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Hotel SSC

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When the khatumo conference concludes in agreement and unites the clan,we will be hearing more calls to dentists and heart surgeons.

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^^ lol@Abdul,


Abtigiis let me tell you that you are the first and THE only person called me hot blooded when everyone else suggested otherwise.. BTW, Abtigiis, did it ever occur to you that SSC has more enemies than even AS and now you joined as well. Some of those enemies’ front runner is the new age of media where every media calls anyone from that lot of SSCt with fancy and non-existing titles and do interview. Baaaaaaaaaac..


I am also seeing you're having issues with the terms starting the letter "Kh" however each term “khusuusi” or khatumo has meaning so to educate you a bit Khusuusi is old and legend term from Darwiish era and it's same the english version of parliamentary or as other somalis use "Gole" or “Guurti” as my neighbor family use.. And khatumo needs no explanation but if you wonder why named these meetings such name, I have to check with those who came up with the name and get back to you..


BTW, what is up with these all new frustrations from you lately? I have seeing you even welcoming Kenya into the fold of Somalia’s invasions.. Is the exile taking you a toll?

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Carafaat;761319 wrote:
I think every clan would be political divided if they had as many choices as the SSC clan has.

Many already are divided yet no one hears starting with your own clan and don't even mention Abtigiis'..

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Xaaji Xunjuf;761324 wrote:
At least the ssc people use Kh instead of the Q gob iga dhe

So using KH instead of Q is gobonimo.. You're so hilarious XX..

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At least xarafka 'kh' Afsoomaali meel uu kaga jiro ma jirto, whereas 'q' Afsoomaaliga indigenous ku yahay. Hal erey oo Afsoomaali isir u ah keen oo 'kh' ka bilowdo ama dhexda ugu jirto. And don't say 'khuuro' like last time. Waa quuro, for Eebbe's sake.

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Qandalawi;761231 wrote:
Loool, I couldn't help but laugh at this description. But is this the case of the pot calling the kettle black. The SSC may be the Kashmiri's of a two phantom state but you are Kashmir of real countries. You produced people like Jess and Ghandi and prison wardens like the retards Farah Macalin and Abdi Iley. Which is better your description of the SSC above or what Duke calls "Prisoners and prison wardens"...


Ikacay o ikacay, dhiga ikacay, sidee wax uga sheegtay SSC adigo long-footed ah


Well said Brother Qandalawi,


Abtigiis is totally unfair and biased, it seems he believes the propaganda of SSC enemies/ Somalidiid. Abtigiis needs to understand in every society there is few bad apples, Xaabsade and Sandulle are NOT different from Jess, Ghandi, Farah Macalin Beenaale (who called Darawiish Gaalo), Abdulahi Mohammed, Daud Cali, and Cabdi Iley. And SSC Leader Xaglotoosiye is not different from ONLF Leader Mohamed Osman, Somalidiid-land Leader Siilaanyo, or Puntland Leader Faroole.



Over 100 years our brothers from SomaliGalbeed were under Ethiopian Occupation, the majority of the population of Somali Galbeed were always Pro-Liberation, but the problem is there was always few traitors who were loyal to the enemy Ethiopia. Somalis defeated Ethiopian troops in Mogadishu (2009). Similarly Insha Allah People of Western Somalia will defeat Ethiopian troops if they unite and challenge the Ethiopian occupation very soon.


SSC Conflict started in 2007, when Somalidiid militia invaded Las Anod and SSC. Insha Allah, after Khaatumo Conference, I believe in 2012, SSC people will liberate their SSC region, ending 4 year occupation and war in SSC Region.



Abtigiis;761288 wrote:
Does the SSC acronym stand for Sii-socod, Soo socod, Celcelis??????


According to Hero Saado Cali and SSC People, SSC acronym stand for Somalinimo/Somalia, Sinaan, & Cadaalad


Abtigiis, you should stop insulting the SSC Movement, we don't want to make fun of ONLF's blessed and popular struggle against Ethiopian Occupation.



Anagu hadaanu nahay SSC, waxaanu si buuxda 100% u taageersanahay halganka bareekeesan ee walaalaheyn Somali Galbeed (Western Somalia).



Hanoolato SomaliWeyn, Hanoolato SSC Somalia, Hanoolato SomaliGalbeed/ Western Somalia

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To be honest abtigiis your folks and Sado's crew are two sides of the same coin. You both share the same short comings and have this ability to snatch defeat from the mouth of victory. You both worked tirelessly for the MOD and looked where that left you. Them occupied by the same people they worked to destroy and you deeper in the Ethiopian mouth ready to be digested. You had the opportunity to turn your guns to Addis but you instead turned them on Hargeisa and Xamars residence. Look at you both today; I pity you fools.

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Abokor, there is some truth in what you say. But then you realize there is a difference in the contexts of the two people. Today, Ethiopia is the master of all Somalis. Ironically, there is only one clan that is refusing to submit to them and fighting against the Abyssinians. Meles said too many times. "Why are the 'long-footed' fighting me, when all Somalis are under my feet?" That said, the problem with the SSC is they are not occupied with a country with 200,000 professional army. They are occupied by a tiny clan with deplapitated 'technicals' and Qat-chewing 'army'. The progeny of those who ruled the heart of Somali gallantry, Taleex, are now occupied. Las Anod needs a daring sons of the Alma Meter of Taleex.


Abdikhadar, this is tirtirsi not mocking. I hope you see it that way. And also I know the real SSC people are not in this forum. What we have here is people like VAl and Malika, conditioned and softened by their environment and few disaporan who have lost the temper of their ancestors. I write what I wrote here on Xargaga and other forums, and you would have read my name in the obituaries.


Btw, Abokor waadiga abtirsadaye, J Abokor yaad ka sii tahay?

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Abokor Omar;761459 wrote:
To be honest abtigiis your folks and Sado's crew are two sides of the same coin. You both share the same short comings and have this ability to snatch defeat from the mouth of victory. You both worked tirelessly for the MOD and looked where that left you. Them occupied by the same people they worked to destroy and you deeper in the Ethiopian mouth ready to be digested. You had the opportunity to turn your guns to Addis but you instead turned them on Hargeisa and Xamars residence. Look at you both today; I pity you fools.

Still crying victim 20 years and counting?pathetic

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The proplem with the big feet people in general is they all think the same even the educated ones can't shake of the common stereotype.

Abtigiis, you need to understand the term occupation and then apply it in the correct contexts. Your folks are occupied by an alien race and the sad thing is, that whilst agreed a handful are fighting this occupation the vast majority are organs of the occupation system. The brutality your people are facing leaves you no choice but to fight just to survive. It's quite sad that in your conclusion you assume that we - other Somalis- somehow share this burden with you. Granted Ethiopia in some capacity influences other Somalia but professor Abtigiis, you must admit that a big difference exists between being influenced and being the property of Ethiopia. As for the folks in Las anood, I'm from Balidhig 30 minutes away from Buhoodle and I can confirm for you those folks are not occupied. They have internal differences on which adminstration to place their capital with. No matter which administration they join no way can it be compared to your situation in which a section are snitches another is lost in the jungle and the people are paying the price.


As for my name it's; Abokor Omar Daahir..

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Misery enjoys company, they say. So, if the predicament of those who ended up on the wrong side of colonial demarcation offers any comfort to those who have a better chance of doing something about their fate, let the SSC relish our company in wretchedness.


And the thread says nothing about the colonized Somali people in Ethiopia being in a better situation. But historical misfortue sometimes defines how we live today. Botswana didn't fight to get independence, and could have ended up being a province of any neighborujing country, if the British for some funny reason didn't demarcate it as a different colony. Palestinians or Chechens may have won their indpendence long time ago if it was not for the misfortune of being a colonoy of Israel (and US and Europe), and Russia respectively. Ethiopia is not quite that powerful, but their current military might has much to do with western support. And people forget that no sustained liberation struggle has been done before. The Makhtal Dahir insurrection, the Nasrullah moments were brief uprisings. Somalis mistake that for sustained struggle. They were not. The ONLF is the first to survive two decades, with different levels of strength. The TPLF fought for 17 years, 14 of these years nothing more than a nuisance for the Derg regime of Mengistu.


Of Abdi Iley and co, it is the ineluctable fate of the colonized that they will have few traitors and the SSC is not different. But the SSC are in denial. They don't agree they are under colonoization or to put it more accurately under occupation.

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Is this thread a modern reincarnation of the Guba saga yaa xaaji Abtigiis?



Shall I take the roll of Ina Dube and remind you:


Duq gaboobay waxa u roon afkii, inu *****laaye

Marse haduu duleeddada ka ciyo, waa darxumo weyne


Damenaanse Caliyaw rag waa, laga dambeeyaaye

Darbo waxaad Islaam kula jirtoo, dab isu dhiibtaaba

Dux ka guro dib uun baad u dhiman, duuga weligaaye


Or shall I recite Qamaam Bulxan's wise words when he said:


Haddayse daacad xaajadu tahoon, lagu denbaabaynin

Danbaaburada naareeed haddaan, dhinacu doonaynin

Seeddoow maxaad noogu digan, dakharku waa kiinne



Xaaji, diraralaha jooji. :)

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