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Somaliland and Somalia telephone numbers harmonized

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Somaliland:TELESOM Adds a New Set of Digits for Mobile Phones Numbers in Accordance with ITU Recommendation’s




By Goth Mohamed Goth


TELESOM one of the largest and leading Telecommunication provider in Somaliland has issued a press release informing its esteemed customers of the introduction of new digits to be added to the current seven digits used by only TELESOM mobile phone subscribers.


The Press Release Stated as Follows:-


TELESOM was founded in 2002 and it’s a public company which is owned by more than 1,600 shareholders of Somaliland origin,the company is also one of the biggest employers in the country.


TELESOM also as part of its corporate responsibilities provides vital social functions by offering both financial support to community based projects and also telecommunication facilities to a wide range of essential public institutions that are engaged in civil duties such as Hospitals, police stations, universities and among many more.


Since the inception of company back in 2002 TELESOM is always committed to provide the best and the most advance telecommunication services in Somaliland and attain the highest customers’ satisfaction and with an expanding customer base the company decide to add a seventh digit “4” back in 2006 from the previous six digit used by the company at the time of its inception.


The introduction of the new digits (063)by TELESOM for its mobile phone subscribers in keeping with International Telecommunication Union Recommendations which TELESOM is a member of ITU which currently has a membership of 193 countries and over 700 private-sector entities and academic institutions. ITU is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, and has twelve regional and area offices around the world.


In the past two years ITU facilitated the introduction of these new digits in 11 countries worldwide spanning from Mauritania, Swaziland, Seychelles, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Togo, Saint Marten, South Sudan, Djibouti, Gabon, Saudi Arabia including TELESOM in Somaliland.


The current changes introduced by TELESOM Telecommunication Company are in accordance with the Telecommunication laws of Somaliland and has fulfilled all the rules and regulations set by the Somaliland Posts and Telecommunications which has given TELESOM the go ahead to introduce the new changes.


TELESOM provides a wide diverse of services including GSM, Internet, Zaad services (mobile money payments) electronic voucher, GPRS, 3Gs video conferencing system enabling thousands of business people to increase the profit’s and improve the competitiveness through TELESOM high quality technological systems.

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Burco: Dadweynaha Reer Burco oo Sas ka qaaday Lambaro Dheeraad ah oo ay xagga hore kaga Dartay Shirkadda Telesom

Lambarradeedii hore iyo Niyad jabka ay ku ridday Macaamiisheedii Mobile ka.


(Hadhwanaagnews) Thursday, May 09, 2013

"Maalin kasta waan naxaa oo shirkaddii waxyba keentay lambaro laga naxo oo u eeg lambaradii koonfurta soomaliya, imminka mobile kayga illaa xalay maan furin welina wuu xidhan yahay, dee Ma Naxdin joogto ah baan korodhsadaa waxa sidan ii dhaanta anigoo mobile koodaba iska tuura" Sadiq oo kamida dhalnyarada Burco


Burco: Dadweynaha Reer Burco oo Sas ka qaaday Lambaro Dheeraad ah oo ay xagga hore kaga Dartay Shirkadda Telesom Lambarradeedii hore iyo Niyad jabka ay ku ridday Macaamiisheedii Mobile ka.


Shirkadda Isgaadhsiinta ee TELESOM oo ka mid ah shirkadaha ugu waaweyn Somaliland iyo Somalia ee Bixiya adeega isgaadhsiinta Telefoonada, Mobile ka iyo Internetka ayaa maalmahan u danbeeyey si weyn ay u saluugsanayeen dadka isticmaala adeegeeda mobile ku, iyagoo sas xooganna ka qaaday kadib markii lambaradii hore ee todobada ahaa lagu kordhiyey sadddex number oo kale oo ah

normal">063, waxayna dadweynaha reer Burco labadii maalmood ee u danbeeyey goobkasta ku hadal hayeen lambaradan lagu kordhiyey lambaradoodii hore, iyagoo qaarkood cadho awgeed Tuurayba kaadhkii shirkaddaas islamarkaasna qaatay kaadhadhka shirkadaha kale sida SOMTEL iyo Nation link oo hadda ah shirkadaha iyagu sida tooska ah uga shaqeeya magaalada, dadkani waxay sheegeen inaanay garanaynin ujeedada lambaradoodii looga xumeeyey ee looga waalay, waxayna carrabka ku dhufteen in xattaa shirkaddu aanay dadka u sheegin waxa kellifay in sidan ay ka dhigto, oo dadka oo dhami is weydiinayaan, dadka qaar waxay sheegayaan inay ka sasaan oo ka naxaan marka lambar hore ay u yaqaaneen ama dadkii u mobile ka ugu jirey ay qofkii soo garacaan,taasoo ay xuseen inaanu magacii soo baxayn balse ay soo baxayaan Lambaro badan oo 10 Toban lambar ah islamarkaasna marka hore u muuqaal eeg lambarada koonfurta laga isticmaalo oo qaarkood xuseen inaanay qaban ba telefoonadii caadiga ahaa Sas ay ka qabaan dadkan soo garaacaya awgeed iyagoo sida ay sheegeen moodaya in Alshabaab soo garaacday iyadoo markay u sii fiirsadaan uun ay arkaayaan in numberada danbe yihiin qofkii ay yaqaaneen.


Shirkadda Telesom oo ku dadaasha inay macaamiisheeda raali geliso aya u muuqata in adeegani ay lambarada tirada badan ku kordhisay khadka ka saari doono, maadaama dadku hore uga yeeleen Lambar 4 oo dhammaan laga horeysiiyey lambaradii caadiga ahaa ee dadka, iyadoo taas dadka aqoonta lihi dadka ka dhaadhiciiyeen una fasirteen in numberkii iyo dadkii kala bateen sidaas darteedna loo baahan yahay in malyan la gaadhsiiyo numberska, haddaba su?asha meesha tallaa ayaa ah ma dadkii Somaliland ku noolaa ee isticmaalayey mobile ka ayaa 8milyan ka batay mise waxa jira qorshe kale oo ay shirkaddu ka leedahay lambaradan tirada badan ee ku adag dadka aan aqoonta lahayn ama waxba akhrin? Arrintan ayaanay shirkaddu si caam ah marna uga hadal ama aanay shirjaraaid ku shaacin ujeedooyinka shirkadu ka leedahay arrintan.


Nin magaciisa ku sheegay Sadiiq oo goob ka mid ah makhaayadaha lagu kulmo ugu warramay Hadhwanaagnews ayaa yidhi "Maalin kasta waan naxaa oo shirkaddii waxyba keentay lambaro laga naxo oo u eeg lambaradii koonfurta soomaliya, imminka mobile kayga illaa xalay maan furin welina wuu xidhan yahay, dee Ma Naxdin joogto ah baan korodhsadaa waxa sidan ii dhaanta anigoo mobile koodaba iska tuura oo SOMTEL galabta kaadha ka soo furtee" ayu yidhi sadiiq.


Islaa Da´ ah oo ka mid ah islaamaha suuqa wax ku iibiya ayaa iyadoo maraysa meel u dhow biriijka magaalada Burco si xun u haabartay shirkadda iyadoo xoog uga cadhaysan lambarada aadka u badan ee mar qudha lagu daray 7dii Number "hooyo ma toban baan qof u qori karaa ama yeedhi karaa 7diibaan la liitee, inkaari ku dhacday wax wanaagsan noomay soo kordhin ee dantooduunbay wataan, wax alla waxay uga jeedaan iyo waxay lambarada nooga waalayaan garan mayno" ayay ku catowday islaantani.


Goob xawaalad ah oo lacago laga qaadanayey isla markaasna ay dad aad u badan reer Miyi Hay´adi lacag u soo dirrtay ahi kuyuu ugu jireen aya waxa ugu badan ee ay ka sheekaysanayeen ahayd lambaradan lagu daray lambaradii hore ee Telesom, qaar way habaarayeen, kuwo kale aad bay u caytamayeen , qaarkoodna waxayba ku dhaaranayeen inay tureen ba kaadhkii Telesom.


lambaradan ka badan Numberka keliya ee ay ku kordhiyeen Telefoonkii gacanta ee Telesom ayaa dhabar jab weyn ku ah shirkadda Telesom halka ay fursado fiican iyo jaanis na uga noqonayso shirkadaha tartanku ka dhexeeyo ee SOMTEL iyo NATION LINK, waxana arrintani u muuqataa mid aan aqoon badan iyo cilmi baadhis la sameeyey lagu keenin maadaama ay dadku 90% si isku mid ah uga hor yimaadeen Go´aankaas shirkaddu ku bedeshay lambaradi hore isla markaasna aanay weli fahmin waxa ay shirkaddu Numberadii uga dhigtay Tobanka Number.










Mustafe Osman A/rahman (Mustafe Teacher)


Hadhwanaagnews Burco / Office

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this company is a disgrace. its owned by Hormuud telecoms but operates in SL under the guise of 'telesom'. they should leave immediately to xamar where i'm sure these new numbers have more usefulness. they have defecated on our faces and not for the first time.

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Che -Guevara;947767 wrote:
What does business decision have to do politics?

I was thinking the same.


Has Ictiraaf become a religion in that wasteland or something Alpha? :D

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Alpha Blondy;947738 wrote:
this company is a disgrace. its owned by Hormuud telecoms but operates in SL under the guise of 'telesom'. they should leave immediately to xamar where i'm sure these new numbers have more usefulness. they have defecated on our faces and not for the first time.

I am sure the people of Somaliland do not care who or what owns Telesom and other companies operating in Somaliland as long as there is a healthy competition in every sector of the economy. Who wants to be under a tyranical monopoly?

The only problem I have with any company doing business in Somaliland is their failure (or rather the government's failure) to collect appropriate tax rates from them.

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Che -Guevara;947767 wrote:
What does business decision have to do politics?

Some people think there is another (political)agenda behind this. Read the second article and reaction of Alpha, that says a lot. I personally think its good to harmonize all the phone numbers, its crazy that each region has other numbers +252-96...., +2522-4, etc

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"Maalin kasta waan naxaa oo shirkaddii waxyba keentay lambaro laga naxo oo u eeg lambaradii koonfurta soomaliya, imminka mobile kayga illaa xalay maan furin welina wuu xidhan yahay, dee Ma Naxdin joogto ah baan korodhsadaa waxa sidan ii dhaanta anigoo mobile koodaba iska tuura" Sadiq oo kamida dhalnyarada Burco

Paranoid xaal qaado. Nin jiran waaye qofkaas haddii meesha waxa ku qoran uu dhahay.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;948191 wrote:
Paranoid xaal qaado. Nin jiran waaye qofkaas haddii meesha waxa ku qoran uu dhahay.

looool. Aniguba waan yaabay.

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People shouldn't be so quick to dismiss this as apolitical... There was a telecommunications conference shortly ago in Mogadishu hosted by the government which included several of major telecommunication business from SL... I am inclined to say there are some political implications...

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