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Xaji Xanjo

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Dhoofka ardayda oo hay’adda Turkiga ee imtixaanka qaaday ku xidhay baasaboorkii Soomaaliya ee akhtarka ahaa, ayaa waxa arrintaasi ganafka ku dhuftay Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Somaliland, iyadoo Wasiir Samsam Cabdi Aadan sheegtay in aanay ardaydu ku dhoofi Karin baasaboor aan ahayn ka Somaliland, taas oo markii dambe hay’adduna qaadatay.

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Row erupted between ministry of education, Turkey over what scholarship students travel with


Posted on 25/09/2011 in Latest Headlines Hargeisa (JSLTimes)-A row erupted between the government of Somaliland and Turkey’s NIIL organization over top students who was offered scholarships from Sudan Turkey and Egypt over what to travel.


Three hundred scholarships were given to Somaliland students by Turkey, Sudan and Egypt.


The Ministry of education and Turkish organization by the name of NIIL which offered scholarship positions to Somaliland top students who recently graduated from secondary and intermediate schools that they must travel Somali passport.


The intention of Turkish organization was that Somaliland students will travel the old Somali passport but the government of Somaliland denied that demand.


The minister of education Ms. Samsan Abdi Adan once asked about the issue, speaking to the press she told that the disagreement over what the student travel exists.


The minister further elaborated that the students must travel with the Somaliland passport and this the decision reached by the government of Somaliland.


She said, “If our students are not allowed to travel with our passport, they would rather stay instead of traveling with the outdated Somali passport. She told the Turkish organization that offered the scholarship for our top students told us that they do not know that will happen to them when they reach Mogadishu. We decided that our students return if they do not travel with our passport.


The president once informed about the disagreement recommended that students will go via Dubai having been given their flight tickets but this was impossible due to the lack of arrangement of visas for the students.


The minister added that Turkey has an embassy in Mogadishu and I do not aware of that.


Turkish officers told us that jumbo jet Turkish airline will take the students as a transit in Mogadishu in which seats were reserved.


The minister added that we made very clear for them that if our students are not allowed to travel with Somaliland documents, we prefer that they will stay rather travel with Somali passport.


She said, “Our plan is that our students who achieved scholarships must travel with Somaliland passport and if not, they will rather return and if reporters need further information, please you are invited to come to the airport when are distributing Somaliland passports among the student.


This is also the plan of the government that students who won the scholarships must travel with Somaliland documents.”


Once asked the minster if students’ parents were taken money, she responded that being the minister of education I do not aware of that in the first place and after I was told I immediately ordered to be stopped. If that exists we will investigate who said and who was paid but it is not in our plan to accept money.


Once asked the minister how the exams were conducted that students sat in order to earn scholarship position, she said that all of the students who sat for the scholarship exams which we received from Turkey, Sudan and Egypt went well and was based on just and fair.


The head of national examination told that money was taken from the students’ parents but once we came to know later we stopped.


JSLTimes Staff Reporter

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You asked for it dee ,,, now you better handle it.


Now we have the students from Somalia and those from Somaliland each group have their own passport in the same university ,,, isn't that beautiful ?? :D

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We can exchange Soomali news all day if you like. :D




Ardaydii Xukumada Siilanyo Sheegtay Inay Toos Turki U Tegi Doonaan Oo Muqdisho Ka Degay


Hargysa,(Qaran news)-Arday reer somaliland oo dawlada turkigu ka helay ama ay siisay deeq waxbarasho oo isagu jirta mid dugsi sare oo xirfadeed iyo mid heer jaamacadeeda tiradooduna dhan tahay 36 arday ayaa laga dejiyey magaalada muqdisho,ardaydan ayaa saaka loo qaybiyey ama la siiyey basaboorka la yidhaahdo E-passaport kaas oo dawladaha dunida aqoonsan yihiin inuu yahay basaboorka saxda ah ee Somaliya.


Wararka aanu helay ayaa intaas ku daraaya in ardeyda reer somaliland lagudaray amaba ay diyaarad wada raacayaan arday kale oo ka socota puntland iyo muqdisho oo ku guulaystey interview ay ka qaadeen masuuliyiin ka socota dawlada turkiga iyo dawlada soomaaliya.ardeydan ayaa iasagu jira kuwo dhamaystey waxbarashada dugsiyada sare iyo dugsiyada dhexe ee Puntland,Somaliland iyo koonfurta Soomaaliya.


Inkastoo xukumada Somaliland sheegtay inay ardaydeedu ku tegayaan basaboorka somaliland dalka Turkiga taasi wey shaqeyn weyday,waxay kaloo xukumada somaliland sheegtay in diyaarad khaasi geyn doonto dalka turkiga taasina wey beenowday ka dib markii diyaaradii ay raaceen ka dejisay gegida diyaaradaha ee Adan Cade ee magaalada Muqdisho.


Warar aanu ka helay qof ku sugnaa madaarka aadan cade ee magaalada muqdisho gudihiisa ayaa noo xaqiijiyey inay ardaydaa ka soo dhooftay magaalada hargeysa ka soo degeen madaarka aadan cade ,waxaa kaloo ilo xogogaal ahi noo sheegeen inaan ardaydaas la weydiin wax dokumantisa.


Xukumada madaxweyne Siilaanyo ayaa caaddeysatey had iyo jeer inay shacabkeeda u sheegto warar ama xoggo aan sax ahayn oo iska hor iyo daba imanaya kuna abuura jahawareer bulshada dhexdeeda taasna waxaa sabab u ah kalsooni daro jirta iyo iyadoo ku fashilantay wixii loo doortay ee ay shacabka u ballanqaadey,waxaa ku adag inay qirato fashilaadaha la dersa hase yeeshee hadaan taas laga hortegin waxaa iman doonta maalin farta dhexda laga qaniini doono. ninbaa laga hayaa hadaan karinta laga guurin gorayo heryaysanina walee way ka soo geli.


Ugu danbeyn waxaa ******wday sheekadii lagu xaman jiray xukumada siilaanyo inay xidhiidh la leedahay xukumada sheikh shariif hogaamiyo ee ka talisa xaafado ka mid ah magaalada muqdisho.sidoo kale ayaa wakiilka xoghayaha guud u qaabilsan somaliya mr Mahiiga inoola dhaqmaa sidii maamul-goboleed ka tirsan Somaliya ka dib markuu arkay labaclabacda xukumada Axmed Siilaanyo.


Dhanka kalena waalidiintii dhashay caruurtani laga dajiyay magaalada Muqdisho oo qaarkood ay u warameen shabakda qaran news, ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in ay arintaasi ka walaacsanyihiin, arinkuna ahaa in caruurtooda toos loo geeyo dalka Turkiga oo ay waxbarasho u tagaan, waxana ay walaac iyo war wer weyn ka muujiyeen xukumada Siilaanyo oo ay qaarkood ku sheegeen in ay ku soo baxayso waxii lagu xamnaayay ee ahayd in aanu dalkaba maamulin madaxweynahii la soo doortay.


Ali adan



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Qaybtii U Horaysay Ardaydii Somaliland Ee Deeqda Waxbarsho Ka Heshay Dalka Turkiga Oo Diyaarad Khaas Xukuumaddu U Kiraysay, Kadib Markii La Xaliyay Muran Ka Dhashay Baasaboorka Somaliland


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How about :D :D :D :D :D :D ?


You see this is why I respect Xaji Xanjo, he stayed away because he knows the truth. Indha adeeg lama soo taagna meeshan. Odey ciyaaraayo ma ahan wallee. Much respect awoowe.


You can't even provide a single source from Turkey, the country that supposedly recognized your passport. lol...

SL news la soo orday, lol. I still can't get over that.


Do your homework next time before you hit "submit" button. lol...

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You asked for it Miskiina ,,,,, Now you better handle it. Markii la aamusayna qayladaadaa laga fadhiyi waayay imikana cidiya ku dagaalanka naga daa dee ,,,, :D

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Jacaylbaro;748410 wrote:
You asked for it Miskiina ,,,,, Now you better handle it. Markii la aamusayna qayladaadaa laga fadhiyi waayay imikana cidiya ku dagaalanka naga daa dee ,,,,

What? lol...I asked you a simple question, provide a source? you didn't do it, marka now aniga ayaa qaylinaaya? lol...


Cid kuu wacatey meysan jirin marka hore, markaad soo gashey badaan adigoo xariif iska dhigaayo ayaad dhiiqo is gelisey aadan awoodiin inaad iska saarto. If you can't handle it get out of the kitchen.


Quraafad hanoola iman adeer, because when you do, sidan oo kale ayaa dhaceysa.


Have a good day.

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So the Turks compromised on their Visa rules simply to accommodate Jacaylbaro's/Somaliland delusions :D


That itself is a delusion, war ragga go'ayow maad Jacayl qabataan

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xiinfaniin;748419 wrote:
So the Turks compromised on their Visa rules simply to accommodate Jacaylbaro's/Somaliland delusions


That itself is a delusion, war ragga go'ayow maad Jacayl qabataan

He was hit with the truth,but unfortunately some people wont know truth even if their lives depended on it.

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