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Ban Khat in the UK - sign the epetition

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NGONGE;773038 wrote:
This quote makes you smile?

The article also informs us that Khat is banned in 15 of the European Union's 27 countries (meaning it's legal in 12). Therefore, the smuggling is not likely to stop.


Worse still, the language used in the article and the quote from the immigration minister shows that this was not done on grounds of health or even proper research (lethargic? Make noise?).


EVEN WORSE, the report says that Holland has 27,000 Somalis! How many of those are men and how many of the men chew? Does such a small number really require a government to institute a ban?


Still, Norf and his OMG crew are right. Allahu al mostcaan.

Waakukaa :D


Didn't you do geography in carabaha? How many of the 12 countries Khat is legal in actually border Holland? Mise it will travel through eastern europe and end up in Rotterdam in time for it to be enjoyed? :D If anything more of it will end up in the UK forcing prices down raising consumption levels (economies of scale). So this ban in Holland could actually exasperate the issues within the community in the UK.


Holland is a western european country. They wouldn't make such a decision without looking at the health issues khat brings to their shores. This is just one report (bbc). There are others stating the government looked at the health and family issues (google them).


Does the number of Somalis matter? Should they have ignored the health and family issues as a result of qaad consumption (because of the relatively low numbers)? You're just speculating and running out of reasons now :D

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^^ Did it not travel from Holland to as far as Norway? Why not the other way round, Poland borders Germany, Germany borders Holland. My Geography teacher in carabaha taught me that only the UK (and Ireland) have a sea keeping them apart from Europe. :P


As for the rest of the nonesense you wrote. War read the article you posted and look at the language, you stubborn Somali.

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How will it get to Poland? Are there flights from Addis/Nairobi to Poland? :D Speculation uun baad haysaa dee. It is logical to think that not much of the stuff will get to Holland when banned. Supply will drop and what does get through will be expensive. You don't need lessons in customs/border control (or even economics) ee naga daa ruwaayada. You will tell me it will be illegally grown there next :D

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^^ Custom control in Europe? War how long have you been in Dubai for? :D



I was using Poland as an example (Khat is banned there anyway). The point being, a trade that is worth that much is not going to struggle to base itself in those European countries that regard it as legal and working its way from there. Wax fahan.



The supply to Germany and other countries that banned it did not drop (go ask the people that live there).

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NGONGE;773338 wrote:



The supply to Germany and other countries that banned it did not drop (go ask the people that live there).

Really? You're confident of this by mere hearsay? Surely not!


Thus the coockie crumbles :D

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^^ Not heresay. I am reporting facts. Germany recently arrested a guy transporting 1.7 tons of Khat through their borders (that's just one man). Sweden (which does not share a border with Holland) reported a guy crashing his car in a high speed chase with custom officials who was carrying at least 200 kilograms of the stuff (


People still chew in Norway, even though it's banned. It's all to do with the open borders between European countries (with random customs checks every now and then). The supply is not likely to dry out, saaxib. Wax fahan.


Still, this ban in Holland (a country that considers weed legal) is going to criminalise lots of people and the cose of Khat for these junkies is only going to increase by mere euroes rather than hundreds.


In addition, because of the amount of money that Kenya makes from the export of Khat, Air Kenya is not likely to think twice about starting direct flights to Lisbon, Prague or Athens. Marka where would that leave it all? What did the ban achieve, a moral victory? Wax fahan.

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^^ I am still at it not for Norf's sake or for the defence of Khat but because I fully reject and oppose hasty decisions that can have a knock on effect on entire communities. Look at those racist Dutch and their ban. 27,000 Somalis are said to live in that country. Out of those a small proportion chews khat (if we argue that the majority are women and children). Out of those that chew, and according to the Dutch, 10% are suffering from the effects of addiction. Yet, the loving Dutch government thinks a ban is needed. Yet, Norf & his OMG crew think this is beneficial. Yet..yet..yet...war naga daaya dee.

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^^the 'loving' dutch bag government wants to ban somalis from entry their country let alone a khat - so nothing new there.


Don't give up on the defence of the rights of chewers lest they turn on our rights next.


Have you seen keep the khat legal e-petition?

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^^ I saw what you posted. That too is a silly petition (typical Somali response :D). If Khat must be banned it should be banned for the right reasons and the ban should have an overall benefit for all. If, however, the hasty demand for a ban gives those with a grudge the chance to turn it into a political decision (such as in Holland) and the benefits are minimal, I blame Norf.

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Sayid*Somal;773396 wrote:
is not somali response - but rather yemeni marqaansan response


Are there any right reasons to ban khat horta?

Yes. It's a bad habit, it's a waste of time & money, it's not healthy and causes problems for many families. It would be great if we didn't have to suffer this drug. However, to ask for a ban without researching the consequences is a million times worse than all of the above.

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NGONGE;773398 wrote:
Yes. It's a bad habit, it's a waste of time & money, it's not healthy and causes problems for many families. It would be great if we didn't have to suffer this drug. However, to ask for a ban without researching the consequences is a million times worse than all of the above.

Make sense! is norf saying we do not need to do any research about the consequences - as the benefits of it being ban still far outweighs any likely consequences?

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^^ Norf is saying that we already know what the consequences will be and that Khat is bad for you (he later added xaraam). :D

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