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Fatuma Nur

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Somalina;732572 wrote:
lol@fatwa thugs. Kuwaan caadi ma ahan. Qof muslim ah haddii kuwa ay u sacbiyaan isku qarxiyaan shib ayey dhahaan, gabar Soomaliyeed cidna aan dilin haddii ay timaheeda arkaana diinta ayey jihaad u galaan.

Qofkii wax idinka dhageysta ama idinla dooda ayaa waalan runtii.


Kuwa badan oo qafiifey ayaa iska jira sanadahaan oo masaajidyada xataa ku feeraya dad aan waxba ka sameyn. Allahu Akbar. Waxyaabo badan oo kaa yaabiya ayaad ku arkeysa aduunkaan.


p.s. Nabad Dadaye iyo Jacpher kuma jiraan dadkaan ka hadlaayo.

Well said; it's waste of time to argue with these guys.When people r killed by suicide bombers,they applaud or r quiet which itself is tacit support! Remember those students massacred in graduation ceremony in Mogadishu by suicide bomber!!!

Otha thing they don't come to these pages randomly like otha people; they call each otha to come to certain

sites & topics; they organized & people think they like us going about individually.

Keep worrying too much between women's 2 legs.

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walaal arinta gabadha waa wax yar marka loo eego qof muslim ah dhiigiisa in la daadiyo , dunidan oo la rogo ayaa ka fudud in qof muslim ah xaq daro lagu dilo , diinta weey cadeeysay wexeyna kala leedahay muhimid , hadii meel lagu laaynayo muslimiin eyna jiraan waxyaala kaloo macsi ah ,waa inaan horta ku hormarnaa sidaan dilka uga hadli lahayn ,laakiin taasi ma ahan inaan ka aamusno dadka xumaanta rabo iney faafiyaan.

dilka wuxuu kamid yahay 7 danbi ee ugu waaweyn ,in ciqaabtiisa adagtahayna waxa ka arkeysaa aaayada quraanka fiiri ch 4 v93 .

dilka qof muslim oo labaneystana waa danbi ciqaabtiisa dunida laguugu soo dadajinayo iskaba daa tii aakhiree. wax yaalahan eey alshabaab suubinayaa sida dilka , xitaa hadii qaarkood eey niyad fiican ku suubinayaan wexey ka hor imaaneysaa wisdomka islaamka loo soo dajiyay ilaa hada dagaalka iyo dilka wuu socdaa waqti eey dadka gaajo u dhimanayaan , iney mas'uuliyad qof xukun lagu riday qaadaan iska daayee dadkii caadiga ahaa ayey cunto u heynin .

laakiin waxaa nasiib xuma ah qof muslimna uu aqbali karin in dadka qaar eey isku xiraan qaladka qaar muslimiin ah iyo diinta islaamka ,kuwaas oo uga faaideysanaya xumaanta eey dadkaas suubinayaan si eey udacaayadeeyaan islaamka . qof taageersan dilka qof muslim ah lagu dilo xaq daro inuu ka hadlo mahaboono gabar muslimad ah oon cowrada sidii larabay u u asturin , qofkaan xaqnimada islaamka aaminsaneyna waaba qalad inuu wax diinta islaamka ku suubsan uu ka doodo .

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Nabad_dadaye, akhi runta hadaan kuu sheego, Al-Shabaab iyo qof baa la dilay waa excuse to make mock of the deen for some of these people. They are using a logic that syas ""Al-shabaab maydin caayin, therefor diinta dhan ana waan ku tuman"! Every topic on SOL Shabaab excuse ka dhigta.


Al-shabaab dambigay galaan, ma waxaa la yidhi markaa wax kasta ku tumta? Shabaab diinta Allah ma laha, ee bal Allihiin ka cabsada qofkii muslim ahow.


Burahadader, ilaa hada waxayaabaha foosha xun ay diinta ka soo qortay qof juuq dhahay adiga(nabad_dadaye iyo walaalka Genius) uun baan ka arkay. Bal walaalaha kale meeya? Who cares about Shabaab, diintaadii baa laga hadlayaa.


Laakiin waa sidaan sheegay, isku meel lagama duulayo, adigu diin baad ka hadlaysaa akhil karim, dadkaan xanaaq bilaa micnaa iska haya.


Dadka qaarkiisna cay uun bay hayaan, and name calling.

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Gabadh cawradeed ayaa ka muhiinsa dad la xasooqaayo.....who has an excuse here?

Did you forget that somali women always dressed casually..what about garays/dirac & foodad.

What about ciyaar gud & heerin......It's been somali culture for 1000s of yrs & is going to be that way.

If you wana impose your rigid fundamentalist stuff,it's not going to work.Go to more than 80% of the country not under shabab...YOU BE DISAPPOINTED.It's not who is muslim or not's my way or else,that's ur stand!!!!

Where you not brought up in somali homes!!!!who you kidding.In every muslim society there r all kind live styles & we r no different.Nothing wrong preaching but hurling insults at this lady who is fighting for voiceless somalis under tyrany is dispicable

Your r the ones who live in illusion & use name of islam to ur lethal agendas.

The end justifies the means;that's wat you saying..good day guys!!!!

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don't encourage fataalnimo adeer because thats what you sound like. you should be encouraging our sisters to cover up and act like good modest muslimahs instead of telling them to take off their hijab. the other issue of 'suicide bombing' in not relevant here, so don't distract people with it.

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Axmed-InaJaad;732663 wrote:


don't encourage fataalnimo adeer because thats what you sound like. you should be encouraging our sisters to cover up and act like good modest muslimahs instead of telling them to take off their hijab. the other issue of 'suicide bombing' in not relevant here, so don't distract people with it.

you r distracting..look at you,we talking millions of somalis suffering & you wana make this lady an issue so no one focuses the real problem...our sisters are not gona ask you how they gona dress;they r free of ur been name calling out of desperation so u can silence people,oooooooh!!!!

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same old theme,"bloody infidel"hahahahaaaaaaaaa

Retarded people who can't set their priorities straight.Instead of talking real issues & delimma somali people been thru for more than 20yrs,they choose to spend so much time on how women cover their head & moreova to attack & destroy any one keen enough to see the shame bestowed upon us as refugees.

This thread is the 4th page & they keep coming to attack me,cos I stood by this lady who is doing wat needed to be done.All their agenda is see no evil,hear no evil.

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They probably wanted to see Fatumo wearing a tent with no bra, wey xanaaqeen markey arkeen bra and hair hence the xiiqa. :D

Seriously though waqtiga ha isaga dhameyn inaad la muranto kuwaan.

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burahadeer;732797 wrote:
you r distracting..look at you,we talking millions of somalis suffering & you wana make this lady an issue so no one focuses the real problem...our sisters are not gona ask you how they gona dress;they r free of ur been name calling out of desperation so u can silence people,oooooooh!!!!

so you would let ur sisters be naked and not wear hijaab for the whole world to see. i guess we are different. millions of somali's suffering is an issue, but so is millions of somali girls forgetting their diin and not covering up. we must deal with all issues. we are muslims and we should encourage good and advice those who do wrong when we can. by your logic we should forget about our diin because we have other issues? that doesn't make sense brother and may allah(swt) help you with your imaan.

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Somalina;732804 wrote:
They probably wanted to see Fatumo wearing a tent with no bra, wey xanaaqeen markey arkeen bra and hair hence the xiiqa.

Seriously though waqtiga ha isaga dhameyn inaad la muranto kuwaan.

no doubt a student of ayaan hirsi like you, who wants somali muslim women to show their bra's and hair to the world would encourage this type of behavior. you're the trojan horse within out culture and diin, n you need to be routed out.

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Somalina;732804 wrote:
They probably wanted to see Fatumo wearing a tent with no bra, wey xanaaqeen markey arkeen bra and hair hence the xiiqa.

Seriously though waqtiga ha isaga dhameyn inaad la muranto kuwaan.

For you to call the islamic garb and what is deeemed to be sacred a "Tent" is unacceptable. Such comments can not come from the lips of someone that has submitted to Allah and is a Muslim.

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Khayr;733080 wrote:
For you to call the islamic garb and what is deeemed to be sacred a "Tent" is unacceptable. Such comments can not come from the lips of someone that h
as submitted to Allah and is a Muslim

Look at this miserable takfiri. Niggah plze! go back to the cave you crawled from.


Another one to put on my ignore list. Great.

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Axmed-InaJaad;732807 wrote:
no doubt a student of ayaan hirsi like you, who wants somali muslim women to show their bra's and hair to the world would encourage this type of behavior. you're the trojan horse within out culture and diin, n you need to be routed out.

Gunter's intern is preaching about islam. lol....

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