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Xaaji Xunjuf

New commander of the Armed forces of Somalia

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Oday ma xaajigad eedeneysa naga daa dee, Xaajigu wa oday Somaliyeed eeh. Qabyaaladuna wa shay qudhun ah iska dayaa imisaan idin leeeyahay tageera madaxdina. Mise Qolyaha Horurfadhi baad la mid tahay oo aminsan inu taliyuhu taliyee beeleed yahay?

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Xaaji Xunjuf;926662 wrote:
Oday ma xaajigad eedeneysa naga daa dee, Xaajigu wa oday Somaliyeed eeh. Qabyaaladuna wa shay qudhun ah iska dayaa imisaan idin leeeyahay tageera madaxdina. Mise Qolyaha Horurfadhi baad la mid tahay oo aminsan inu taliyuhu taliyee beeleed yahay?

See what I mean!, I only said the two of you are cut from the same cloth and here you are making up stories lol, xaaji cimaamadii ayaa kaa dhacdey dee. Qabyaalad kaama marnee, aniguna waaba aqaanaa jananka iyo abaanduulihiisa intaba waana rag wax ku ool ah oo khibrad u leh shaqadaan, laakin walaalow naga daa khuraafaadka iyo malaaig iska yeelka xunjuf xunjuftaada ma aqaane:cool:

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Simple answer to your question - Taliyaha cusub waxeey qaraabo yihiin Liiqliiqato(AUN), waana nin u qalma jagada loo dhiibay.

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Oday anigu cidna ma fogeyo , waxan nimankan qoreen na anigu ma qorin ,markaa sharafteyda wax ha u dhimin , anigu dadkaas shuqul isku ma lihin eeh qabyaaladu dardartay. Oo xita jananadi eedeynaya iyago xita dalki loo dhibin so cajiib maha.

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good stuff however I fear the legitimacy of the SNA will be compromised if all the high ranking members are southerners, there are men of equal stature who have served dutifully the somali people, and just because their service was not in mugdishu does not make it any less respectable , I hope we see a more diverse group of military elite, if not i fear it wont be long before the seeds of mistrust flourish and each region feel the need to have its own military capable of defending itself from the SNA.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;926675 wrote:
Oday anigu cidna ma fogeyo , waxan nimankan qoreen na anigu ma qorin ,markaa sharafteyda wax ha u dhimin , anigu dadkaas shuqul isku ma lihin eeh qabyaaladu dardartay. Oo xita jananadi eedeynaya iyago xita dalki loo dhibin so cajiib maha.

waawareey!, war odeygii waa hadley. Xaaji xaal qaado ina adeer, meel ka dhac igama ahayn ee waxaan rabay oo kaliya in aan in yar kaa dhawaajiyo loool

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Apophis;926591 wrote:
There's no ciidan qaran, only militia from a certain block, who are changing their militia heads. No new news here.

lool U support Raskamboni Militia yet you are against the Ciidanka Qaranka ee qalablka sida, oo sidii rahii u booda lol

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^^ Hassan Sheikh and his lot seem to have confused poor indhacade when they told him to join the Dam Jadeed (new blood) government. Waxa la yedhi, he's always been fond of spilling new blood. :D

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NGONGE;926795 wrote:
^^ Hassan Sheikh and his lot seem to have confused poor indhacade when they told him to join the Dam Jadeed (new blood) government. Waxa la yedhi, he's always been fond of spilling new blood.



Sheikh Yusuf indhocade al markaawi i really respect that guy from the spiritual leaders of the USC, To the Sheikal balad of Marka for years. To the Islamic courts Union, to be the key founders of Xisbal Islam than to Joining the Shabaab. And than back to the goverment ranks and now he is a respected general of the Somali state long live Sheikh indhocade al markaawi.

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