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Xaaji Xunjuf

Some men love provoking their wives into a fight.

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It gives them sort of a kick just fights about the most little things the most ridiculous things as we have learned that this is a new trend to send a message to you're wife this is not about a physical fight but most of the time an argument or a disagreement some men like to see their wives angry.This is how ever is not a form of aggression,like bring up a subject that she hates talking about, or if the guy wants to leave and he is not allowed to leave,in every little argument she will get defensive in a way that gives the guy a way to sneak out and be angry in his own way when in reality he is not angry its just a kick and a form to find inner happiness.

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He is giving us good tips! So basically don't raise to the bait maana leedahay



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Juxa yaan laga garan:D


Che waxa weye raga qaar ba jecel inay ka xanaajiyaan xaaskooda si ay u nafisan maskaxooda mind body and spirit wa sheeko qoto dheer i will elaborate further goordhow i am driving now.

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Since when did Xunjuf become a qualified marriage counselling agent.


What happened to the Tank monuments your were construction in downtown Hargeisa, ma shaqa la'aan ayaa meesha kadhacday oo meeshaan baa irsaaqadi kaa gashay :D

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Yes XX. Its one of the most disgusting and enraging things I have ever witnessed. It is realky a form of domestic abuse.


Where the man will instigate an argument or debate knowing inuu afka-hadalka kaga adagyahay. For the woman to the losse the debate or be silenced, again and again. Apparently some gain satisfaction out of that. Perverse, really.

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But doesn't that go both ways? Infact I was told women are far better at instigating fights than men. Kolley waa sida aniga la igu yidhi run iyo been waxay tahay laakiin ilaah uun baa yaqaan.

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Women have a emotional need to form constant connection or engagement, hugging or beating, shouting or sweet words fulfills both the same need. Xaaji here says to find peace of mind one must incite a war first. otherwise one must accept consant guerilla attacks(from the woman), which the women see as affection(I love you that is why I am mad logic)..

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^I dont think any 'being' gets an emotional fulfilment from being beaten or verbally abused- thats the talk of women bashers. Nevertheless, there are some damaged people out there that cant live in peace - buuq iyo feedh, qaylo uu arkaan a choice to live by and probably seem to be content in. Some folks just gets off munipulating each other....

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Xaaji Xunjuf;811153 wrote:
It gives them sort of a kick just fights about the most little things the most ridiculous things as we have learned that this is a new trend to send a message to you're wife this is not about a physical fight but most of the time an argument or a disagreement some men like to see their wives angry.This is how ever is not a form of aggression,like bring up a subject that she hates talking about, or if the guy wants to leave and he is not allowed to leave,in every little argument she will get defensive in a way that gives the guy a way to sneak out and be angry in his own way when in reality he is not angry its just a kick and a form to find inner happiness. .

Now that's what I call a stream of conscience lol


Seriously though, 9 out of 10 times those type of men don't lead particularly challenging lives full of combative competition from other men, so they are forced to find it at home, and the scapegoats are usually their wives, though the latter can be just as manipulative. I'm a peaceful person, and prefer as little friction as possible, but I have to say though, there is something beautiful about reconstructing a relationship, it's like your rediscovering the things you liked about eachother, some of which you had forgotten.


Maybe every 7 years you should do something nasty and get the blood pumping in the relationship lol, no hitting or cheating though, because I read somewhere that if you hit or cheat on a woman, the mental impact is irreversible i.e things will never be the same EVER again.

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