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What Was the Point of Government's Delegation to Kismayo?

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Kismaayo: (pp)- Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Kismaayo ayaa sheegaya in isgaranwaa weyn uu maanta garoonka diyaaradaha uu ku dhexmaray wafuud ka socotay DF ee Soomaaliya & maamulka kumeelgaarka ah ee Jubbaland.



Isfahanwaaga ku yimi dowlada iyo Maamulka ku meelgaarka ah ayaa yimi kaddib markii Wafdiga dowladu ay ka soo dageen garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Kismaayo lana isweydiiyey safarka madaxda dowladu ay ku yimaadeen magaalada Kismaayo, kaas oo aan ku fadhiyin wax muhiimad ah.


Maamulka Kumeelgaarka ah ayaa Wasiirada dowlada ku weeraray Su’aalo ah goorta iyo waqtiga ay shirka u furayaan ergada ku sugan magaalada Kismaayo oo iyaga loo xayiran yahay, waxaana wafdigii dowlada ka socday ku adkaatay inay ka jawaabaan arrinkaas, waxayna Jawaabtaas bedelkeeda sheegeen in ay magaalada Kismaayo u yimaadeen in ay wax ka xaliyaan dagaaladii saacadaha koobnaa ka dhacay Sabtidii magaalada Kismaayo.


Maamulka ku meelgaarka ah oo u muuqanayey mid masuuliyad buuxda isa saaray ayaa wafdigii dowlada u sheegay in magaalada Kismaayo aysan ka jirin wax dhibaato ah ayna xalisteen arrimahooda u gaarka ah , iyagoo dowlada Xasuusiyey in magaalada Muqdisho ay mar walba ay ka dhacaan dagaalo dhibaatooyin badan dhaliya aana waxba laga soo qaadin, iyagoo maamulka kumeelgaarka ahi ay weydiiyeen Wasiirka arrimaha guddaha sababta farta loogu fiiqay shaqaaqadii yarayd ee ka dhacday magaalada Kismaayo ee ka maammul ahaan ay iyagu xalinayaan ayn qaarkeed xaliyeen.


Dhanka kale waxaana soo baxaya warar sheegaya in dowlada ay shaqaaqadii ka dhacday magaalada Kismaayo ay ku lug lahayd , isla markaana shaqaqaqadaas yar laga buub buuniyey saxaafada Muqdisho, haddana ay doonayeen inay wax weyn ka dhigaan si loo sii kala fogaado, nasiib wanaag Maamulka magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxay muujiyeen dadaal dheeraad ah si aan loo kala fur furin.


Sikastaba, Maamulka kumeelgaarka ah iyo Wasiiradii ka socday DF ee Soomaaliya ayaan wanaag badan ka dhex dhalan , arrinkuba uu cirka isku sii shareeray kaddib markii masuuliyiinta dowlada la weydiiyey Su’aalo badan oo ku aadan sababta ay shirka lagu xushmeeyey laguna marti qaaday ay imaan waayeen, iyo sababta ay uga soo duuleen magaalada Muqdisho , waqti dhibaato aan muuqan aysan ka jirin magaalada Kismaayo , dadkeeduna ay xalisteen shaqaaqadii yarayd ee dhacdaay sabtidii.


Isfahan waaga u dhaxeeya maamulka Jubbooyinka & DF ee Soomaaliya ayaa immaanay saacado kaddib markii madaxweynaha Puntland uu ugu baaqay Dowlada Federaalka ee Soomaaliya inay ku kaalmayso shacabka deegaankaasi siddii ay maamulkooda u dhisan lahaayeen, isagoo ku baaqay dhanka kale in nabbada laga hormariyo wax walba, caalamkana ka codsaday in ay taageero ka geystaan dhismaha Maamulka Jubbaland.

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Kismaayo (RBC Radio) Wasiirka arimaha gudaha iyo amniga qaranka xukuumada Soomaaliya C/kariin Xuseen Guuleed iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo ayaa dib ugu soo noqday Caasimada Muqdisho.


Wasiirka iyo Waftigii la socdsay ayaa markii ay gaareen Kismaayo ayaa waxa ay kulamo kula yeesheen madaxda maamulka iyo waxgaradka magaalada Kismaayo gudaha gegeda dayuuraha ee kismaayo.


Mudane Cabdikariim ayaa markii uu kulamada u dhamaadeen waxa uu saxaafada qadar yar oo kooban uga waramay wixa safarkiisa ku saabsanaa waxa uu yiri.


“Ujeedad socdaalka waxa ay aheyd in loo kuurgalo xaalada guud ee Kismaayo gaar ahaan dhibaatadii doraad dhacday ….Alxamdu lilaahi markaan kulamo badan la yeelanay masuuliyiintii iyo dadkii waxgaradka ahaa magaalada waxaan ogaanay in uusan dhibweyni uusan dhicin“


Wasiirka arimaha gudaha iyo amniga qaranka xukuumada Soomaaliya C/kariin Xuseen Guuleed oo hadalkiisa sii wata waxa uu yiri.


“Magaalada wax dhibaato ama mashaakil weyni ah maysan jirin, dhibkii yarka ah ee dhacayna ay aheyd wax ciidamada dhexdeeda aheyd wax ka dhacay, hadana xakameyn iyo gacan ku heyn ayey ku jirtaa masuuliyiintaana noo balan qaaday in ay xalinayaan”.[Halkaan ka Akhriso Faahfaahinta Ciidamada isku dhacay]


Dhanka kale wasiirka waxa uu saxaafada u sheegay in kulamadooda looga hadlay arimaha jubooyinka guud ahaan isaga oo dhankaas ka hadlayana waxa uu yiri.


“arimo muhiim ah baan kawada hadalnay oo ku saabsan Jubooyinka iyo deegaankaan wada hadal dheer oo aan yeelanay kadib waxaan isla garanay in wada hadalka iyo wada tashiga aan sii wadno, arimaha jirana wada hadal lagu xaliyo”.


Magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxaa kusii qulqulaya siyaasiyiin iyo waxgaradka gobolda Gedo, Jubada Hoose, iyo Jubada Dhexe waxaana lagu wadaa in uu ka furmo shirweyne looga arinsanayo maamul u sameynta Goboladaas.

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It turns out the Minister and his delegates came with no assesable purpose other than to milk the little incident that took place in Kismayo, which was more or less taken care of by the local leadership.


The Minister and his delegates by all accounts did not enter the city, his two hour stay was completely restricted in the Airport viscinity. And the fact that he was alone in his press talk , and Madobe was not there to talk to the press (as reported) shows that no understanding was reached on the basic underpining issue of the minister's hasty trip.


It is hard to believe that the incident warranted a government delegation to come and 'mediate between parties', as announced.

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The mishandling of the Kismayo issue by the government still continues. I thought things will change after I listened to what he said in Minneapolis convention hall, but it seems the government has no plan B for Kismayo/Jubbas, BUT to continue this non engagement "attitude" policy. Saan talo maaha, ee midkood(Madaxwayna ama RW) meesha ha tago.

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^I thought so too. He seemed serious about Somalia moving out of its chaos and towards federalism in that speech and promised to work together with everyone to help resolve the issue of Jubbaland as he invited the other side into the conversation. I'm starting to doubt if that speech was disingenuous and just a politician telling the crowd what they wanted to hear.

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But isn't it fair to say that the government is the one that should at least act as the big brother. It is after all the "Federal" entity for the whole country, no.

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Somalia: Ministerial delegation will ‘consider’ taking part in Jubaland convention

26 Feb 26, 2013 - 7:22:50 AM


KISMAYO, Somalia Feb 26 2013 (Garowe Online) – A Somali Federal Government (SFG) ministerial delegation who visited Kismayo on Monday said that they would “consider” participating in the Jubaland state formation convention after failing to move the conference to Mogadishu, Garowe Online reports.


Following a statement on by SFG Minister of Interior Abdikarim Hassan Guled who said that the SFG would be holding a state formation convention for Jubaland – which had already been underway by the Jubaland community – the minister led a delegation to Kismayo.


Sources in Mogadishu said that the delegation used grounded Horn Air Aviation’s plane – without the consent of company officials – to depart to Kismayo. The plane carried Minister of Finance, Minister of Security and Minister Guled who met with Jubaland officials in Kismayo to discuss the recent conflict and the Jubaland state formation process.


Moallim Mohamed Ibrahim, spokesman for the Jubaland convention organizing committee, told Somali media that the meeting with the SFG officials occurred at the Kismayo airport.


According to local sources in Kismayo, the delegation from Mogadishu requested that the Jubaland state convention be held in Mogadishu. The sources told GO that Kismayo interim officials told the delegation that it’s only fitting that the state formation process be held in Kismayo and not Mogadishu.


The ministerial delegation was quoted as saying that they would “consider if they could participate in the state formation convention”, that is slated for the coming days.


The officials also discussed the recent conflict in Kismayo between armed militia and police which resulted in 9 deaths. Kismayo officials stated that the situation had been eased and a mediation committee had already interceded in the matter.


The SFG delegation returned to Kismayo and sources tell us that they’re consulting with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud whether or not the SFG should take part in the Jubaland state convention.


Spokesman Ibrahim told Somali media that Jubaland officials have always extended their state formation invitations to the SFG but haven’t received a concrete answer. Mr. Ibrahim said that the Jubaland conference was delayed initially so that SFG officials could send representatives to attend.


The community led Jubaland state formation process has been underway for the past few years and has come under pressure by Somali government officials in Mogadishu, who have opposed the state formation process, despite the legitimacy of state-building under the country's Federal Constitution.

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The government is unfortunately wounded on the Kismayo matter. I heard the president is so obsessed with this region that he ignored sound advise from his ministers, prime minister included.


As you can in the article above, the conference will go on with or without the government. Many thought it would be symbolically important for Federal government to attend and bless it. Alas it wasn't meant to be ....

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^^The government has the responsibility of national leadership. Those in Kismayo have no such responsibility. Yet they have been behaving surprisingly courteous notwithstanding the airport incident a month or so ago.


The government has failed all of us with respect to this issue. There is a serious credibility issue here. The president whom I met in Minneapolis seemed rationale and responsible when he talked. Yet the incompetence coming out of Mogadishu in handling a simple issue like Kismayo is astonishing really.

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Waryaa xiin shirkii 26-ka ayaa la billaabayaa la yiri haddana maxaa ku dhacay? Meeqo jeer baa la soo dhejiyey shirkan oo uu baaqday? Hadda maalintee dhegan yahay?

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^^Well the irony is the conference was postponned to give the federal government a political space to participate in the conference.


Stay tuned Abwaan the conference will commence soon insha Allah. If you know the ammount of effort put in this conference, and the mobilization that took place , and how many delegates already in Kismayo, you would not have doubts that it will take place.


But you are still listening Ahmed Diriye's clan sermons :D

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Oodweyne;921831 wrote:


In the politics of Somalia what is written on the page has no passing relationship to what the cold light of the day will invariably show.


Hence just as the then TFG of late Col. Yey have had no relationship with was good for Somalis at the time and was indeed acting for the benefit of the "tolka" of pirate-land, it seems similarly that this government is also talking a good game of "Somalinimo" while in truth it's acting no more discreditable in it's "clannish calculation" than all of those previous governments for Somalia have done in their days.

How is the goverment being clannish in this context? There a diffrent major clans claiming the same provinces and in the process of establishing "states". The goverment has played indepedent and invited all parties for a consultative meeting In Moqdisho. I dont see how why you would think that is discreditable?

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^^ Waryaa Fiilo, ka dhax bax ragga waaweyn ee doodaya, qof kastoo kaa weyn ayaad afka ku taageysaa sidii habar gaajeysan oo mayiiko qabto.

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loooooool@ mayiiko


waxaa iigu danbaysay waagan suuqa miijiska cajjiinka ka shiidi jirey. those were the days awoowe, makiinad cajiin was our malls ..

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