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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland interior Minister on the outcome of the Khaatumo Conference.

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Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Oo Ka Hadlay Shirka Talleex Ee Lagaga Dhawaaqay Maamul Goboleedka, Sheegayna In Uu Maamulkaas Lagu Dhawaaqay Yahay Waxba Kama Jiraan


“Mar haddii uu maamul ka dhisan yahay dhawaaqaasi waa dhawaaq dhiilo oo nabadda uun wax u dhimaya" Wasiirka Arimaha Guduhu.


Hargeysa (GNS) Wakhti ay isku raaceen odeyaasha iyo madax dhaqameedyadda reer Sool in ay sameystaan maamul ka madax banaan Somaliland isla markaana isku afgarteen in deegaanka ay degaan beesha Reer Sool la gaadhsiiyo maamul ay khaas u lee yihiin ayaa waxa ka hadalay xukuumadda Somaliland, waxana ay Somaliland sheegtay in uu hadalkani yahay waxba kama jiraan.


Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Somaliland Md. Maxamed Nuur (Caraalle (Duur) oo arintan ka hadlay mar uu caawa u warmayay laanta afka soomaaliga ee BBC, da ayaa waxa uu sheegay in afka laga odhan karo maamul goboleed, balse aanay suura gal ahayn in uu ka hir gallo maamul Goboleed deegaanadda Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn, waxana uu yidhi isaga oo ka hadlaya arintaasi “ Runtii dee wax maamul ah oo laga samayn karaa marka caqliga la eego dhawaaq waa laga odhan karaa oo in wax la yidhaahdaa waa wax fudud, laakiin fulintiisu waa wax adag wax laga samayn karaana ma jirto, sababtuna waxa weeye waayo goboladaasi la sheegayaa waa gobolo Maamul Somaliland la yidhaahdaa uu ka jiro oo uu ka talliyo.”


Wasiir Duur waxa uu sheegay in ku dhawaaqidda Maamul Goboleedkanai ay tahay mid daandaansi ah oo wax u dhimaysa wadda degenaashaha iyo xasiloonidda deegaanadaas “Mar haddii uu maamul ka dhisan yahay dhawaaqaasi waa dhawaaq dhiilo oo nabadda uun wax u dhimaya, laakiin waxa weeye waa erey aan af dhaafayn oo aan ficil loo rogi Karin marnaba sidaan u arko.” Ayuu yidhi Wasiirka Arimaha Guduhu.


Wasiirka arimaha Gudaha Somaliland Maxamed Nuur Caraalle Duur waxa uu tilmaamay in raga ku dhawaaqey maamul goboleedkani ay yihiin kuwo ka yimid dibadda isla markaana aan rajo ka rabin dadka deegaankaas, waxana uu carabka ku dhuftay in ay dib u noqonyaan dadka dega deegaanadaasina ay dhamaantood yihiin Somalilander, isla mrakaana ay doonayaan in ay doonayaan Xukuumadda Somlailand, waxana uu intaasi raaciyay inaanay raali ka ahayn maamul dhaafsiisan ka Somaliland, waxana ka mid ahaa hadalkiisii “Dadka waa la eegi doonaa oo dhawaaqyada dambe ee ka soo baxa waa la arki doonaayoo, laakiin waxa weeye bulshada afar qof iyo labaatan qof oo meel iskugu tagta iyo in qol qaadaa bulshada masiirkeeda ma matasho, ummaddu waxay ku tashato ee ay goosato lama diidi karo, laakiin intan imika dibada ka timid ee baritana dibada uun ku noqon doona ee ka yaaci doona Taleex ummadda ma matelaan. Inta ciida ku joogaysa ayaa xaq u leh inay masiirkooda ka tashato xaq u leh iyagaana nabadooda ka tashanaaya,”.


Si kastba ha ahaatee hadalka wasiirka ayaa ku soo beegmaya xil shir beeleedka Talleex lagaga dhawaaqay maamul u gooni ah deeganaadda Sool, Koonfurta Sanaag iyo Cayn .

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^^Now you see what I was telling you all along; the sheer fact of regional admin for the folks of SSC will rattle your entity to its core. The overseer of the separatist melitia could not even wait (just like you at least intended to do) for the conclusion of the conference for he knows the consequence and significance of today's principle agreement :D

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He should spoke like this when he was treating the conference last week. Same can be said, somaliland has no control over all SSC yet it claims..

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^^The talk of 'knuckle-dusters' is itself a desperate talk awoowe and you know it...for if Somaliland had the militia power and political will it would not have allowed the conference to take place in Taleex, a city it claims to fall within its sphere of influence :D

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Cajib! It amazes me how men like the user Oodweyn and his fellow clansmen can speak about Dblock territories and encourage each other to fight for and die for territories that they know it doesn't belong to them.



Nabad ba wadwada nimankan Somalidiidka ah. What part don't they understand, "To you be your deegaans, and to us be our deegaans"?

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Oodweyne;772697 wrote:


No, I am afraid, you are well misinformed, for we had a
"prior arrangement"
and that is why we have allowed this conference to happen in
; other-wise, remember few years ago, when
Garaad Saleebaan
tried to do a conference of this kind in somewhere in
, and we have to disbursed it, by force.


Hence, it would have not taken that much of an effort to bring our forces from
and shoo away any political chancers in meeting in
, if there wasn't a gentleman agreement pertaining to this conference, struck earlier under the table.


I hope you get my drift in here...



LoooooooooL where'd they find this guy at?

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What is your plan B Baashi asked and Ood's couldn't think far enough. Now the Interior Minister's plan is to use force to hold on to Las Anod but at what cost. A united SSC and with help from Puntland, Somaliland will be committing suicide and will have created an unnecessary enmity to their neighbor.

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xiinfaniin;772691 wrote:
^^The talk of 'knuckle-dusters' is itself a desperate talk awoowe and you know it...for if Somaliland had the militia power and political will it would not have allowed the conference to take place in Taleex, a city it claims to fall within its sphere of influence

not a 1/4 of those lands they proclaiming is theirs.They looking for war & is gona come sooner than you think.Make sure you be help to them or keep talking then as usual!

Dust off your boards,so you can demonstrate infront of embassies.

BTW...they have the right to hold in Telex or anywhere in their territories just like any otha clan.



@ Jacaylbaro....Good for somaliland.)

I know what you mean.....let this nonesense come to head on:D

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I see your still trying to promote reason to these people Odd... :-)


they argue Somaliland doesn't control its territory, i say you let them believe what they want to believe its not going to change anything: We all know Las canod, Caynaibo and most of the cities of Eastern Somaliland are control by Somaliland. We all know SSC doesnt exist: Sool, Sanag and so called Cayn is majority somaliland population and not entirely one clan to believe so is the real *********. Furthermore we all know when the dust settles this new SSC entity only has buhoodle or half of buhoodle anyways to build a "state" so it doesnt even meet the so called Somalia federal charter for federalism which requires full control of at least 2 of Somalia's old regions. No taxes, no army no like the previous makhiiirrr bax bax it will fade into children dream on.

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But your right...good move by the interior it cool build up military capability in the area...and watch it disintigrate because it was bax bax hadaal from the start anyways....i just heard 6 guys under a tree in kismayo have declared another SSC over there as well...looooooooool.

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Oodweyne;772668 wrote:
Good move, lets see the other side hand...


This is a poker game fellas; and bluffing with empty hot-air won't do for the likes of SSC. Since, what matters is the what you can enact on the ground not from some office in Ohio. Hence, we shall see, when the dust is settled how those proclaiming state going to implemented it in the said region...

He didnt make any move and we all can see who is bluffing here.

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