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Al Shabaab Kills more than 40 Ethiopian Troops

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Somalia’s al-Shabab kills 40 Ethiopian troops

BBC Online


An attack on Ethiopian troops in Somalia by the Islamist militant group al-Shabab has killed at least 40 troops, reports say.


Ethiopian soldiers, and some Somali troops, were ambushed by the militants in Yurkut village in the central region of Geddo early on Saturday.


Clashes continued for four hours.


A BBC correspondent in the capital Mogadishu says it is the most intense fighting since Ethiopian troops entered the country last November.

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Faah Faahin Dagaalkii Yurkut oo Soo gaba gaboobay iyo 50 Askar Itoobiyaan ah oo ladilay.


Saturday, 10 March 2012 08:06


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amiirnuur.comKhasaaraha ciidanka Tigreega Itoobiya kasoo gaaray dagaal saaka ka bilaawday wadada isku xirta Luuq iyo Yurkut ayaa sii xoogeystay.


Shabakadda AmiirNuur Medi ayaa faah faahin dheeri ah ka heshay dagaalkii saaka ka bilaawday Yurkut kaasi oo u dhexeeyay ciidamada Mujaahidiinta iyo kuwa gumeysiga Itoobiya.


Dagaalka oo socday inkabadan 3 sacadood oo xariir ah ayaa yimid kadib markii ciidamada Wilaayaadja Bay iyo Bakool iyo Gedo ay weerar saf ballaaran ah ku qaadeen ciidanka Itoobiya oo shalay gelinkii dambe soo gaaray Yurkut.


Itoobiyaanka laweeraray waxay doonayeen in ay saad ciidan u qaadaan ciidanka heysto magaalada Baydhabo balse saadkii ay wadeen ayaa saad u naqday ciidanka Mujaahidiinta ee Howdka ku jiray.


Wariye Ibraahim Isxaaq oo Idaacadda Andalus katirsan ayaa khadka Taleefanka ugu sheegay in dhimashada Itoobiyaanka ay ka badantahay 50 Askari islamarkaana laburburiyay 2 gaari oo uuraallo ah.


Dagaalka ayaa xiligan soo gaba gaboobay waxaana socda tirakoob ay Mujaahidiintu ku sameynayaan dhimashada cadawga gaartay iyo hubka faraha badan ee laga qaniimeystay.


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Faahfaahin ku saabsan Dagaal culus oo Ciidamada DKMG, kuwa Itoobiya iyo Al-shabaab ku dhexmaray Gobolka Bay

Sabti, Maarso 10, 2012 (HOL) — Ugu yaraan 40-ruux oo isugu jiray dhinacyadii uu dagaalku u dhexeeyay iyo dad shacab ah ayaa ku dhintay, tiro intaas ka badanna way ku dhaawacmeen dagaallo saacado qaatay oo ciidamada Dowladda KMG ah oo kaashanaya kuwa Itoobiya iyo xoogagga Al-shabaab ku dhexmaray deegaanka Yurkud ee gobolka Bay.


Dagaalkan oo ahaa kii ugu culsaa ee ciidamada Itoobiya iyo xoogagga Al-shabaab ku dhexmara gudaha Soomaaliya tan iyo markii ay soo galeen, waxaana dagaalkan ku gubtay guryo iyo dhismayaal ganacsi oo ku yaalla deegaanka Yurkud.


Afhayeenka Al-shabaab ee dhinaca howlgallada Sheekh C/casiis Abuu-Muscab oo la hadlay warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in dagaalkii saakay uu ahaa mid qorsheysan oo ay iyagu qaadeen ayna ku dileen 73-askari oo u badan Itoobiyaan sida uu hadalka u dhigay, dhankoodana ay kaga dhinteen shan dagaalyahan tobaneeyo kalena ay kaga dhaawacmeen.


Mas'uul u hadlay dowladda KMG ah oo ku sugan gobolka Gedo ayaa isaguna sheegay in dagaalka uu ahaa mid culus ayna ku dileen in ka badan 80-dagaalyahan oo ka tirsan Al-shabaab, dhankoodana ay jiraan khasaare soo gaaray, ma uusan sheegin tiradooda.


Goobjoogayaal ayaa sheegay in dagaalku uu ka dhacay gudaha degmada ayna la wareegeen xoogagga Al-shabaab muddo kooban gacan ku haynta Yurkud, inkastoo dib looga saaray, haatanna ay ku sugan yihiin ciidamada DKMG iyo kuwa Itoobiya.


Hubka culus iyo midka fudud ayay labada dhinac dagaalka u adeegsadeen iyadoo maydadka dadkii ku dhintay qaarkood weli lagu arkayo gudaha deegaankaas, lana dareemayo dhaqdhaqaaqyo ciidan oo ay labada dhinac ka wadaan gudaha iyo daafaha deegaanka Yurkud.


Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

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Somalia Islamists al-Shabab ambush Ethiopia troops


An attack on Ethiopian troops in Somalia by the Islamist militant group al-Shabab has led to dozens of casualties, reports say.


Ethiopian soldiers, and some Somali troops, were ambushed by the militants in Yurkut village in the central region of Geddo early on Saturday.


Clashes continued for four hours.


A BBC reporter in the capital Mogadishu says it is the most intense fighting involving Ethiopian troops since they entered the country last November.


Al-Shabab claims to have killed 73 Ethiopians, while the Somali government says it in turn has killed 48 members of the militant group.


Our correspondent reports that al-Shabab militants blocked roads around Yurkut before the ambush was carried out.


The attack comes hours after the African Union announced Ethiopian troops would be withdrawn from two cities - Beledweyne and Baidoa - that they recently took from al-Shabab rebels.


They will be replaced by forces from Djibouti, Uganda and Burundi by the end of April, AU Commissioner for Peace and Security Ramtane Lamamra said.


It is not clear if all Ethiopian troops will be withdrawn from the country.


Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said in January troops would be withdrawn once African Union forces were in place.

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According to intellegence sources i was reading the other day they also purchased a dozen or so...surface to air lounchers...meaning the kenyan planes is gonna be nothing soon....reeeeegedi walahi....Xabashi or Kenyati or any foreigner sould feel scared when he walks on Somali territory..

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Maxaabiis lagu qabtay dagaalkii Yurkut iyo Andalus oo Tebin Toos ah bilaawday.


Saturday, 10 March 2012 08:31


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Ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa si aad ah ugu riiqmay dagaalkii cuslaa ee saaka ka qarxay xadka ay wadaagaan gobolada Bay iyo Bakool,saraakiil katirsan Mujaahidiinta ayaa AmiirNuur Media u xaqiijiyay in ciidanka Itoobiya laga dilay ay ka badantahay 75 Askari.

Dagaalkii saaka waxaa lagu qabtay Maxaabiis Nool Nool oo ciidanka Tigreega katirsanaa hubkii ugu badnaa ayay ciidamada XSHM ku qabsadeen dagaalkii maanta, ilo wareedyo lagu kalsoonyahay waxay xaqiijinayaan in 50 qori oo nuuca dhashiikaha ah laga qabsaday Itoobiya iyo 20 qori oo nuuca shiishka ah.


Idaacadda Islaamiga Andalus ee ku hadasha Afka mujaahidiinta ayaa goordhaw bilaawday in ay baahiso khasaaraha cadawga ka gaaray waxaana hadda Andalus ka socda.


Lasoso Wixii soo kordha

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Al-shabab, why are they trouble makers and user of violence to solve Somalia political problem? With near clock-like precision they keep hitting back at TFG and its allies harder every time you will think they are defeated.For all the headlines they create, you will think they will be able to use their senses in solving Somali crisis, but all they doing is digging deeper the Somali quagmire.This is a group that will stop at nothing until they see the last drop of Somali blood dripping.When will they stop their madness? I understand they scorn modern form of governance, but how will they able to convince the rest of the world that they are God-sent for Somali people.They don't get it that extremism has run its course in many places and people just want to live and build their country.A cursory review of their history will tell you that what they are doing and preaching is NOT in line with common sense.I beleive each Somali factions fight for its OWN interest and they are no different.

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At least 23 people were killed when Somali insurgents attacked Ethiopian troops on Saturday near the two countries’ joint border, witnesses said.


Residents in Yurkud village told The Associated Press that the battle lasted several hours.



Mohamed Hussein said he saw at least 17 dead fighters from the al-Qaida-linked al-Shabab insurgency lying on the ground after the battle stopped.


“We have never seen fighting as tough as that,” he said by phone.


Resident Ali Barre said he saw six Ethiopian soldiers in uniform who had been killed and were being carried past his house. The insurgents had been forced to retreat, he said.


“We have killed 73 Ethiopian soldiers and recovered 20 guns,” said al-Shabab spokesman Sheik Abdiaziz Abu-Musab. He said five al-Shabab fighters had been killed. The militants frequently exaggerate their victories and downplay their casualties.


The Ethiopian military never releases information on casualties.


Ethiopian troops moved into the border regions of Somalia earlier this year as part of a three-pronged attack on the insurgency. Kenyan troops crossed into the south, and African Union troops backing the weak U.N.-backed government have wrested back control of the capital of Mogadishu.


Although the government has international support, it is unclear if it is able to tackle corruption and provide services or security to the war-weary population.


Somalia has been wracked by civil war for more than 20 years, ever since clan warlords overthrew a socialist dictator in 1991.

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