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General M. Farrah Aidid Ambassador M. Sahnoun Speaking to the Somalis - 1992

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He was politically ambitious there is no doubt about that and it did damage Somalia but keep in mind the case in Somalia was unique it never happened before in our history a dictator general siyad bare aun was ousted.There was no clear plan in Somalia but he attempted to organize a nation wide conference, imagine at that time aideed controlled from the Kenyan border all the way to Galkacyo. He had great Military skills and had a vision for Somalia´s future but as i said his plans were interrupted by a man called Ali mahdi a faction with in his own USC and that's where it went wrong but that doesn't take away that the general had a great vision for Somalia. I honestly believe the country could´ve been saved if General Aideed succeeded in organizing his nationwide conference in Somalia. Che anigu kama dhigayo Caydiid wali so daahiray he was far from that but labo daran kala dooro.

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Aideed's grand plan to rule Mogadishu was aborted right after the nomination of Ali Mahdi for the interim presidency.

That was USC's split and fierce internal battles that killed and uprooted thousands of his clan folk.


The SNA's split further weakened the general and had led to his demise.

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XX....They all had grand plans and every leader is confronted with unknown variables including in-complaint and even destructive opposition. One can't excuse leader's actions by simply saying his opposition made him do it. If that's case, Barre and everyone that came after him can be excused for their crimes. The reality is Aidid reduced Xamar to permanent war zone, had big hand Bay/Bakool genocide, attacked every Somali tribe he could get his hands on and was response for the death and destruction of his own subclan which eventually ended up killing him.

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Horta dadkaan oo dhan AUN. Labo, Caydiid brought more bloodshed and hunger than the rest of the warlords & Barre put together. The man makes Barre a saint. Dude had no vision or wisdom, yes a sharp tongue, but then they will tell you all vicious leaders were gifted orators.

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Che -Guevara;803485 wrote:
XX....They all had grand plans and every leader is confronted with unknown variables including in-complaint and even destructive opposition. One can't excuse leader's actions by simply saying his opposition made him do it. If that's case, Barre and everyone that came after him can be excused for their crimes. The reality is Aidid reduced Xamar to permanent war zone, had big hand Bay/Bakool genocide, attacked every Somali tribe he could get his hands on and was response for the death and destruction of his own subclan which eventually ended up killing him.

We are not excusing a leader he was a man leading a militant organization that helped brought down the former Somali government he did his part and he aslo had a great plan to lead the nation others stood in his way he fought them yes.But Che don´t you support shabaab who daily fight in civilian populated area´s and carry out homicide attacks against Somali students how is that different from what happened in bay and bakool.General Caydiid died in 1996 Somalia is still a mess we cannot hold him responsible for what happened its just not fair. One can say that he was ¨ politically ambitious and he was very motivated to become the Somali president.The thing is that the truth lies some where in between when it comes to the general things are not just as black and white as some people make it seem.

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War mayaatiinta danbigooda maad iska daysaan.


Aidid (AUN) nin rag ah ayuu ahaa kolay khalad waa jiray laakiin hada waa nin dhintay oo anigu laxisaabtami maayo. Laakiin wuxuu ahaa nin dagaal yaqaan heshiisna yaqaan rag aqoonna ah balse hada waxaa joogaa Xaaayow iyo xandulow lagu wareeray meel raaco meel loo raaco aan lagaranaynin dadkana xataa aan kala aqoon. Caydiid dadka waa kala yaqaan cidkastana waa ogaa maqaamkeeda iyo waxay gasho iyo waxay gudaba mideeda kale wuxuu ahaa nin haduu kala dagaalaa si toos ah oo raganimo kujirto kusoo abaaraayaa haduu kula heshiinayana aad is afgaranaysaan ee aan calaacal aqoon sida secessionist-ka.


Waxaa xusid mudan heshiiskii geesinimada lahaa ee ay wada gaareen isaga iyo Abdullahi Yusuf ee Magalaada Galkacyo kadib dagaalo kharar oo gobolka aafeeyay. Iyo xataa waxaa xusid mudan heshiiskii 94 Muqdishu uu Abdullahi Yusuf ugu tagay si dowlad loo wada dhanyahay lloo soo dhiso balse shirkaas oo uu Aidid damcay inuu kuxado ama kagaarsiiyo dowlad uu isagu madax kayahay SSDF-na ay kamid noqoto oo taageerto balse uu Abdulahi kadiiday kuna soo kala tageen in marka Muqdisho oo midaysay ay haboon inay dowlad kudhawaqaan. Generalka ayaa geeriyoday 1996 isagoo aysan usuurtagalin Muqdisho in ay sideedi hore kusoo noqoto balse xiriir fiican ayaa kadhaxeeyay isaga SSDF madaxdeedi barigaas ilaa waqtigi uu dhintay.

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XX....The truth doesn't lie somewhere in-between, it's determined by his actions and from his actions, there's nothing to suggest that Aid was there for himself, everything else including Somalia was secondary. Whether he had grand plan for Somalia and its people is beside the point.


p.s. I never justified crimes committed by AS against civilians. TFG and Ethios are fair game.

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Ninkaan magaciisa markii la maqlo ciyaal badan ku sasi jireen. Magaciisa was synonymous with xabbado iyo gantaalada kale dhacaayo. Historical parts of Xamarna badankeeda afartaas bilood (Nofeembar-Maarso) ee asaga iyo Cali Mahdi hardamaayeen ayaa dhulka lala simay, ilaa haddana qof guuleystay lama tilmaami karo. Mid waa tagay, midna dadkiisa iska dhex galay.


Uncompromising la'aan waxaas ayee keentaa. Basically asaga iyo Cali Mahdi kursigaas Soomaaliyeed ka wada dhaxeeyo Soomaalida loo baneeye, loona dhaafay, yet labadooda isku tanaasuli waaye. Such a madax adeygnimo.

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Kaad u sacbineysey '06 kii more than half of million ayuu guryahooda ka barakiciyey iska daaf inta geeriyootey. Waxaa fiican inaad is xisaabiso intaan lagu xisaabin, nin dhintey kabahiisa dhaama haddana waad ku soo noqnoqotaa halkan like you want to prove something. Xashac.

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