAHA laga xereeyo hadday doonayaan in Madaxweyne Siilaanyo yimaado‏

posted by Maxamuud Jama | November 24, 2013 | In Articles



GABILEY KABO KU SALAANSalaan iga gudooma saxaafada iyo shacabka somaliland .Taariikhdu waa diiwaan qormaya waqtiga ayaana u markhaatiya.Somaliland oo dhami waxay daawatay sidii karaamada ka aradnayd ee milgaha bani aadan nimada ka baxsanayd ee shacabka degmada Gabiley Madaxweynaha la doortay Axmed Siilaanyo ugu soo dhaweeyeen KABAHA XAARAANTA ah taasoo aan hore uga dhicin degmo Somali degto noqotayna taariikh madaw oo Degmada Gabiley ku suntan kuna kasbatay in shacabka somaliland ugu yeedhaan degmada KABO KU SALAAN.


Madaxweyne Siilaanyo oo ah siyaasi ruug caddaya waayo aragnimo badanna u leh sida loo furdaamiyo cidii ka

hor timaada siyaasadiisa ayaa dhirbaaxooyin is daba jooga ku dhuftay bulshada degmada Gabiley iyo siyaasiyiintooda,god madawna biyo ugu shubay.Aan soo qaadanno hawl galada uu ilaa hadda ku fuliyey :


1-General Nuux Taani oo lagu shaanbadeeyey dhagartii iyo dhiigii Seemaal,xilkiina uu ka xayuubiyey

2-General Maxamed Xasan Cabdillaahi (Jidhif) oo xil ka xayuubin lagu sameeyey, isagoon salkaba dhigin

3-Boobe Yuusud Ducaale oo si bilaa karaama uu xilka uga xayuubiyey kuwii uu Boobe shaqada ka eryeyna la dalacsiiyey

4-Abiib Diiriye Nuur (Abiib Timacade),oo loo xidhay dhagartii Seemaal markii uu soo daayeyna

xil kale u dhiibay balse daruurtii dhagartii Seemaal weli dul hoganayso


Taa waxaa daba socday in dhawaan markii Siilaanyo ka soo qayb galayey munaasabadii ardayda ka qalin jabisay

jaamacada Camuud ee magaalda Boorama uu soo noqodkii shacabkii degmada Gabiley ee u taagnaa soo dhaweytiisa ee tubnaa dariiqa hareerihiisa uu muraayadihii ka dalacday xawaarana baabuurtii siday ku dhaafeen.


Balse tan maanta dhacday ayuu ugu quus gooyey degmada Gabiley (KABO KU SALAAN) ka dib markuu Siilaanyo mar maaha,oo laba maaha , oo saddex maaha ee markii afraad uu ka cudur daartay inuu kala qayb galo munaasabada ardayda ka qalin jabisay Jaamacada Timacade oo ciil iyo cadho ka qaadeen.Ninkaan tashan in loo taliyo oo sidii xoolaha hogaanka lagu hayo waa lama huraan waayo Lax waliba halkay is dhigto ayaa lagu qalaa.


Madaxweyne Siilaanyo haddii uu Gabiley yimaadana wax ay Degmada KABO KU SALAAN (GABILEY)

u soo kordhinaysaa ma jirto balse aan ahayn maah maahdii ahayd ” ciyi waa ka baryey , ninkii cunay baa ka liita .”

Gabo gabo, Degmada Gabiley waa in KABAHA laga xereeyo hadday doonayaan in Madaxweyne Siilaanyo yimaado.


Amiin Adan Axmed

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Thank you for the informative piece but indadeerayal the flag is one of many things I differ with the Landers. They claim Konfur isn't accepting the changes that occurred nor new ideas but the same can be said about those who are stuck with an Italian flag that makes more sense in Konfur than Duria. Furthermore gentlemen just because it has shaheed it doesn't make it holy and untouchable.


The current flag is more ideal for the Banadir Local government than SL since it was once Italian colony.


Flag is a brand and a symbol that represents a product called a country same way we all know Nike's tick, Coca Cola's red and McDonald's yellow, France's blue, white, red-----the SL flag is already branded by Italy, Ireland, Mexico just to name few not to mention Iran.


I don't think this flag is working and I am going to lead a campaign to get it replaced. In due time it will happen because it doesn't make sense to anyone...not to eastern Landers who want a horse, not Adalites who want a crescent, not to Duriyada who want a simple none-pasta flag.


SL has failed to brand itself because its stuck with old border that never came into existence even under the British, the symbols make no sense; we got Italian flag and Egyptian/Arab emblem.


Therefore creative people must come up with a new branding that is unique, simple and memorable.


Wiil Cusub,


Landers are unique. One week they greet each others with leather shoes and another week shaal xariir ah and horses. There is no shame in that at least they don't plant IEDs on the roads like Konfuris.


Nimankan Landers-ku wa niman tagay compared to bullet vest wearing-AMISOM escorting Konfuris. They on dayax gacmeed with double solid fuel made from caano digaag.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;988653 wrote:
Stop insulting the Somaliland flag.

Stop insulting the Shahada.

I've seen that flag hung from some of the most inappropriate places. Naago qaawaan oo huwwan waa buux. I think it's time to take the Declaration off the flag.



Kaluun;988660 wrote:
The current flag is more ideal for the Banadir Local government than SL since it was once Italian colony.

Not all peoples worship their colonizers.

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No one can take the shahaada of the flag , it represents what the people of Somaliland stand for , the Guardians of the Faith in the HOA, the afro Hashimate flag will flown high above all flags.


Adiga yaa ku yidhi naago qawaan oo calan huwan so daawo miyanad muslim ahayn?

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Xaaji Xunjuf;988669 wrote:
No one can take the shahaada of the flag , it represents what the people of Somaliland stand for , the Guardians of the Faith in the HOA, the afro Hashimate flag will flown high above all flags.


Adiga yaa ku yidhi naago qawaan oo calan huwan so daawo miyanad muslim ahayn?


They're in the middle of the streets. It's a shame really.

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The Zack (aka my Mamasan brother from the other mother 'Zack ER'),


Silanyo is Ato coz he is half Habesha.


The warm welcome continues for the President...from Gabiley (the birthplace of my father) to Wajale the Italian flag flew high and proud. Allow Dhowr.



Dio benedica l'Italia








The only problem.....Hirsi Yajuj Majuj is still following the President around like a duqsi (fly)




Islamahani they killed more trees than charcoal burners




Ato Silanyo stands just few meters from the land of his ancestral mother...




Sacab, mashaxaarad, bataar, Jandheer, caleemo qoyan, Saylaaci (bismillahi salalaahi cala hoyaale...bismillahi salalaahi cala hoyaale...calankayagoow calankayagoow cawaale) greet the President



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spartacus;988624 wrote:
erigavo road isn't easy to build and it will take years , there are bridges need to build on the way, it's just not easy and needs a lot of money,?

The Cerigaabo road project is nothing more a racket run few hucksters. The project is a major piece of infrastructure that requires heavy equipment, man power, financial investment and expertise and Somaliland has virtually next to nothing. The idea that you can complete a project like that with qadaan collections for largely welfare recipient diaspora community is wishful thinking. They are incapable repairing the sole existing road, which is virtually a death trap (especially between berbara and hargeysa), and in the raining season people drawn in their cars in the middle of Hargeysa. They should try imroving what is there first, instead of day dreaming and practicing their shakedown artistry on gullible people.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;988669 wrote:
No one can take the shahaada of the flag , it represents what the people of Somaliland stand for , the Guardians of the Faith in the HOA, the
afro Hashimate flag
will flown high above all flags.

Sometimes I want to take you seriously but this Afro Hashemite nonsense needs to stop. It's very embarrassing to claim something like that and to associate it with the terrorist Godane is disgusting.

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Gar_maqaate;988804 wrote:
The Cerigaabo road project is nothing more a racket run few hucksters. The project is a major piece of infrastructure that require heavy equipment, man power, financial investment and expertise and Somaliland has virtually next to nothing. The idea that you can complete a project like that with qadaan collections for largely welfare recipient diaspora community is wishful thinking. They are incapable repairing the sole existing road, which is virtually a death trap (especially between berbara and hargeysa), and in the raining season people drawn in their cars in the middle of Hargeysa. They should try imroving what is there first, instead of day dreaming and practicing their shakedown artistry on gullible people.

The people of Somaliland built more than a road- they built an admired nation. So don't under-estimate their capacity or their commitment.

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Last year the EU finance lots of road projects in Africa and on average for every 60 mile stretch, it set aside about £60 million ($98502000.00 on current exchange), 1 million pound for every mile.So for illustrative purposes, let use those figures as base for crude estimates. The road from Burao to Erigavo is about 242 miles.Assuming there is no corruption, lets use the EU figures as guide. That means the road would cost about 242 million pounds or $397291400.00 million dollars, which is almost 4 times above Somaliland's "budget". Now, anyone who says that road can be build on qadhaan money alone is fanatical beyond madness. The only way that road can be build is with international aid money and starting the building of the road with citizens donations is good way to solicit those funds from the international community, by emphasizing on the communitarian aspect of the project. This a major project that requires serious planning and not mid-day dreams.

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Horta we are people who have dreams like Martin Luther King Jr. There is no shame in having goals, dreams and aspirations. Horsemen like you from barkaadaha Buhoodle iyo Talleex can't comprehend how an unrecognized Republic like Duria can dream about laying out 375-km road because in your community no one even dreams about constructing a 375 meter sq barkaad. Sidas bad ola jaban tahay riyada weyn ee guuxaysa ee Duriyada.


The nation of Duria is capable. Qaar naga liito oo naga yar ya ku riyoda inay Mars and beyond adan adna waxad la yaban tahay 375-km road aan uu guuntanay.


Adeer don't worry we not going to force you to donate. We are going to get it done and like this nation lama diidi karo, wa muqadiis hahahahaha.


We have goals and dreams that will not only be achieved in defiance to our foes and pessimist horsemen but these projects are far more than just getting it done. We are out, we are making noise, we are uniting for common interest, we are socializing, we are giving and most of all while we doing these we are making deeds and ciibaado.


The bridge in Beijing doesn't cost the same as the one in Berlin, the road in east SL doesn't cost the same as the one in Wajale...availability of resources, landscape and formations, distances, climate, etc----you just can't say EU did this and that for that much.


This road will cost millions but we also spend the same amount on other useless things such as khat, Duria is not short on cash. Ilahay ba barakeeyeey.


The only thing SL was missing was prioritization and goals beyond ixtiraaf-doon. Maanta ta garatay and while we are doing Saylaaci...anago ku jirna Salala Cala hoyale ayad arki doonta our first 50T Hino trucks blasting Erigavo with their horns as we inaugurate the Ancestry Road sidi AirBus A380 oo so deegtay.


Ducadi Sheikha bin Hashim ayeey wadadani qabta wayo now he will be just a step away and the Alabaari and Siyaaro will continue.


We only need unity, prayer, dreams and Allah to achieve anything. Idinka arki doona when our red Hino comes out of the end of the tunnel...Alla Hayeey Allow Dhowr.




That day will come, adigu for now worry about building barkaad for the horses.

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loooool @Gar maya walee inar, all is good lakin remember the Duria passion for getting their people advanced is unmatched. Marka la dhaho toosa oo kaca no one jumps higher than this family. Manta waxay dhahen nimanyahow ama aminsanada SL ama ha aminsaniina lakin howlba ina sugaysa...wa ina la yareya the number of road casualties in the east and the lack of access to education and hospitals. Wa fikir fiican. Our feedback is wan taganahaye halkee ban ka biloowna. Right now we are an army waiting for Commander Lieutenant Hirsi Yajuj Majuj.


Once an army stands up, ma wayo mel uu xabadana ka keeno. Erigavo road haday noqoto waxan qoshno like laxoox ama subway wada Dahab ah...wan uu tagan nahay ee ogada (foes and friends). The nation has called.


This is phase two halgaan (Halgaan 2.0). Every 20 years or so reerku mar bu halgaama and its that time again.


If corruption and incompetence don't get the job done the way we wanted, we are not going to sweat over it. We know how to deal with it. Personally, I have this in preparation for them (video below and the meaning).



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So far from my understanding the fund stands just over $370,000 and its being only two months. This money does not include the money from the Diaspora and big companies.


$181,945.05 + $191,245.00 = $373, 190.05 (how up to date not sure). So far from what I know, a lot of individual Landers donated $10k.


That kind of contribution makes huge difference because with $400k we can get some serious dynamites and blow up hill tops and mountain edges that were too narrow...removing every obstacle helps.




The call has been answered.



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