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Dowlada Federaalka iyo Jubaland


Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Faroole ayaa si qoto dheer uga hadlay arrimaha dowlada Federaalka gaar ahaan qodobada la xariira Dastuurka iyo xiisada ka taagan Jubaland.


Faroole ayaa soo dhaweeyey dhismaha iyo maamulka Jubaland wuxuuna sheegay in looga baahan yahay dowlada Federaalka inay taageerto maamulka Jubaland. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa sheegay in dhankooda diyaar u yihiin inay ka qeyb qaataan shirka heshiisiinta ee loo dhigayo Jubaland iyo Federaalka.


“…Shucuurta shacabka Jubaland hala tixgeliyo, muddo dheer baa loo fadhiyey dhismah maamulkaasi, maaha in maanta la abuuro colaad sokeeye….” ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Faroole.






“…Raysalwasaaraha (Saacid) markuu halkan noogu yimid waxaanu niri (Yaan Wax la sheeg Sheegin)…hada mudo waanu aamusneyn balse hada waa bilownay inaan hadalo markii hadalka la joojin waayey…” ayuu yiri Cabdiraxmaan Faroole.


Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa si kulul uga hadlay Dastuurka Federaalka Soomaaliya oo uu sheegay in wax laga bedalay, wuxuuna isagoo gacanta ku haya Nuqul Dastuurka ah uu sheegay in Puntland heysato kii saxda ahaa kuna dhaqmi doonto midkaas uu gacanta ku hayo, isagoo intaasi sii raaciyey inay ka shaqeyn doonaan difaacida Dastuurka Federaalka iyo in aysan dhaqan gelin isbedaladii ay xukuumada Federaalka ku sameysay dastuurkii la ansixiyey 1dii Agoosto 2012.


Faroole Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa sheegay in 33 qodob oo kamid ah Dastuurka Federaalka la bedalay arrintaasina aan la qaadan doonin.



“…Hadii dowlada Federaalka ay farog-gelinta joojin weydo, iyada lafteeda ayaa laga tashanayaa….” ayuu yiri Faroole oo la hadlaya xubno lasoo xulay oo xalay ka qeyb galay munaasabada ka dhacday xarunta PDRC.

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Hadii dowlada Federaalka ay farog-gelinta joojin weydo, iyada lafteeda ayaa laga tashanayaa


Indeed, iyada lafteeda ayaa laga tashanayaa, President Faroole afkaaga caano lagu qabay. Unlike many I like the confidence of this man.


Horta inta dadku ku ogolyihiin ayaad macna leedahay, mar hadii dadku katashadaan ogolaanshana lagala wada laabto wax macno yeelan mayso caalamkana taas waa la ogaysiinayaa.

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The Imam is gambling his whole state for the sake of Jubbaland. He really should have stayed out of Jubbaland arguments (at least publically) and concentrated on this new constitution dispute of his. At least, this way, if Jubbaland loses, PL does not get sullied with that failure as a result.


Now if Madoobe switches sides (and the man has history) or Kenya is forced to stop interferring in Somalia, the Imam will be left out in the open with no allies to call on. This is a very strange move by Farole!

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^Lol, when Faroole gambles, its not just a gamble, he has heads up from one the Casino workers. Faroole always comes up to, well, in most case, watch this space athiga and see what's gona happen.


By the way, in his long speech Faroole also offered to mediate between Jubbaland and the SFG.

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NGONGE;955917 wrote:
The Imam is gambling his whole state for the sake of Jubbaland. He really should have stayed out of Jubbaland arguments (at least publically) and concentrated on this new constitution dispute of his. At least, this way, if Jubbaland loses, PL does not get sullied with that failure as a result.


Now if Madoobe switches sides (and the man has history) or Kenya is forced to stop interferring in Somalia, the Imam will be left out in the open with no allies to call on. This is a very strange move by Farole!

The one threat he could make wasn't made because it was no longer on the table.... he looks like he is doing a particularly theatrical hit song


"I accuse you of love in the first degree" with the evidence in his hand no less...

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About the constitution debate, I thought the deal was the parliament would amend and finish off the constitution before sending it off for a referendum so what is Faroole complaining about? Has anyone got the supposed 33 articles that have been changed?

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the constitution has been amended illegally and secretly, Mr Culusow admitted it and did not see it as a big deal when asked,

The constitution can be changed but needs the correct procidure, it needs to be looked at by a committee of law makers and any article being changed needs to be debated thoroughly publicly, after that it needs to be put to the parliament to be passed, but what did Culusow and co did? they forgot we are in an era where you need only two clicks to get the real draft.


here is some of the illegal change.


1.QODOBka 9,aad, ee ka hadlaya Magaalo madaxda qaranka, waxaa lagu kordhiyey (magaalo madaxda jamhuuriyada soomaaliya waa mugdisho), halka nuqulkii lagu heshiiyey dhigayo,( maqaamka magaalo madaxda federaalka soomaalia waxaa go’aan laga gaari doonaa dib u eegista dastuurka).


2.QODOBka 26,aad, ee ka hadlaya hantida.Waxaa laga saaray faqrada sadexaad ee nuqulkii rasmiga, ahaa, taasoo u qoran sidan: 3. faqrada 1, iyo 2, ee qodobkan laguma dhaqayo arrimaha ku xusan qodobka 49,aad.


3.QODOBka 44,aad ee ka hadlaya dhulka, hantida iyo deegaanka. Ee nuqulkii rasmiga ahaa wuxuu ka koobnaa 6 faqradood, ama prograph, waxaa laga tirtiray faqrada 5,aad, oo u dhigan sidan: 5, kala qeexida awoodaha dawlada federaalka iyo dowladaha xubinta ka ah dowlad federaalka ee la xiriira maamulka iyo maaraynta waxay ku tilmaaman yihiin lifaaqa.


4.QODOBka 50,aad ee ka hadlaya, tirada iyo xuduudaha dowladaha xubinta ka ah dowlada federalka, faqradiisa 5,aad oo u dhigan sidan: 5, xuduudaha dowladaha xubinta ka ah dowlada federaalka waxay ku salaysnaan doonaan xuduudihii gobolada ee jiray 1990-kii, (waxaa loo bedelay 1991’kii).


5.QODOBka 55,aad ee nuqulka rasmiga kana hadlaya Kala qaybinta Awoodaha, waxaa lagu siyaadiyey ( oo ay awooddeeda iyo mas’uuliyaddeeda yeelaneyso xukuumada federaalka).


6.QODOBka, 69,aad. Nuqulka rasmiga ah ee dastuurka, kana hadlaya, Xeer-hoosaadka Golaha shacabka, faqradiisa 4,aad, waxay u qoran tahay sidan: 4. Mashruuc sharci oo Goluhu diiday dib looguma soo celin karo Golaha ilaa ay ka soo wareegto lix-bilood maalinta Goluhu diiday,(waxaa loo bedelay 30,maalmood).


7.QODOBka 72,aad ee ka hadlaya aqalka sare , waxaa laga saaray ama laga tirtiray faqrada u danbaysa xarafka (J), in ay gutaan waajibaadka kale ee dastuurku ku farad yeelayo si loo sugo in dastuurku si habsami ah u hirgalo.


8.QODOBka, 81,aad. Ee ka hadlaya curinta sharciyada, waxaa lagu siyaadiyey ama lagu daray faqrad cusub, oo aan horey ugu jirin nuqulka rasmiga ah ee dastuurka. Oo ka kooban A iyo B, una dhigan sidan: 2. Sharciyada qabyada ah waxaa Golaha sare e barlamaanka federaalka ah u soo bandhigi kara( A) ugu yaraan hal wakiil oo ka socda dowladaha xubinta ka ah federaalka ama (B) Guddi kasta oo ka mid ah aqalka sare ee baarlamaanka federaalka ah.


9.QODOBka, 82,aad, ee dastuurka kana hadlaya, Go’aamo siyaasadeed, faqradiisa 3,aad ayaa si kale loo siyaadiyey, sidii la isla ogaa nuqulka rasmiga ah waxay u qorayd sidan 3. In la helo qodob saamaxa iswaafajin iyo isu soo jiidka labada aqal, haddii aan wax heshiis ahi dhicin.) waxaa loo dhigay sidan 3) haddii labada aqal ee baarlamaanka federaalka ah uu dhex yimaado khilaaf ku saabsan sharci qabyo ah, mid kasta oo ka mid ah labada aqal ayaa Guddi wadajir ah oo ka kooban labada aqal ugu baaqi kara in uu isku dayo in uu xalliyo khilaafaadka iyo in uu labada aqal u soo jeediyo sharci qabyo ah, oo la is-waafajiyey iyada oo laga duulayo iskaashiga dowladaha ee ay dhigayaan qodobbada 51,aad iyo 52,aad.


10.QODOBka 91,aad. Ee ku saabsan, Muddada xil-haynta Madaxweynaha federaalka. Soomaalia

Madaxweynaha federaalku wuxuu xilka haynayaa muddo shan (5) sano, (waxaa loo bedelay 4,sano)

11.QODOB cusub (131 ah),Waxaa la soo geliyey qodob cusub oo (131) oo aan dastuurka nuqulka rasmiga ah hore ugu jirin kuna saabsan xaalad deg degga ah, kana kooban 7 faqradood.


12.QODOB’ka 199,aad. Ee ka hadlaya wax ka bedelka dastuurka, faqradiisa 3,aad, ugu yaraan (440.000,) oo muwaadiniin ah ayaa lagu bilaabi karaa habraaca wax ka bedelka dastuurka, (waxaa loo bedelay 40,000).


13.QODOBka, 210,aad ee Ciwaankiisu yahay Qodobbada is-khilaafsan, oo labo (2) faqradood ka kooban, ayaa meesha laga saaray.


14.QODOBka 204-aad, ee ka hadlaya dhaqangalka dastuurka oo ahaa Hal farqad ama prograph. Waxaa lagu kordhiyey farqad cusub. Oo u qoran sidan:


(2) dhaqangalka qodobada la xiriira aqalka sare ee Baarlamanka Federaalka meelaha lagu xusay Dastuurkan, dib ayaa loo dhigay inta laga gaarayo samaynta dhammaan Dowladaha Xubnaha ka ah Dowladda Faderaalka ah iyo inta kuwa matalaya loo dhaarinayo xilka ayagoo ah xubno ka tirsan xubnaha aqalka sare ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka. Inta uu laalan yahay samaynta aqalka sare ee Baarlamanka Federaalka, Golaha shacabka ayaa qabanaya dhammaan waajibaadka iyo hawlaha dastuurkan siisay aqalka sare wuxuuna u shaqaynayaa sida Baarlaman ka kooban Hal-aqal, si daacad-nimo ku jirtana maanka ugu haynayaa mabaadi’da aasaasig ee awood qaybsiga ee nidaamka Federaalka lagu qeexay qodobka (3) ee dastuurkan iyo danaha Gobolada Soomaliyeed marka la gaarayo go’aanada.


15. Waxaa kaloo la khalday qaarna laga saaray Jadwalada kala guurka ah (A. iyo B. iyadoo lagu bedelay Calanka iyo astaanta) iyo wax yaalo kale oo aan meesha ku jirin.

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Farole is doing a service for all Somalis and they will appreciate what he is doing for the masses years after he vacates the seat he is holding in that region.


It is clear that Somalis are not ready for system of governance sustained by checks and balances. The current MPs are not equipped to discharge their duties in a manner that is in line with constitutional system.


As it is now the MPs are not a factor in the events unfolding in the country.

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Timeline of the Somali Constitutional Process: 2004-2012


August 2004

Transitional Federal Charter adopted


September 2004

Transitional Federal Government (TFG) established under Puntland’s President, Abdullahi Yussuf.


June 2006

Independent Federal Constitution Commission (IFCC) established to work on a new (federal) Constitution.


June 2008

Moderate wing of the former Islamic Court Union included in TFG and 275 new Members of Transitional Federal Parliament sworn in.

January 2009

Sheikh Sharif (former Chairman of the Islamic Court Union) elected as new TFG President.


January 2010

Fifteen new commissioners of IFCC were sworn into office.


July 2010

Consultative Draft Constitution (CDC) presented by IFCC and public consultation process commenced.


September 2011

Roadmap to End the Transition adopted by the Somali Roadmap Signatories, i.e.: TFG President, TFG Prime Minister, Speaker of the Transitional Federal Parliament, President of Puntland, President of Galmudug, Chairman of Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaa, along with the SRSG Augustine Mahiga.


November 2011

Committee of Experts (CoE) established by the Roadmap Signatories in order to complement the work of the IFCC.


December 2011

Garowe I Constitutional Conference introduced a National Constituent Assembly (NCA) to

replace the national referendum in the adoption of the new Constitution. February 2012

Garowe II Constitutional Conference developed procedures for the adoption of the new

Constitution by the NCA, and introduced substantial decisions on the content of the new

Constitution, e.g. the decision to establish a parliamentary system of government and the

ways forward in the country’s federalisation attempt.


March 2012

Galkaayo Agreement introduced Somali Traditional Elders as a mechanism that would select members of the NCA and the new Federal Parliament.


April 2012

Constitution presented by IFCC and CoE.


April 2012

Addis Ababa Agreement by the Roadmap Signatories established the Technical Review Committee (TRC) to review and amend the Harmonised
Constitution presented by IFCC and CoE.


June 2012

Nairobi Agreement by the Roadmap
Signatories transformed the TRC to become the Technical Facilitation Committee (TFC) to
finalise the Harmonised Draft
Constitution for presentation to the NCA
and established the Technical Selection Committee (TSC) to vet members for the NCA and the new Federal Parliament as nominated by the Traditional Elders


July 2012

TFC published the
Provisional Constitution for presentation to the NCA.


01 August 2012

Provisional Constitution adopted by the NCA/Council of Ministers formed.


20 August 2012

The 275-member Federal Parliament of Somalia inaugurated.


28 August 2012

A new Speaker of the Federal Parliament selected.


10 September 2012

A new President of the Federal Republic of Somalia selected.


06 October 2012

A new Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia appointed.


13 November 2012

The Council of Ministers, announced by the Prime Minister, was endorsed by the Federal


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Waranle_Warrior;955927 wrote:
^Lol, when Faroole gambles, its not just a gamble, he has heads up from one the Casino workers. Faroole always comes up to, well, in most case, watch this space athiga and see what's gona happen.


By the way, in his long speech Faroole also offered to mediate between Jubbaland and the SFG.

I still think it is a needless gamble by the Imam. He could have allowed his media, public and other prominent Puntlanders to openly support Jubbaland without making it an official policy of PL to support Jubbaland in this dicey stalemate. To come out in support of Jubbaland in this open way, draws a line in the sand and leaves PL open to a failure that will almost probably be due to the incompetence of others (read Madoobe) and not PL itself. Why after all these years and progress would the mad Imam put the stature and fate of PL in the hands on others in such a foolish way?




How could he mediate when he already showed his hand?

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^^^Surely you have a high bar for a man you are calling a mad Imam :D


But Faroole as always makes the ever shrewd move with respect to the Somali politics .


NGONGE will appreciate the sagacity of it all later ...

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NGONGE;955966 wrote:
How could he mediate when he already showed his hand?

Agreed :) That I agree. However, the need to preempt Hassan's moves against Federalism is more important than Faroole positioning himself in a rolling out dirrin for SFG and JL.

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Within a week, the secret review committee had convened another meeting, in Nairobi, to further edit and revise the Draft Constitution. The new committee worked for about two weeks on the document and completed its revisions in the middle of June 2012. Signatories were then called to sign the final draft of the constitution on June 22, 2012.


What is mind-boggling is that the signatories were not only playing games with the public; they were also playing games with each other.
President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed came to the Nairobi meeting with the document that was revised in Addis Ababa arguing that it was the genuinely negotiated version. Yet Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali and other signatories contradicted him saying that the last version is the one that the committee completed in Nairobi. The President complained that his office was not informed about the Nairobi meeting. UNPOS and several Western diplomats intervened and pressured all of them to sign the document. On June 22, 2012, the seven signatories signed their own draft constitution and four protocols that deal with a number of issues including the creation of a National Constituent Assembly (NCA) in Nairobi. UNPOS first shared the Somali-language version of the signatories’ draft constitution and the protocols with the public on June 25, 2012.[14] As such, for the remainder of this article, ‘Draft Constitution’ means the signatories’ final draft completed and signed in Nairobi.


Implications of the Hasty and Secretive Drafting Process

UNPOS and a narrow group of unrepresentative politicians have controlled the drafting process of the Somali constitution since April 2012. Given the time they had (from late April to June 22, 2012) they negotiated the articles in the constitution secretly and wrote the document hastily. Three implications result from the manipulation of the seven signatories.
First, the hasty and secretive drafting process has permanently damaged the legitimacy of the outcome (the draft constitution). Both committees of the IFCC and the CoE have publicly distanced themselves from the signatories-driven process.
The leaders of the IFCC and CoE met with civil society members and religious groups in Mogadishu and explained to them the differences between the draft that the two committees had produced and the draft that the signatories had signed. The two committees produced a matrix that identified more than seventy articles that had either been deleted from the original document or differed. They highlighted several articles that relate to the role of Islam, boundaries of the country, electoral systems, design of the second chamber, and Mogadishu as a capital for Somalia. The signatories could not explain or defend their actions well.

It seems Culusoow is not blame for this confusing and secretive process. It were the signatories playing games with the public and now Faroole is complaining about a process he was part of.

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^^ Waxba ii maad sheegin dee. Waliga balan uun ii qaad. :D


War soaasha ka jawaab. It is a risky move and the Imam is either being his old impulsive self or he's up to something (as I asked in that "rotten" thread of mine).

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NGONGE;955976 wrote:
^^ Waxba ii maad sheegin dee. Waliga balan uun ii qaad.


War soaasha ka jawaab. It is a risky move and the Imam is either being his old impulsive self or he's up to something (as I asked in that "rotten" thread of mine).

NGONGE, kaftan aside Faroole did not say anything new, he endorsed Jubbaland formation as part of his insistence in federal implementation. I trust you understand his motivation to insist on the expedition of federal state formation

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