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Warlord Faroole Interference In KHaatumo State Affairs

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Thanks for the video Liban...Xariif Xasan also lost today, what a cunning man.:D...looking forward to the communique.

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Somalia;854695 wrote:
He's the president of......... PUNTLAND! Wow.

Does that give him the power to interfer with others affairs. I guess you agree with your adeer

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Abwaan;854878 wrote:
Thanks for the video Liban...Xariif Xasan also lost today, what a cunning man.
...looking forward to the communique.

You welcome Abwaan, Shariif xasan lost big time.

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Golaha Garaadada/Madax Dhaqameedka KHaatumo State Ayaa Shaaciyay Magacyadii Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Cusub ee Soomaaliya




Liiska Xildhibaanada Barlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya ee Kasoo Jeeda KHaatumo State




Madaxdhaqameedka Beelaha KHaatumo State ayaa si rasmi ah u magacaabay xubnihii u matali lahaa deeganada Khaatumo dawladda dhexe e Soomaaliya. Kulamo isdabajoog ah iyo wadatashiyo ay yeesheen odayaasha dhaqanku oo kaashanaya gudida G10 ayaa ugu danbeyntii soo saaray liiska la isku waafaqay ee xildhibaanada Beelaha Khaatumo u matali doona dawladda qaran ee Soomaaliya, kaasoo lagu wado in dhawaan ay u gudbiyaan gudiyada ku shaqada leh.


hadaba halkan ka akhriso magacyada.


1: Ali Khaliif Galaydh.


2: Abdulkareem Hassan Jamaac.


3. Ikhyaar Maxamuud Axmed.


4: Ziyaad Maxamuud Shirre.


5: Xaaji Abdi Maxamed Ali.


6: Caydiid Saleebaan Xaashi.


7: C/Waaxid Abdullaahi Jaamac.


8: Yuusuf Ahmed Nuur.


Xildhibaanadan ayaa la sheegay inay dhamaan ogolaadeen juffooyinkoodii iyo weliba Garadada markaasi aan qaybta ka ahayn gudida xulitaanka Barlamaanka Khaatumo ee isku dhafan, ayagoo dhamaantood loo tixgeliyey aqoontooda iyo kartidooda.

halkani Riix Si’aad Wararkaasi Oo Dhan Ugala Socoto




Garaad Abdulahi Garaad Soofe from Buuhoodle, MP Abdulkareem Hassan Jamaac from Buuhoodle, and Turkish Ambassador in Mogadishu Somalia

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'Liibaan';854852 wrote:
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Mahiga oo Sheegay Sababta Keentay Khilaafka Inay Tahay Xulida Xildhibaanada Gobolada KHaatumo State ee Barlamaanka Soomaaliya***********/



Mahiga: "Sababta Keentay Khilaafka Madaxda Somalia waa Yaa Xulaya Xildhibaanada KHaatumo? Ma Issimada KHaatumo, mise Faroole"



Ergayga Jamciyadda Quruumaha ka dhexaysa u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Amb. Augustine Mahiga oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta wadanka Kenya ayaa Sheegay Sababta Keentay Khilaafka Madaxda Somalia Inay Tahay Xulida Xildhibaanada KHaatumo State ee Barlamaanka Soomaaliya.


Hadaba waxaa shirkaasi dhalaanteedka ahaa iskaga soo baxay madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed oo ka biya diiday kawada hadalka arintan indha sarcaadka ah ee Faroole ka soo yeedhay.


Kadib markii uu soo dhamaaday shirkii Shimbirayohow heesa ayaa waxaa halkaasi saxaafada kula hadlay Mr.Mahiga oo ah Ergayga qaabilsan arimaha Soomaaliya waxaana kamid ahaa hadaladiisii ” Shirka Nairobi Ka Socda Arrinta Kowaad ee Laga Hadlay ee Khilaafka Keentay Waa Yaa Xulaya Xildhibaanada Khaatumo ( Ma Issimada Khaatumo, mise Faroole oo rabo inuu asagu xulu Xildhibaanada KHaatumo”,


Isku soo wada duuboo guuldarada siyaasadda Soomaaliya ka soo wajahday maamulka Ex-Puntland ayaa gayaysiisay Faroole inuu u hanqal taago xubno Isimadii lahaa shaw sabayanayaan taasoo uu kala kulmay fadeexad iyo sharafdhicii ugu danbeeyay ee uu ku hor kufo masraxa siyaasada Soomaaliya.

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Dr: Abdulkareem Hassan Jaamac: "Faroole Wuxuu Doonaya Inuu Bililiqaysto Kuraas Shacabka KHaatumo lee Yahay.!!



Wasiirkii Hore ee warfaafinta Boostaha iyo Isgaadhsiinta dalka Soomaaliya Dr: Abdulkareem Hassan Jaamac ayaa si weyn uga jawaab bixiyey Qoraalkii ka soo baxay magaalada Nairobi ee la sheegay inuu Faroole soo qortay.


Dr: Jaamac oo la hadlayey ilaacadaha caalamiga ah iyo kuwa afka Soomaaliga ku hadla, sida BBC da Voa da ayaa sheegay in ay khalad iyo meel ka dhac tahay in magaciisa lagu xuso Qoraalkii ka soo baxay shirkii 3 ka mid ah saxiixayaashu ku yeesheen Nairobi, kaasoo bur buray ka dib markuu ka baxay madaxweynaha dalka Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed.


Dr: Abdulkareem ayaa sheegay inaysan Khaatumo Shirka qayb ka ahayn, isla markaana aysan jirin cid ku matlaysay, wuxuu sheegay in markuu baxay Madaxweynaha SOomaaliya oo uu asagu la socday shirka laga saaray, wuxuu is waydiiyey nin shirkaba laga saarya oo la yidhi Madaxweynahaad la socotay Cadhoo ee Raac sababta magaciisa loogu been abuuran karo.


”” Faroole wuxuu isku dayayaa inuu bililiqaysto kuraas Shacabka KHaatumo lee yahay, taasina waxay noqonaysaa mid aan suuroobeyn”. Nin siyaasi ah oo aan la qabiil , maamul iyo deegaan ahayn dadka Khaatumo ma jirto sababta uu u soo geli karo arimaha deeganadan, waxaana uga digeynaa inuusan bur burin geedi socodka nabada, ayuu yidhi Dr: Abdulkareem.


Sidoo kale wuxuu sheegay in ay jiraan nin isim ahaan jirey iyo ninkale oo la socda balse aan isim dhaqan meela ku ahayn, lagu taliyey inay u tagaan odayaasha dhaqanka, ayna raacaan halka loo badan yahay, taas micnaheeduna aysan ahayn in Faroole la siiyey xubno, wuxuuna sheegay in aysan jirin meel taas lagu saxiixay asaguna uu ku ogaa in la isku raacay.

Ugu Danbeyntii Dr: Abdulkareem Hassan Jaamac ayaa sheegay in shacabka deeganadaasi ay lee yihiin madaxdhaqameed mideysan oo jireen ah, sidaas daraadeena aysan soconeyn in nin isim ahaan jirey hadana aan soo jireen ahayn iyo nin aan la aqoon waxa uu ku magacaaban yahay aysan u yeedhi doonin, Faroole uusan bililiqo waxba uga qaadeyn Khaatumo iyo deeganadeeda.



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liban, khatumo was not the cause of shariif leaving. loool. khatumo was one the items discussed after he left and agreed finally. 40% of ssc mps will be selected by faroole. shariif left for other reasons. that was a different case. he knew his game is over. his candidates will be screened and he will not have free ride.

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Dr: Abdulkareem Hassan Jaamac: "Faroole Wuxuu Doonaya Inuu Bililiqaysto Kuraas Shacabka KHaatumo lee Yahay.!!

Taas baa dhab ah inuu rabo umad kale kuraasteeda inuu bililiqeesto. Laakin yaa ka yeelaya. Reer Khaatumo ma yeelayaan. Odeygaas Faroole asagu ma raba intiisa in uu share gareeyo, mise dadka kale intooda baa loga taag haya. Waa cajiib


hadaba halkan ka akhriso magacyada.


1: Ali Khaliif Galaydh.


2: Abdulkareem Hassan Jamaac.


3. Ikhyaar Maxamuud Axmed.


4: Ziyaad Maxamuud Shirre.


5: Xaaji Abdi Maxamed Ali.


6: Caydiid Saleebaan Xaashi.


7: C/Waaxid Abdullaahi Jaamac.


8: Yuusuf Ahmed Nuur.

Dhamaan hambalyo. Noqda kuwii dadkooda iyo dalkooda anfaca. Ameen.


Khaatumo State of Somalia guul.

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Liibaan if you really want to defeat faroole u need to have an ally right now you don't have any

The puntlanders are playing dirty politics the puntlanders will do everything to secure their interest in mogadisho and the south.

And they will not let any one come inbetween that remember when faroole visited jig and met with iley and they made a deal and there was another meeting in nairobi between faroole. And the big foot clan. The deal was the new leader of somalia from the puntland region will support azania and raskambooni militia to have some sort of hegonomy over the juba regions. So far faroole has secured 70 percent of the d block mps. The puntlanders if they can't get the president they sure will not lose the prime minister. You my friends needs an ally you are betting you're horses on sharif he has 14 days left. And the state department is not so happy with sharif dude will kick the bucket politically

Sharif sakin and faroole are good friends puntland is a stake holder plus mahiga and the garowe boys are good friends.

You my friend needs some sort of leverage the ic doesn't consider u a stake holder in somalia but the clan that is divided

Now khaatumo is taking baby steps and only exist six months you want to get leverage against a state that exists 14 years.

When four of you're major elders are sitting in garowe what does that mean. Garaad mashqare garaad abdisalaan garaad abshir and caaqil maxamuud xaji cumar camay. You need to be organized as a clan and as state. As much as I like the professor he needs to step up his game and I am sure he will but will it be on time.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;855162 wrote:
Liibaan if you really want to defeat faroole u need to have an ally right now you don't have any

The puntlanders are playing dirty politics the puntlanders will do everything to secure their interest in mogadisho and the south.

And they will not let any one come inbetween that remember when faroole visited jig and met with iley and they made a deal and there was another meeting in nairobi between faroole. And the big foot clan. The deal was the new leader of somalia from the puntland region will support azania and raskambooni militia to have some sort of hegonomy over the juba regions. So far faroole has secured 70 percent of the d block mps. The puntlanders if they can't get the president they sure will not lose the prime minister. You my friends needs an ally you are betting you're horses on sharif he has 14 days left. And the state department is not so happy with sharif dude will kick the bucket politically

Sharif sakin and faroole are good friends puntland is a stake holder plus mahiga and the garowe boys are good friends.

You my friend needs some sort of leverage the ic doesn't consider u a stake holder in somalia but the clan that is divided

Now khaatumo is taking baby steps and only exist six months you want to get leverage against a state that exists 14 years.

When four of you're major elders are sitting in garowe what does that mean. Garaad mashqare garaad abdisalaan garaad abshir and caaqil maxamuud xaji cumar camay. You need to be organized as a clan and as state. As much as I like the professor he needs to step up his game and I am sure he will but will it be on time.


How is that dirty politics? That seems like excellent politics to me but you are twisting things.


Faroole visited Jigjiga to secure business for Puntland since many had left for Berbera due to insecurities. There simply is no evidence of this Jubboyinka business, sure we want to see our brothers secure the land from Al Shabaab and we will support them.


Khaatumo movement is suffering from cuqdad and you are not helping it!

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There are a few things u need to know son port business is what they tel the public but agreement behind close doors are never made public to the media.its dirty politics because ur cheating other clans and taking their seats to achieve you're goals.

Best thing that can happen is for the khatumo folks to form a coalition with their gedo kin and line behind the next leader

I don't think farmaajo but maybe the other guy mr baadiyow ninki reer jawhar and get the other clans to supprt that. And make sure puntlanders won't get the top seat or the pm. The professor needs to make new and good alliances don't bet ur money only on sharif.

The game is still 4.5 and its wide open may the best man win.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;855162 wrote:
Liibaan if you really want to defeat faroole u need to have an ally right now you don't have any

The puntlanders are playing dirty politics the puntlanders will do everything to secure their interest in mogadisho and the south.

Xunjuf, Don't worry the conflict between KHaatumo and Puntland will be solved peacefully, Insha Allah. KHaatumo State is success story, in 6 months the newly established regional state achieved many things. KHaatumo State have the support of the vast majority of KHaatumo People and Somali People in general. The president of Somalia Sheikh Shariif fully supports KHaatumo State of Somalia.


Already, KHaatumo State secured 5 seats of the 8 seats allocated for KHaatumo People. Insha Allah, Khaatumo people are working on the other 3 seats. KHaatumo people will not accept interference from Faroole.

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