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Xaaji Xunjuf

Ahlusuna wal jamaca supports Somalilands quest for statehood

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Somaliland govt did it well so far holding talks with the TFG Somalia's government the regional states in Somalia with the exclusion of Puntland are all in support of the self determination of the People of Somaliland. There was a time i remember when Koonfurians didn't dared to even utter the word Somaliland afkay kala bakheley jireen gobolada woqoyi look at them now. Give it another year and they will say dadkan naga sii dayaa nooh adiga aloore moos ma qabtid babay ma qabtid xaad nugu so kordhisa Khaldaan wiif, its all coming together.

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dadkan naga sii dayaa nooh adiga aloore moos ma qabtid babay ma qabtid xaad nugu so kordhisa Khaldaan wiif,

xaaji adi boolaa tahaynoo, anaka hadii SL sii deeyno yaa noo heeheesaa? tiyaatar danbe mala maqlaayo.;)

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Mukulaalow there was no Somalia in 1991 there was no government there was a civil war so the only option Somaliland had was to re declare Somalilands independence based on the boundaries of prior 1960 and that's what they did. Building the state from scratch building all its working institutions from police army and democratic institutions. I am glad Cigaal and tuur and Rayaale did that and seeking international state recognition and they did well they established bilateral relations with many of Somalilands neighbors and elsewhere in Africa and in the EU. Somaliland doesn't exclude any options when it comes to its statehood recognition if you listened to President siilaanyo's last speech u will understand what he means Somaliland case is unique in Africa the country they made once a union with disintegrated into civil war.

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Mukulaalow;825057 wrote:
xaaji adi boolaa tahaynoo, anaka hadii SL sii deeyno yaa noo heeheesaa? tiyaatar danbe mala maqlaayo.

Oo ma hadaad tiyaatar maqasha dad tiyaaatar xasuusan wabay yaryihin Somalia:D


Walaga samri kara taas:D

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Xaaji Xunjuf;825064 wrote:
Oo ma hadaad tiyaatar maqasha dad tiyaaatar xasuusan wabay yaryihin Somalia:D


Walaga samri kara taas:D

we don't want to obtain Visa to watch Sahra Ahmed, zainab cige, hadrawi and khadra dahir. wax faham sxb.;)

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Mukulaalow we can arrange something with the movement of people any way the technology is moving forward people have ipads and stuff who knows u can virtually be in Somaliland while still being in Somalia in the near future:D


War niyo dunidu wa nooc kale waxan xasuusta anago hawd record yar dhegeysan jirnay

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Xaaji Xunjuf;825077 wrote:
Mukulaalow we can arrange something with the movement of people any way the technology is moving forward people have ipads and stuff who knows u can virtually be in Somaliland while still being in Somalia in the near future:D


War niyo dunidu wa nooc kale waxan xasuusta anago hawd record yar dhegeysan jirnay


we were once chatting about politics with my friend Cali Seenyo in London and we were telling him that we can not afford to let SL go since that means we will lose their murti and madadaalo entertainment, and he looked at us and said Wallaahi waa runtaa, oo ka Burca joogo asaguna halkuu ka daawan niikadii reer koofureedka, waar nagadaa waxani wax soconaya maaha ;) we just laughed hard.

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Mario B   

ASWJ are just a political party with guns funded by Ethiopia, they have no power or mandate to recognize anyone!! :D

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Mario B;825140 wrote:
ASWJ are just a political party with guns funded by Ethiopia, they have no power or mandate to recognize anyone!!

Lool,soo true!

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