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Fatuma Nur

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Al miskin..let me see you talking wat shabab/otha jihadists doing to people....dare u talk time & again.

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My music topic walaal wasn't abt someone specific. It was a general topic, and if anything I was talking abt my personal struggle with quitting music.


However, I don't know how talking badly abt this particular sister will change anything. One can clearly open a new topic abt how women dress and give advice in a general sense. But, degrading her is not going to make her anymore religious..


This thread is abt Fatuma Nur and her personal achievements. And, I don't see any reason to go off topic.


either way, if you think those who are leaving negative comments on this page are doing this girl a favor or are being islamic for that matter then im not stopping you in any way. But, just think it over!..




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Everything forbidden under wat you have to do.This strictness is last 20yrs since rise of fundamentalism

walaal islamku wa hab nololeed leh amaro, reebeysana xumaan , qof kastoo muslim ah waxaa laga rabaa in uu waaniyo walaalki taasna ma ahan naceyb , xaasid waa qofki kugu arko xumaan ee kugu fiirsada ,sababtana wa in maalinta aakhiro uu dacweyn doono walaalka aan xumaanta ka celin , walaashen ma dheheyno dharka noocas xiro ama group noocaas ku biir lakin waxaan isu dardaarmeynaa un wanaaga .

diinta qof walbo iyo naftiisa wadankana dadkuu ka dhaxeeyaa waa waxa lagu yaqaano secularism iyo dadka aan ogoleen in la raaco kutubta Alla soo dajiyay .taas wexey keeni kartaa in la yiraahdo , homosexual ayagey u taalaa , qamriya cabta ayagey u taalaa , oo marka aaway waxaan aaminsaneyn iyo diita na faraeysay inan wanaaga is farno xumaantana iska reebno , xasuusintana wexey anfacdaa qofka muslimka .

mathalan hadaad aragto walaalkaa oo wata boorsa lacag ah uu kusoo guuleystay kuna socdo wado eey tuugo fadhida sow uma hableyneysid marka hora tan xigtana sow ugama digeysid inuu wadaas maro , hadaadan u sheegin ma xaasidkiisa ayaad tahay mise xoriyada socodka ayaad dhowrtay.

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The way this lady chooses to dress is none of your business. It is something between her and the one who created her. So stop talking badly of her based on the way she chose to dress.

how haram music is, and that one should listen to the quran
walaal waad mahadsantahay hadaad walaalahaga xumaanta ka reebeysid , qab labiska gabadha waxa looga hadlayo mahan in xumaanteeda lasoo bandhigo ( aniga fikirkeyga) lakin wa jeceyl loo qabo walaasheen si dadaalkeeda usii hor mariso eeyna ugu shaqeyso mihnadeeda sidey ummada wax ugu qaban lahayd , runtii aad baan ugu baahan nahay gabdho dhanka media ku can baxay ,si eeysan gaalada u oran muslimka dumarkuu celceliyaa xuriyad malahan , cilmaga kama qeyb qaataan taas oo gabigeda been ah , lakin waa inaan ogaanaa intaan mihnadeena ku jirno inaan eheyn sidii qof deysana ah haduu qofka cilmi u lahayn inta fahamsan waa iney baraarujisaa , muslimiintana wexey isu yihiin sida muraayada ,sow markaad muraayad hor istaagtid isma saxdid waxa kaa qaldan hadaba wixi qalad ah waa inaan iska saxnaa , fikirkaada ku saabsan music waan kuugu hambalyeynayaa walaal . in is wanaajino un baan taaganahay ,ee qalad ha ii fahmin .

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its really funny.


when someone congratulates evil its ''freedom'', and when someone talks against evil its ''fundamentalism''.


The way this lady chooses to dress is none of your business.

it is every muslims business.


p.s. it beats logic when the freedom elite are irritated by the views of others. you either leave freedom and embrace ethics, or else appreciate the dogma itself and accept all the woes it comes with.period.

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will these people let rest of us have discussion without injecting religion everywhere;seriously it seems they organised to shut down whateva they don't like.

Quran says thieves must be amputated & adulturous stoned,but who follows(may be saudia),but who else?Had somalis done being muslim 700yrs(with exception of less than 10% of country controlled by shabab for couple yrs now);answer is NO.Do they do in indonesia,malaysia,gulf states,jordan,pakistan,iraq,syria,lebanon,egypt,libya,algeria,tunisia,turkey etc.Answer is NO.Do they have liquor stores,bars in all these countries.Answer is YES.Do muslims do same crimes otha faiths commit.Answer is YES.Does good # of muslims drink/smoke/date.Answer is yes.

Does all these sins forbidden/haram in Islam?answer Yes.Then why muslims have always been doing???

That's is the way it's been thru millenia & is going to be thru millenia....Religion is not absolute.There are certain verses people refuse to amputation/death by stoning.Ask urslv why somalis refuse to accept for 700yrs & don't tell me u only know it.Why all these countries mentioned don't carry out???Again people don't take wat they can't swallow...yes they see it barbaric & yes it's in the Quran?any answer for you don't have it.The only thing you tell me is all these gov'ts are corrup thru 1000s of yrs & that u r implementing now,ofc with force.Now look urslv in the mirror & don't lie to urslv....people r going to live their own lives & no one can dictate.

One more question?Why all 4 countries with islamic extremism non arab(iran,pakistan,afganistan,somalia).Proofing to ur masters!!!!!!

Take that to your head & sleep tight.

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Colonialism,colonialism.Atheist,atheist.I heard

all before,very too often.Slavery was started

long before the west by the Arabs(Muslim).Find out the word" ENUCH";it means slaves castrated

in Mecca.

Now,there are many religions,Christian,

buddist,pagan,etc.etc.Why only Islamic fundamentalists are in such a state of mind.

Keep on carrying the gun,& at the end of the day

only right will prevail.


The art of acting consists in

keeping people from coughing.


Sir Ralph Richardson.



Is he an Infidel I don't have to quote.
no wonder this your third post at the inception. yad gaadi????? nimaad taqaano yatahay lama dhoho.

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Nabad walaal hadithkaas wan garanaya ee ah in muslimku murayad u yahay walaalkiis. Laakin, si dhuux hadalka hadithkas. Murayadu markay ceebtaada ku sheegaso miyay banaanka so dhigi yacni murayada waad eegi waad arki wixi ka qaldan si hooshoos ah oo waad is hagaagin dagdag sax? sidaas oo kale walaal ayaan ana leeyahay waxa wanaagsan in general sense la isku muxadareeyo hadii qof aad specific rabtid in aad wax ugu sheegtid wa in aad ugu sheegta yaga personally. Laakin gabadhan hada maanto dhan laga hadlo she isn't a soler at least we are not aware of her. Hence, there is no need to talk abt her in specific. You can make a general comment that women are better off dressed modestly. But, then again just to make a point when I said you guys shouldnt leave negative comments I wasn't talking about the comment you made as nabad didaye..but I seen couple of negative comments over here that didn't really make much sense to me and came across as being judgmental rather than really giving much advice..


my three cents



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genius pauper.;732282 wrote:
no wonder this your third post at the inception.
yad gaadi????? nimaad taqaano yatahay lama dhoho.

keep carrying the bomb..u can't defend urslv.Come in droves with ur nasty attitude in the name of Islam.This lady is to stay here & expose ur filth & treachery againest innocent somali people.

Shabab boy we keep eye on you & won't let you off the hook.

"MAR I DAGE alla ha dago,mar labaad i dagey all ani hay dago."

You defending killing,maiming......we here to stop you....eye for an eye.

YES slavery was started by arabs & enuchs were in MECCA...Keep defending ur masters.Now they giving you oil money to destroy somalia.....Slave you will always remain a heartless SLAVE!!!!!

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walaal aad baad umahadsantahay dhan fiican ayaad ka fiirisay lakin waxa aan ka hadlayo ma ahan walaasheen waa si guud inaan isu dhowrno , bini aadam weeye weyna qaldami kartaa towbadana wey furan tahay , gabadhuse qoraalkeeda un baan aragnay ee ma naqaano ,gabdha badan oo muslimaad ahna wey aqrisanayaan thread kan so ma fiicno inaan wixii qalad ah ee leysu qarinayo aan ka qabano dadka xumaanta faafinayo , wixii kalana aan ugu hanbalyeyso .

muraayadana xumaanta si hoose ayey kuugu shegeysaa waa sax waa sida ugu fiican , waana tan aan suubineyno maadaama aan muslimiin nahay waxa naga qaldan hoos ayaan isugu sheegeynaa , qarintaasna waa inaanan ku ceebeyneynin balse aan rabno inaan isa saxno , dhaxdeena hoos hoos maadaama eey uu waajib na saaran yahay. waadna ku mahadsantahay fikirkaaga fiican walaal .

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burahadeer;732256 wrote:
will these people let rest of us have discussion without injecting religion everywhere;seriously it seems they organised to shut down whateva they don't like.

Quran says thieves must be amputated & adulturous stoned,but who follows(may be saudia),but who else?Had somalis done being muslim 700yrs(with exception of less than 10% of country controlled by shabab for couple yrs now);answer is NO.Do they do in indonesia,malaysia,gulf states,jordan,pakistan,iraq,syria,lebanon,egypt,libya,algeria,tunisia,turkey etc.Answer is NO.Do they have liquor stores,bars in all these countries.Answer is YES.Do muslims do same crimes otha faiths commit.Answer is YES.Does good # of muslims drink/smoke/date.Answer is yes.

Does all these sins forbidden/haram in Islam?answer Yes.Then why muslims have always been doing???

That's is the way it's been thru millenia & is going to be thru millenia...
.Religion is not absolute.There are certain verses people refuse to amputation/death by stoning.
Ask urslv why somalis refuse to accept for 700yrs & don't tell me u only know it.Why all these countries mentioned don't carry out???Again people don't take wat they can't swallow...yes they see it barbaric & yes it's in the Quran?any answer for you don't have it.The only thing you tell me is all these gov'ts are corrup thru 1000s of yrs & that u r implementing now,ofc with force.Now look urslv in the mirror & don't lie to urslv....people r going to live their own lives & no one can dictate.

One more question?
Why all 4 countries with islamic extremism non arab(iran,pakistan,afganistan,somalia)
.Proofing to ur masters!!!!!!

Take that to your head & sleep tight.

walaal hadey su'aashaasi madaxa ku wareerisay jawaabteeda wey fududahay , islamku waa diin dhameystiran qofkana inuu raaco ayaa naftiisa dunidiisa iyo aakhiradiisaba u fiican ,mana jirto wax layiraahdo waxaan diidayaa qeyb ka tirsan diinta waxaana qaadanayaa qeyb fiiri ch2 v 85 , xukunka qofka diido aayad ka mid ah quraanka ee yiraahdo ma aqoonsanina wax shaki ku jira ma ahan .

hana umaleynin dhibka hada dhacaya inuu waligiis jiray 300 sano ee ugu horeysay imisa qof ayaa dhagac lagu dilay imisaana la gacan laga gooyay xitaa ma gaarayaan labaatameeyo . waxad sheegtay ee dhibaatooyin waa sax balse taas ma wexey baneyneysaa diinta wexey sheegtay ,waa maya , hadey 30milyan oo muslim eey qamro cabto ma xalaalbey noqoneysaa waa maya , gaalada badanaa su'aalaha noocaan oo kale ayey dadka ku wareeriyaan si qofka uu u yiraahdo diintaan waa diin dil iyo gacma goyn waxaas oo idilna diinta barri bey ka tahay . markaan saa leeyahay kama wado aniga kaligey baa fahamsan balse qofkastoo diinta islaamka wax ka yaqaano wuxuu ku leeyahay waxaasi waa qalad .

su'aasha maxey 4 wadan een carabta ahayn argagaxiso kadhigay ? marka koowaad noo sheeg waxa aad ula jeedo extremism , ciraaq , xamaas , xizbulaah ayagana maxaad k leedahay . walaal aan xaqiiqda ka hadalno ee yaanan propagandada dadka qaar u qaadan iney sax tahay .

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alshabab hadey qalad gasho ma matasho umada muslim ka dhan , waana qalad in diinta dhaqangaliskeeda loo fahmo iney tahay gacmo jaritaan ,dhagax ku dilid ayadoon lasoo habeynin wixii ugu muhiimsanaa ee larabay in la qabto .

ugowna in waxa dhacaya eey yihiin wax eey diinteene noo sheegtay 1430 kahor eey noo sheeg sababtana noola sheegay , rasuulka swc wuxuu yiri xadiith macnahiisa uu ahaa ( hadaadan wanaaga is amrin xumaantana iska reebin waxaa laidinku ibtalaynayaa madax xunxun oo idin dhibta markaas ayaad gacma kor utaageysaan laakiinse la idinkama aqbalayo ilaa aad diintiina usoo laabataan ) . arinkana ma ahan in diinta lagu gabanayo si qofka loo aamusiiyo laakin waa in wixii xaq ah la sheego . mida kale waa maxay doorka aan ku leenahay bulshada si aan diinteena u fidino ,xumaantana isaga reebno , dhiboo dhanna wuxuu ka yimaadaa dulmigeena iyo xumaan falideena .

waana ka xumahay hadaan hadalka dheereeyay . walal burahadeer aan dareemaya inaad ka xuntahay dhibka ka dhacayo umadeena dhaxdeena laakin maxaa nala haboon inaan wax ugu qabano.

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genius pauper.;732254 wrote:
its really funny.


when someone congratulates evil its
, and when someone talks against evil its


it is every muslims business.


p.s. it beats logic when the freedom elite are irritated by the views of others. you either leave freedom and embrace ethics, or else appreciate the dogma itself and accept all the woes it comes with.period.

mashallah akhi may allah reward you

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lol@fatwa thugs. Kuwaan caadi ma ahan. Qof muslim ah haddii kuwa ay u sacbiyaan isku qarxiyaan shib ayey dhahaan, gabar Soomaliyeed cidna aan dilin haddii ay timaheeda arkaana diinta ayey jihaad u galaan.

Qofkii wax idinka dhageysta ama idinla dooda ayaa waalan runtii.


Kuwa badan oo qafiifey ayaa iska jira sanadahaan oo masaajidyada xataa ku feeraya dad aan waxba ka sameyn. Allahu Akbar. Waxyaabo badan oo kaa yaabiya ayaad ku arkeysa aduunkaan.


p.s. Nabad Dadaye iyo Jacpher kuma jiraan dadkaan ka hadlaayo.

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