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The wisdom in Somali sayings indeed ceeb looma dhinto a Profile of the petit Che-guevara.

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Even in the worst days of the shabaabi madness when all Somalis were astonished at the level of senseless medevil violence they were inflicting on Somalis everywhere regardless of clan, religiosity or political persuasion, when up to this day there stated policy is Turkish scholarship student attacks or random bombings or targeted killings of learned ulema, there was one amongst us that insisted deeply and recklessly that all of that is justified in the name of the shabaabs urge to power.


Today at the tail end of their horror show we have one of their left behinds something that managed to crawl out of the septic tank of their amiir in lower shabelle trying in the brilliant light of SOL archives and internet history to clean up the muck that refuses to wash off.


Indeed its all words on a screen but we have to admit there are certain human traits that regardless of how we much we attempt to laugh it off really gets under our skin, I mean a shabaabi like maadeey is obvious, he was and will always be a galgaduudian hitching his banner to what ever perversity from USC to ICU to alshabaab that will get him closer to a seat he will never so much as sniff, lo and behold that is exactly what has happened as he has now abandoned the shabaab and is deeply invested in the going ons of the lower jubba were his galgaduud proclivities for a free lunch stand out.


Laakin characters like che are more than more insidious, from being an ardent shabaabi his first somersault was to be an ardent supporter of the new goverment mistaking an election in a run down looted police academy in Xamar as redemption of his evil ways, seeing the abject failure of the damuljadiid today he writes peans to "reconciliation" a word his mug would have laughed at just a few years ago on the eve of shabaab ascendancy.


Watch him slither and slide like a woe begone halfman on his new white horse reconciliation commenting like some neautral passerby guarding decency on SOL forums.


Snakes are beaten on the head, if only it could happen in other ways.

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Jiir-Jiroole;966878 wrote:
Even in the worst days of the shabaabi madness when all Somalis were astonished at the level of senseless medevil violence they were inflicting on Somalis everywhere regardless of clan, religiosity or political persuasion, when up to this day there stated policy is Turkish scholarship student attacks or random bombings or targeted killings of learned ulema, there was one amongst us that insisted deeply and recklessly that all of that is justified in the name of the shabaabs urge to power.


Today at the tail end of their horror show we have one of their left behinds something that managed to crawl out of the septic tank of their amiir in lower shabelle trying in the brilliant light of SOL archives and internet history to clean up the muck that refuses to wash off.


Indeed its all words on a screen but we have to admit there are certain human traits that regardless of how we much we attempt to laugh it off really gets under our skin, I mean a shabaabi like maadeey is obvious, he was and will always be a galgaduudian hitching his banner to what ever perversity from USC to ICU to alshabaab that will get him closer to a seat he will never so much as sniff, lo and behold that is exactly what has happened as he has now abandoned the shabaab and is deeply invested in the going ons of the lower jubba were his galgaduud proclivities for a free lunch stand out.


Laakin characters like che are more than more insidious, from being an ardent shabaabi his first somersault was to be an ardent supporter of the new goverment mistaking an election in a run down looted police academy in Xamar as redemption of his evil ways, seeing the abject failure of the damuljadiid today he writes peans to "reconciliation" a word his mug would have laughed at just a few years ago on the eve of shabaab ascendancy.


Watch him slither and slide like a woe begone halfman on his new white horse reconciliation commenting like some neautral passerby guarding decency on SOL forums.


Snakes are beaten on the head, if only it could happen in other ways.


Oh yeah, I almost forget Che was an unrelenting apologist for the religious deviants who torment our country. Shameful!


Bal muxuu ka dheefay?

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