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Made in Ethiopia Shoes

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am all for fair trade but seriously a 100+ sneakers from ethiopia. If it takes people a few dollars in china, shouldn't be less in ethiopia. another thing, they should have nice but desecrate logo. otherwise am all for supporting african businesses, usually don't drink much coffee, but when I do, I make sure its kenyan or ethiopian. and speaking of supporting African businesses, where can one get that honey from Ceerigaabo people.

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wyre;692159 wrote:
Kabo noocan baan ka xidhaa aniga:D


Coffee shop-yada KSA laga sheekeeyo maa la martaa? haddii ay saas tahay is ilaali baan ku iri. :D


Dumarka xataa laba nooc bas ayey haayaan, why? dumarka kabo ma xirtaan miyaa? xabashidaan suuqa ayaan ka saareynaa mardhow, i sug wax yar! :D

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Haddaanan meelahaas la marin, halkeen la mari lahaa nina?

Oo maxey sameynaayaan haddaan meelahaa la maro miyey iga furanayaan like meel aan ogahay:D

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Naxar Nugaaleed;692177 wrote:
and while on the subject, bought these dutch ones in philly a few years ago, been looking for another pair for a few years now to no avail...





:D Laa xowlah walaa quwwata illaa billaah...Dude you need a serious fashion old are you 65? I am the oldest guy in SOL and I wouldn't put my feet anywhere near those ugly things...illeen wax bakhtiyey baad tahay...fuuqey bararay weligaa ma maqashay?.:D




Waryaa Wyroow...waar adiguna waa maxay waxaad meesha la timi? ma sidaa baad caruus ku tahay? war hana ceebeyne kabo fiican gado....Amxaaro business is the last business I will support...kuwaas xabad waxaan aheyn nagama dhaxeyso aniga iyo ayaga...dulliga afka qurmuun.








Peace, Love & Unity.

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aa xowlah walaa quwwata illaa billaah...Dude you need a serious fashion old are you 65? I am the oldest guy in SOL and I wouldn't put my feet anywhere near those ugly things...illeen wax bakhtiyey baad tahay...fuuqey bararay weligaa ma maqashay?.





Midna teebihii caruurta uu soo dhajistay midka kalena kooyo feero oo beeshikaane u eg uu xarago u qaatay... BoB waakutuugaa kuwaan Fashion cashar u qor. lool... kooyo feerihii meedka looxiri jiray ayuu jidadka la maraa kawaran....





Wareer Badanaa!!!

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BOB;692720 wrote:
Laa xowlah walaa quwwata illaa billaah...Dude you need a serious fashion old are you 65? I am the oldest guy in SOL and I wouldn't put my feet anywhere near those ugly things...illeen wax bakhtiyey baad tahay...fuuqey bararay weligaa ma maqashay?.




Waryaa Wyroow...waar adiguna waa maxay waxaad meesha la timi? ma sidaa baad caruus ku tahay? war hana ceebeyne kabo fiican gado....Amxaaro business is the last business I will support...kuwaas xabad waxaan aheyn nagama dhaxeyso aniga iyo ayaga...dulliga afka qurmuun.








Peace, Love & Unity.

:D Bal nooca aad ii haysa ii sheeg BOB:D, and dhinaca naceybka ethiopia, anigaba waan necbahay balse it doesn't mean inaad wexey soo saaran nacdo sxb

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Naxar & Wyre...I am a guy who loves his casual gear...always have been as long as I can remember and most of the time you will find me wearing something like these...I'm a huge fan of Clae Mcqueen shoes...they have huge range of quality guys should try them and they're affordable as well.









I also love KK...Karl Kani, he makes amazing shoes, jackets etc, he's been a pioneer when it comes to black urban designers.




I Love This Varsity Jacket.;)













So that's me with my taste and what I like wearing more or less.;)










Peace, Love & Unity.

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^^ You and Naxar have no sense of fashion, and shouldn't even try to post those ugly yet ridiculous so called shoes.



My pick of shoes are:








finaly the one I wear every Eid:



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