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How can Somalis support TFG/Amisom/Ethiopians??

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The Zack   

Xaaji Xunjuf;701134 wrote:
Zack thinks the TFG is great but he hates ileey and the dds regional administration and the Tigray Regime in Adis ababa when it comes to O'gadenia But when it comes to Somalia he loves the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia , Canjeelada wuxu u ogalyahay inay xabashidu dhuusamareeeb ku cunan laakin uma ogala inay ku cunan qabridhahare iyo fiiq:D

WTF! I didn't even comment on this thread and you drag my beautiful name to it? Darn Xaji Xeyraan! Seriously though, when did u ever see me supporting Xabashis on any scenario? eff the Xabashis anywhere u see them, they are all Somali's number two enemy LOL. Hear me up now, I, The Zack Jaamac Geeddi, do not support any Xabashi' occupation in ANY Somali soil and that includes the small towns of Gaashaamo Bari and Daroori (where your brothers-in-clan are from).


Having said what I said, it aint fair to say something in this thread and not comment on the topic at hand. Mad_Mullah is comparing apples and oranges, Al-shabaab need to go away. The Somali people have zero empathy for these clowns.


Peace out....

Da 1 n only, da Zack

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They might have now! But with a foreign occupation they will only grow stronger! Especially when the Habeshis start raping women like they did last time.

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The Zack   

^We have seen this movie 5 years ago, not sure if u were able to make it to the theaters. The people of Somalia did see it, too. Alshabaab are not welcome in Somalia.

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^Adiga ha is adkeen nooh. Xaajiga has got a crush on you. Don't be slow sxb.


Waryee tell us five good reasons why AS are better than Amison without resorting to Itoobiyaan baa dumar xoogaya. Neither Ethiopia not AS have any sympathy of the dhibaato Somali women face everyday in Moqdisho.

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When did XX and his gooni istaag folks ever cared about the occupied Gaashaamo Bari and Daroor, where his I tribe men live,,, not even the future? ,,,

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So, if the Ethnic Somali landers specially their leaders like Silanyo co'exist with Tigre domination policy of the greater horn, why the protesting against Sherif's TFG? ,,,

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Bashir they cared about it 1950s when the British Empire incoorparated that land under Haile selassie in 1952 there were massdemonstrations in Somaliland and riots they then fought for it in 1964 then Fought for it again in 1977. And we will fight again for it indeed in the future.

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Your intention is good, and you have some aspirations to witness Daroor and Gaashaamo Berri being free from balck colonization, but the admin and its secessionist policy that you defend all day is against any freedom movement that fights Tigre regime, so where do you draw the line for today? Are you not taking the bullets against SSC land to your occupied Daroor?


Let's see how you defend Silanyo's clannish and aggressive policy towards fellow Somalis...

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Anigu waxan u fahmay the people who supports Amisom and they puppets, waxaa weeye people who uses the qaacida called "My enemy's enemy is my friend" Yacni Al-Shabaab baa lagu diray, marka qofkastoo la dagaala way ku faraxsanyihiin, even haday noqoto Yuhuud. The only thing aynan fahmin these people is AMISOM iyo waxa la socdaa sidaas kuma joogi doonaan, ilaa ay wadanka si aayar ah ula wareegaan. Ama wadamada loo kala qaybiyo.


For god sake people, intaynu ka fakari lahayn, sida Soomaali galbeed iwm u soo xorayn lahayn, so they again can be a part of out great nation, baynu intii yarayd ee soo hadhay gaalo u ogolaanay inay ka taliyaan, come on people, caqligii mee. Haven'y we learned anything from the histrory of Islamic countries? It was the same that happend to Spain(Andalus), some of the countries called for gaalo supports agains other muslims, markay kuway la dagaalamayeen ka raayeen, isla kuwii soo kaxaystayna waa lagu daray. And now u see how Spain is, one of the biggest Christian countries weeye.


Marka make my words, Shariif iyo wuxuu wato, haday Shabaab wadanka ka saaraan(wich I dont think ever will happen), idinka uun bay idinku soo jeesan, cuz thats the nature of Kufaar, like it or not.


So u can support Amisom and whomever, ogaada uun u guys are Muslims, dont let the western mentality make u crazy. Most of the time, people say "Al-shabaab caruurtay maskaxda ka dhaqaan", walee I would say whoever supports Amisom baa maskaxda ka dhaqan, oo damiirlaawayaal ah.

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Al-Miskiin;701252 wrote:
The only thing aynan fahmin these people is AMISOM iyo waxa la socdaa sidaas kuma joogi doonaan, ilaa ay wadanka si aayar ah ula wareegaan. Ama wadamada loo kala qaybiyo.

Marka make my words, Shariif iyo wuxuu wato, haday Shabaab wadanka ka saaraan, idinka uun bay idinku soo jeesan, cuz thats the nature of Kufaar, like it or not.

these sentence makes the rest of what you said, Worthless!!

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