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Che -Guevara

Diaspora's Anshax Xumo in Xamar

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^Sorry bro I misunderstood you. You're advocating for women's rights and freedom by suggesting a topless beaches where off course men have the option of going. :Freedom xaal qaado.


I don't know how this anshax-xumo topic turned into discussion women's underwear and bra.


Talk about real anshax-xumo :D :D

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Jacpher;908220 wrote:
^Sorry bro I misunderstood you. You're advocating for women's rights and freedom by suggesting a topless beaches where men off course men have the option of going. :Freedom xaal qaado.


I don't know how this anshax-xumo topic turned into discussion women's underwear and bra.


Talk about real anshax-xumo

haa now your understanding me but this doesn't necessarily mean that men will go that beach :D

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I don't think in gabar hadda Soomaaliya joogta oo Soomaali ah ay bikini ku dabaalanayso haddii aysan waalnayn. Caddaanka ayaaba Khimaar xirta si ay u tusaan inay ixtiraamayaan diinta iyo dhaqanka Soomaalida aysanna target u noqon. I hope inaan gabdhaha masaakiinta ee dibedaha ka yimid dhibaato loo geysan.

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I think this is what dr tarzan is talking about, few days back I recieved this message in my Yahoomail account from an Annonymous


guud ahaan internetka gaar ahaan xeendaabka sooomalida, ha aadeen websiteyada, Tv-yada, wargaysyada, idaacadaha iyo bogaga arimaha bulshada waxaa ku soo batay waxyaabo anshax xumo ah, sida haweeyn qaaqaawan oo la dheelaya rag ka ajnabi ah

habeen hore ayaan daawaday filim lagu sameeyay xeebta liido oo wiil iyo gabar soomaliyeed ay isugu galmooynayaan

xalay ayaan daawaday filim lagu sameeyay boosaaso oo rag iyo dumar soomaliyeed oo isla tumanaya

run ahaan waa wax aad looga xumaado, mararka qaarna xitaa laga dagaalamo

waxan ku dhihi lahaa kuwa sii faafinaya oo sii baahinaya in ay xishoodaan

ugu danbeyn:

1. kuwii sameeyay ilaahoow soo hanuuni

2. kuwii faafiyayna ebow u danbi dhaaf

3. intii aan samaan u qorneyna eeboow halkii roon geey

4. inagana fitnadooda iyo fasahaadka ay wadaan eeboow inagu dhinac dhig

If what this guy is talking about is reaL then the Sheikh tarzan have seen something, and he is absolutely right :D :D

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I dont think qurbo joogta keliya iney edab daran yihiin. Although i doubt very much anyone is skinny dipping or wearing bikini.

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A case of emptying the sea with a bucket....of all things the mayor of Mogadishu has got on his plate is this really relevant?

And I can already see in the feverish need that Somalis have to blame others, the diaspora returnees being blamed for all the bad habits that there is in mogadishu!

Is it the diaspora who taught mog residents qurbatul siir that is little else than prostitution?

Alcohol being available under the table in many so called 5 star joints?

Late night hush hush parties at the beach, private residences or hotels?

So called shuukansi consisting of driving past IDP camps with SUV's and hunting young girls?

The use of hashish by many youth as well as the so called police?

What about the light skinned arab looking girl with the EPIC breasts, who is illiterate and wouldn't know the difference between a computer or a horseman of the apocalypse, that acts as one of the Mayors secretaries and draws a salary at the council?:rolleyes:


Somalis are hypocrites simple as that :cool:

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another version of the same interview


Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna duqa Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ka hadlay Dadka qurbaha ka yimid gaar ahaan dumarka, kuwaasoo uu sheegay inay dalka la yimaadeen dhaqamadii xumaa ee dibada yaalay.


Maxamuud Axmed Nuur Tarzan ayaa ku eedeeyay Haweenka ka imaanaya qurbaha inay cowradooda banaanka taalo,isagoo sheegay inay isku heystaan dad dhaqan wanaagsan wata.


” Dadkiina qurbaha ka yimid dhaqan ma heysaanee ee anshax isku yeela, waxaad arkeysaa Haween dabaal u yimid Badda oo Baridooda ay muuqato ” ayuu yiri Tarzan.


” Qurbo joogta ka timid Mareykanka iyo Yurub, gaar ahaan Mareykan waxay isku heystaan inay dadka kale ka dhaqan wanaagsana yihiin, war dhaqan ma heysaanee adinkaa u baahan in la idin dhaqan celiyo ” ayuu si caro leh u yiri Maxamuud Axmed Nuur Tarzan.


” Gabar Jirkeeda soo qaawisay ayaa waxy wiil la dhexmareysaa Xeebta Liido, bal fiiri sida ay anshaxa ugu dheelayaan, waa laga war qaba waxkasta oo ay sameynayaan ” ayuu hadalkiisa sii daba dhigay Tarzan.


Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ayaa sheegay in ay ciidamada Booliiska ku wargaliyeen inay soo xiraan gabadhii qaawan ee Bada Liido timaada, isagoo ku eedeeyay inay dbaqan xumo keenayaan Xeebta Liido.


” Ciidamada Booliiska Amar ayaan ku siinay inay soo qabtaan gabadhaha Baridooda soo qaawiya, dhaqan xumo ayay keeneen xeebta Liido,balse uma dulqaadan doono ” ayuu ku hanjabay Maxamuud Axmed Nuur Tarzan Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir oo la yaabay dhaqan qurba joogta.

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