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cynical lady

Troll, Shaah, Cakes and Sheeko

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Earlier, outside my window, I saw THIS attacking and eating THIS:




But then THIS came swooping down from the air:




It bullies the Seagull out of the way and now THIS is eating THIS:



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Ngonge, thats a beautiful picture there...


PS This may sounds selfish.The wifey got into a selective graduate program of her choice..Been celebrating with her, but deep down inside the manly-Somali man of me wishes her to stay at home and download kids (forget about all this degrees)...I guess i have to support her...

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Ngonge, I guess she could, but when your target number is four brats I think it would not be a walk in the park....I just dread the thought of wifey locked down in a library.. I have to supress my selfishness..haha

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^^ You can have four brats in four years (sometimes in two, sometimes in one). :D

Enjoy the time you have, saaxib. Soon, the "brats" will take over. Heh.

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On ne cherchait pas à attaquer ou à dégrader l'image des intégristes musulmans -chacun son trip. Mais plutôt à interpeller les élus de la République qui sont allés au bout du vote de cette loi que l'on estime être largement anticonstitutionnelle... Et puis finalement, le LOL c'est bien pour dénoncer non

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There was no attempt to attack or degrade the image of Muslim fundamentalists-all the trip. But rather to challenge the elected officials of the Republic who went after the passing of this law that is believed to be largely unconstitutional ... And finally, LOL it is not to denounce

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Stoic, it was no fun for us to be driven to our local nursery at around age 2 since mum was working but it was,

very fortunately, for around half a day and did not last long;

as a kid, I also resented hooyo doing overtime/night on calls at our hospital while some of the nanny's actions would have landed her in serious trouble here etc (seems I had a hard time to tell ohers about all that or thought it was "normal", unimportant etc).

It's funny also you choose 4 because that is how many boys we were.


Without both pressing need and family support, a working mum may not be ideal for kids (let alone when ayeeyo, habo etc are not available or all "locally" based)...

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M" is for the million things she gave me,

"O" means only that she's growing old,

"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,

"H" is for her heart of purest gold;

"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,

"R" means right, and right she'll always be,

Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER,"

A word that means the world to me.


Wasalaam Ibtisam.

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Hooyoy la aantaa

Adduunyadu hubaashii

Habeen kama baxdeenoo

Iftiin lama heleenoo



Dadku uma hayaameen

Xiddig hawd ka lulatiyo

Sida haad ma fuuleen

Dayax heego joogo

Hubka laguma tureen

Hawo laguma gaadheen

Cirka hirar ka muuqdoo

Hooyoy addoomuhu

Halkay maanta joogaan

Adigow horseedoo

Intaad hanad xambaartee

Haaneedka siisee

Horaaddada jaqsiisee

Habtay baan xisaab iyo

Tiro lagu helayn,



Marka aad nin hiilloo

Laga baqo hashiisiyo

Halyey diran dhashaa baa

Hooyo lagu xasuustaa.



Marka aad nin hoo-loo

Gurigiisa habaqluhu

Isku soo halleeyoo

Hayntiisa quudhoo

Hor ilaahay geystiyo

Lama hure dhashaa baa

Hooyoy lagu xasuustaa.



Marka aad nin himilada

Hilin toosan mariyoo

Hir markii la gaadhaba

Ku labaad hilaadshoo

Haga maatadiisoo

La higsado dhashaa baa

Hooyo lagu xasuustaa.



Marka aad nin hooggiyo

Ka hor taga dagaalkoo

Garta hubin yaqaanoo

Xaqa hoos u eegoo

Halistiyo colaadaha

Dabka hura bakhtiiyoo

Ku hagoogta dhiiggoo

Dadka kala hagaajoo

Kala haga dhashaa baa

Hooyo lagu xasuustaa.



Markaad hoobal caanoo

Hindisaha farshaxanoo

Hab-dhaca iyo luuqdiyo

Hawraarta maansada

Heensayn yaqaanoo

Rabbi hibo u siiyoo

Labadaba hannaanshiyo

Hal-abuur dhasha baa

Hooyo lagu xasuustaa.



Dumar iyo haween baa

Nolol lagu haweystaa

Kuwa lagu hammiyayee

Sida hawd caleen wayn

Rag u wada hamuumee

Ishu halacsanaysaa

Hablahaaga weeyee

Marka guur la haybshee

Gabadh heego dheeroo

Hoobaan la moodoo

Karti iyo hub-qaadloo

Quruxdana ka hodaniyo

Hira laga aroostaa

Hooyo lagu xasuustaa.



Hooyoy la?aantaa

Higgaad lama barteenoo

Hooyoy la?aantaa

Hadal lama kareenoo

Ruuxaanad habinoo

Kolba aanad hees iyo

Hoobey ku sabinoo

Hawshaada waayaa

Hanaqaadi maayee

Hoygii kalgacalkee

Naxariistu hadataay



Hooyoy dushaadaa

Nabad lagu helaayoo

Hooyoy dhabtaadaaa

Hurdo lagu gam?aayoo

Hooyoy taftaada

Dugsi laga helaayoo

Waxa lagu hal-maalaa

Hooyo ababintaadee

Hayin lagu badhaadhaay

Hogol lagu qaboobaay

Gogol lama huraaneey

Dugsigii hufnaantaay

Hidde lagu arooraay.



Intaad hooyo nooshahay

Hambalyiyo salaan baan

Hanti kaaga dhi...aa

Hamrashiyo xaq-dhowr baan

Dusha kaa huwinayaa,

Hooyo dhimashadaaduna weeyoo

Hiyiga iyo laabtaan

Kugu haynayaayoo

Weligey hoggaagaan

Ka dul heesayaayoo

Hengel baan u xidhayaa

Inta haadka duushiyo

Idil habar dugaaggee

Ifka hibo ku noolow

Aakhiro halkii roon

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I like the way Ibti keeps typing "Salaam" and disappearing. Do the net cafes there charge a dollar per letter? :D


Morning all.

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