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Waa Maxay Sifooyinka Aad Ku Guursankarto Wiil Somali ah?

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Waa Maxay Sifooyinka Aad Ku Guursankarto Wiil Somali ah?


Sifoonyinka Wanaagsan:


*In uu yaqaano Diinta isla markaasna uu ku Dhaqmo.

*In uu ka dhashay Famil Wanaagsan (We are not talking about his tribe)

*In uu yahay qof horay u socda (Educational wise)

*In uu labadii dhashay uu u yahay BAARI.

*In uu yahay qof wax fahmaya (Understandable guy)

*In uu jecelyahay ilmo.(Of course dad aan kala jecleen)

*In aqoontiisa MAADIGA ah ay wanaagsantahay.

* last but not lease in uu qurxoonyahay.


Topickaan waxaa uu u furanyahay dumarka oo kaliya, hablo ka dhiibta fikradiinna..........


Salaama ka Dheh:...........

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1-- diinta inuu yaqaano kuna dhaqmo

2-- waa in lafiirin kara...not necesarily drop dead goerges

3-- isku filan yahay mar kastana uu rabo inuu hore usocdo...karti inuu leeyahay uu meeshu rabo isaga saari karo

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Aniga Zabta lee ha iga qarinina...Geel aa la lagdaa mar dhaw waa ogahay...


Wareer badanaa!!!

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Qac Qaac   

Diin maash'allah..

i hope we not just say this, because it is a tradition thing.. we expected to be married to a religous guy...


Girls I have a question.. when u say, we need a religous guy.. how religous would u want him to be?

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how religous would u want him to be?





Salaama Ka Dheh:................

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Qac Qaac   

oh ok, coz i heard some of the girls saying... we don't want him to be too religous.. i guess u r the rare case..

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Sifoonyinka Wanaagsan:


*In uu yaqaano Diinta isla markaasna uu ku Dhaqmo.

*In uu ka dhashay Famil Wanaagsan (We are not talking about his tribe)

*In uu yahay qof horay u socda (Educational wise)

*In uu labadii dhashay uu u yahay BAARI.

*In uu yahay qof wax fahmaya (Understandable guy)

*In uu jecelyahay ilmo.(Of course dad aan kala jecleen)

*In aqoontiisa MAADIGA ah ay wanaagsantahay.

* last but not lease in uu qurxoonyahay

Wiilo: Intaas oo dhan isagoo leh buu hadana baac kugu noqon karaa. Kumaadan darin midi ugu muhiimsanayd: In uu mid Naxariista yahay Nin aanan Naxariis lahayn, cilmigiisa & quruxdiisa waxba ma tarayso.


Mid very religious ahna waa dhibaato. Guriguu kor kaaga soo qufulaa.

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Mid very religious ahna waa dhibaato. Guriguu kor kaaga soo qufulaa.


Imagine haduu furaha ka dhumo.




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HAhahahaa...looooooool bishaaro...Ilaaheey korkaaga qamiis haku goglo aamino dheh!


Wareer badanaa!!!

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Very well said Wiilo! I'm glad your prioritized his religiosity. I wonder what other girls have in mind, as well?


Ay Kutubeey forgot about those Gorgeous men: They have been recently placed on the "Endangered Species List" I Joined Nomad when my name appeared on that report!

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Bishaaro dear waa runtaa Naxariistu waa muhiim, tan DIINTA ayadana waa Very Important, ogowna qofka Diintiisu comes with Naxariis, qofku haddii uu yaqaan diin isla markaana uu ku dhaqmo waxay sabab u noqotaa dhammaan ficiladiisa wanaagsan, maxaa yeelay taasi waa arimaha lagu garto qofka Islaamka ah iimaankiisa, waa sida salaada hagaagsan oo kale, sida aan ognahayba qofku haddii ay salaadiisu hagaagsan tahay Xumaan oo dhan wey ka reebtaa, marka tanina waa sidoo kale, qofku haddii uu diin leeyahay kuna dhaqma WANAAG oo dhan ayay ku horseedaa. Marka aniga runtii waxaa muhiim ii ah in qofku taa leeyahay.



Salaama Ka Dheh:...........

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all of the thingS you have listed my beloved wiilo also apply to me....although i would add 1 or 2 things.



he must have good personality, sence of humour

he must know womens worth...a guy who does not compare me to his mother, aunt or even ex.

last but not least a guy who can challenge me mentally (perhaps even physically)


right....I know I'm not asking much....oh yeah 1 more thing he better be into fashion....i dont want him to cramp my style na'mean, got a ego to look after.

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how religous would u want him to be?



by very, you mean; he prays, pays zakat, and does almost if not all of the requirments of the religion right? that kind of religious is good, but there are some brothers who kick it up a notch and take the religion to a whole new level. Sure islam has a code of dress, but no where does it say that your pants should be way above your ankles, to the point where the pants are no longer pants but shorts instead (long shorts).


see that kind of religous is far and beyond and not all that attractive ,god bless them, but being extra without there being a need is just not right. the dress isn't the only thing, they're views on how women should act and what they should and shouldn't do is intolerable; and isn't in accordance to the religion at all. These type of "religious" brothers are the few that have some sisters removing "religious" off their list of attributes for potential husbands


dont get me wrong, religion is at the top of my list when it comes to marriage, but its gotta be the religion itself and none of that added practices.


ps, sorry if i offending anyone

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Waraa kaalaya...gabdhihiina dhan saas maa u kulushihiin.....


Meeshaan waxaa joogaan rag diin iyo wax kaste dhameeyee, maa faraha jug isku siisaan?...


aan wax idiin sheego gabdhihiina rajada waa ween, nin rag ah hadaa rabtaan waa kan daacada ah. nin daacad ah waa ninka guurkiisa dheerada oo wiligiisna adkaada. laakiin mid aan daacad aheen waa nin daniiste ah oo tuu guursado ee badanaa tahay last option..


laakiin gabdho bootada nagadaaya waa idin tuugaa..when y'all reach the # you know what, y'all will become less picky and thas when most men will take advantage of you hala isku sheego..things like "my man has to be like this" will end up being "who cares what kind of man he is, I will change him" 4 now dreem on because remember girls, men are never will play religious even if have to if we want you....maxaa dhacay, hadii aa nugu xukuntaan kuunto, anaga waa idin xujeeneenaa kuuntadil canbuulo waaxid....


wareer badanaa!!!

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hadii aa nugu xukuntaan kuunto, anaga waa idin xujeeneenaa kuuntadil canbuulo waaxid....

looooooooool@tuujiska, abbaa usheegbo in la heli karo kuunto kuusan kiimikeesan koonbo kuusan ku jirto, oo diintana aad u taqaano

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