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Mogadishu 2012

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Egal emigrated from Somalia in 1988 amid armed insurrections that would burst into full-blown civil war in 1991. He spent the next 20 years in America, building a string of businesses—convenience stores, pizza parlors, fried-chicken shops, check-cashing services—before he paid a visit to his hometown last August and found a new world of opportunity. Residents say Mogadishu’s downtown feels more secure these days than it has since the fighting began. “That gave me the hope that this is the beginning of something,” says the 42-year-old Egal. “In business, you have to pick up on trends early enough to take advantage of them.” Like the shopkeepers who have finally begun repainting their battered storefronts, like the local businessman who’s building a hotel, Egal is gambling that the city’s newfound security will last.

And yet Liban Egal remains optimistic. “I believe if the trend continues, investment will come,” he says. “Then politics becomes less important, because it won’t change your life.” His pilot venture,
the First Somali Bank, is scheduled to open in February,
and his wife, Hibo, plans to be there for the opening ceremony. It will be the first time she’s been back to Somalia since she left as a teenager in 1991. Liban Egal admits he’s never run a bank before, but he has hired a team of specialists, including a Frenchman who has spent 25 years in investment banking and a former employee of Kenya’s national bank. “Nothing’s 100 percent,” he says. “If security gets worse, this project will never work.” But he’s betting things won’t fall apart again. “And if it takes time to get better, I’m willing to wait it out.” Millions of war-weary Somalis are waiting with him.

Source: Newsweek.

"Is Al-Shabab on the Way Out in Somalia?"

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shimee aan xamar booqahaaya oo aa xeebtii liido kuso dabaalahaaya kedib neh baar Fiat Qaxwo ku cabaayaa kedib neh uu sii gudbaaya beeraha afgooye ar yaa iga jawaawi karo!! ax ya allah maxaan uu xiise minikeega

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Qaraxii October 4th dadkii ku dhaawacmey oo Turkiga lagu daweeynaayey oo maanta dib ugu soo laabtey Mogadishu.


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