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Baashi;924596 wrote:
Change "ethnic" to "clan" and add the fact that 95% of eligible voters cast their ballots along ethnic line (per this news report) and you would see Kenyans is not that different from Somalis when it comes to identity politics.


Biyuutifuul. Welcome to Somali politics. Embracing your clan politics blindly is the new democracy.

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Baashi;924596 wrote:
Change "ethnic" to "clan" and add the fact that 95% of eligible voters cast their ballots along ethnic line (per this news report) and you would see Kenyans is not that different from Somalis when it comes to identity politics.


Oh but they are different, in fact very different, simply because the differences (cultural,linguistic, physical, religious) between these Kenyan ethnic groups and their interests are real, while the differences between Somali clans are non-existent which should have united them in their common interests as a homogenous people.

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DOORASHADA Kenya - Natiijo qabto ah:


Sida ay ii sheegeen saaxiibbo Kenyan ah, Nadiif

Jaamac, oo ah dhaqaaleyahan hantiile ah ayaa ku

guuleystay Gaarisa Governor. Kursiga Senateka ee

Gaarisa waxaa ku guuleystay Mudane Yuusuf Xaaji oo

doorashada ka hor ahaa welina haya xilka Wasiirka

Gaashaandhigga, ahna ruug caddaa siyaasadeed oo

Hore u soo qabtay jagooyin badan oo ay ka mid tahay,

Gudoomyaha Gobolka ugu kheyraadka badan Kenya ee

Rift Valley. Wuxuu ka adkaaday Mudane Faarax Macallin

oo ahaan jiray Guddoomiye ku Xigeenka Baaramaanka.


Waxaa isaguna kursigii Senateka ee Wajeer waayay

Siyaasi Soomaalidu aad u taqaan waa Danjire

Maxamed Afey. Waxaa gambarkii uu u tar tamay helay

Mudane Colow. Waxaa iyaguna ka dib markii ay muddo

ka maqnaayeen Siyaasada hadda guuleystay Mudane

Biloow Keeroow oo noqday Senatorka Mandheera iyo

Mudane Ilyees Barre Shiil oo baarlamaanka gambar ka

helay oo ku soo laabtay.


Mudane Maxamed Daahiye oo ahaa Agaasime ku

Xigeenka ururka caafimaadka adduunka (WHO) ee

Kenya ayaa ka soo galay Dhadhaab. Maxamed

Mukhtaar Shiidiye oo siyaasadda muddo ka maqnaa

wuxuu ka aoo galay Lagdheera.


Safiyo Cabdi Toorreey oo ahayd bilcaantii Soomaaliyeed ee ugu horreysay ee fariisata Baarlamaanka Kenya ayaa looga adkaaday codad aan 500 gaarin. Waxaa ka guuleystay Bishaar Ibraahim Cabbaas, Ijaara.


Maxamed Ibraahim Cilmi oo ahaa Wasiirkii horumarinta Gobollda Waqooyi ayaa xaajistay gambarka degmaanka Tarbaj oo ka tirsan Wajeer.

Wasiir ku xigeenkii Tamarta, Eng Mummad ayaa laga

Qaadi waayay gambarkiisii Mandheera Bari. Mudane

Shacbaan wuxuu ka soo galay Mandheera. Aadan Keynaan Wehliye, ayaa isna gambarkiisii xagsaday ama xaajistay. Xaafadda Soomaalida lagu yaqaan ee

Islii ee Nairobi waxaa mar kale ku guuleystay

weriyaha caanka ah mudane Yuusuf Xasan.

Xigasho: Bogga gaarka ah ee Yuusuf Garaad ku leeyahay Facebook.

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Who knows, there are 5.5 million votes to go counting. Anything can change. Odinga's only chance is a run-off election. I hope Kenyatta wins for the sake of not having another election within a month. Kenyatta would need to get at least 51% of the votes. He has 54% now. Not that bad.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;924895 wrote:
Who knows, there are 5.5 million votes to go counting. Anything can change. Odinga's only chance is a run-off election. I hope Kenyatta wins for the sake of not having another election within a month. Kenyatta would need to get at least 51% of the votes. He has 54% now. Not that bad.

He also needs to get at least 25% of votes in 24/47 counties; so two conditions really, the 50%+1 and the county there might still be a run-off even if he gets 54%...

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