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Breaking: Shaykh Turki and the Eagles of Ras Kambooni land in Xamar

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Sheekh Xasan Turki oo ah Aabaha tabobarka, Amiirka gobollada Jubbooyinka iyo Gedo kana mid ah saraakisiha ugu saraysa Xarakadda Xizibul Islaam iyo ciidamadiisa sida gaarka ah u tababaran ayaa maanta soo gaadhey magaalada Muqdisho iyagoo halkaas usoo gaadhey iney la dagaalamaan ciidamada AMISOM isla markaana garab siiyaan ciidamada Xizbul Islaam iyo Al-Shabaab oo dagaal todobaad socday kula jirey ciidamada dawladda KMG ah iyo kuwa AMISON.

The man of the hour, Shaykh Turki arrives in Xamar with massive reinforcements. Wamaa adraaka mal Turki, mudane aqriste ?



And guess who was there to welcome him ? Rafiiqul-darb and the other towering Xasan:




Waraa, action-ka feeeri. Waraa, ciz'ziga iyo sharafta iyo gobonimada ka mooqato feeriya. Aawaya nimanka gun'nimo ku raagay oo dhulinimo lagu soo koriyay oo qabiil ku qaangaaray, oo meeshaan ka baqbaq'leeynaayay ? Aawaya qolooyinka gaalo-raac'nimo ku faani jiray ? Allahu Akbar, walle haybad Ilaahay ninkii diintiisa uu soo halgamo uu seeyaa. AL-Xasanayn, the two Xasans, sitting side by side at the table of Somali-Muslim brotherhood. What a stark contrast with the Shariif-ite qabil qaylo-dhaan and oohin . Rag'na Ilaahay bay uu wacdaan uu talo sartaan, Rag'na Toolaaay iga soo gaara, Israeel iga soo gaar, Gaalo oo dhan iga soo gaar ayay ku dhikrinaayaan.




Allahu Akbar! If this ain't Shaykh Ahmed Madoobe, oo Ilaahay ka soo furay xabsiga Axbaashta. Big up, Shaykh Ahmed, and mad respect to an exponential level. They offered you a Cabinet position, they promised to give you Kismaayo on a silver platter, if only you would join the TFG burcad, if only you would give the Shariif Al-Khabeeth the theological legitimacy he so desperately craves and completely lacks. They expected you to be like them, cabdul dirham wal diinaar, craven lowborns who would sell their mothers for the proper price. Your response to the glitter of treason and the dhalaal of gaalo-raac'nimo ? Shaahatil Wujooh!!! Shaahatil Wujooh !!! And with your rejection of the Munaafiqs of the TFG, you showed the rest of Somali-dom that there was still Honour left in this world.


There was a barking mongrel(no need to mention names, woo is yaqaanaa) on SOL who recently criticized the Shaykh Ahmed for declaring his bar'aa'ah(complete rejection) from the TFG. Well, I'd like to tell that barking mutt, that kalbul naabix, to take a good look at the picture above, and squirm in dhulinimo. Shaykh Ahmed Madoobe rejected the TFG and the patronage of Ethiopia and the West, while you get on your knees and beg for their support, yaa thaleel. A world of difference ! A sea of distance ! For the lowborns of this world are not fit to clean the boots of it's Thoroughbreds. Afalaa tacqiloon, yaa ikhwatul khawana wal khanaazeer ?




Take a look at this gathering. Al-Xasanayn and Dr. Cumar Iimaan. Compare and contrast this meeting of Somali-Muslims gathering at the table of brotherhood and the meeting taking place in Villa Somalia consisting of the Warlords and xaraan-ku-nax Moori.yaan hiding behind Ugandan tanks. You be the judge. And then some simpletons, some gullible masaakin with honest hearts but empty heads, will say the TFG with it's naked qabyaalad, with it's blatant nifaaq, with it's latest stunt of selling Somali sea and calling for more African troops, they will say this dawlad-ku-sheeg is the only option, because the world won't allow anything else....because it is 'inclusive'(4.5)... because my dad told me to always be suspicious of wadaads... and the list of pathetic brain farts is endless. Honest and well-meaning hearts, but very low levels of raw intelligence and reasoning.



An exceptional level of combat-readiness:

Waxay u muuqataa in mar kale uu magaalada Xamar ku soo rogmaday daadkii ugu badnaa abid ayadoo hadda la ciiraysa ciidamadii horay u sii joogay iyo kuwo aad u tiro badan oo ka soo gurmaday gobollada dalka walina si raxan raxan ah ugu soo qulqulaya. Kasokow kumaandoosnimada iyo tababarka gaarka ah ee ay qabaan ciidamada ku soo qulqulaya magaalada ayaa hadana guud ahaan ciidamada Muqaawamadu waxay haystaan xirfad ka saraysa tii ay haysteen markay dagaalka kula jireen Gumaysigii Macatab ku dirirka ahaa. Waxaa hadda diyaar ah ciidamo safka dagaalka iskula jiray mudo 2 sano ah oo midka u yiri uu ka qayb qaatay 100 dagaal.

Lord of Ras Kambooni: The Return of the Komaandos-Shaykh:

Sheekh Xasan Turki ayaa markii ugu danbeysey magaalada Muqdisho waxuu ku yimid gurmad uu ufidiyey Maxaakiimtii Islaamiga ahayd iyadoo ciidamadiisa sida gaarka u tababarani ay dhufeyska ugu daateen Qabqablayaashii dagaalka casharna ay udhigeen iyadoo Sheekha iyo ciidankiisaba Xamar looga bixiyey Dab damis.

It seems like the qashin-qob qowleysato of Shariif Al-Khabeeth, his former employer M.Dheere, Bashiir Raage and the rest of the Nine Warlords of Mogadisho(wa kaana fil madeenati tisca'tu rahtin yusidoon fil ardhi walaa yuslixoon) have forgotten casharkii loo dhigay in the spring and summer of 2006. No problem, the Teacher has arrived. And he shall soon instruct you in the class titled: How to properly exterminate Gaalo-raac Sewer Rats 101.




Somali mirror


Oh, and I saved the best part for last:




Taliyaha Ciidaamada Ras Kambooni and the architect of the successful military operations that resulted in the takeover of Kismaayo, Jubooyinka, Gedo. Also, the same thoroughbred who karbaash'd the ONLF when they decided to open up bases in Jubboyinka, kibir iyo xoog. Well, kibir'kee iyo xoog'gee waala iskaga daba yimid smile.gif


SOL, meet Dhul-Yadayn. Dhul-Yadayn, meet SOL.

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^^ What would you have them do, Che ? Sit on the ground and drink muddy water as a sign of solidarity ?


If they did that, at best, you would laugh at them, at worst, call it a opportunist-photo op.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Maa fii mushkila. They can take snide comments, they've got a city to liberate.

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Kashafa-It's easy to pick up gun and fight, any id*ot could do and believe me I seen that, but I do hope they have plan to save this nation, and not just focus on the present.


Drink water, no but what they do say and are doing about the ones are drinking muddy waters now?

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So, beryahanoo dhan warkii naloo sheegayey been buu ahaa? I thought the hell-raisers were already in Xamar? Muxuu la soo daahey Turki, ma xaaji qamsiin lagu soo qariyo ayeey gadiidleeydu diideen ineey ka kireeyaan?


The seem bemused, to say the least. Lost, more like.

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I agree, Che. One of the main causes of the downfall of the former ICU was a lack of strategic planning. But judging from their recent command and control apparatus after the takeovers of Baidoba, Merka, and Kismaayo, I think they've come a long way. In Baidoa, for example, Abu Mansoor offered blanket amnesty to all, even warlords, it was a brilliant move(even tho he was critcised for it). Baidoba is now safer and more secure than Harlem, NYC. Or my 'hood for that matter where two homicides happened last night. Two homicides, one night. 17 police cars quartined the whole block.


Lol@Jaca. I'm serious, man. Rag'gaan peaceniks aa is haynaa. All I'm doing is presenting to any objective eyes, our fundametal differences in vision, members, and principles.

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

Taliyaha Ciidaamada Ras Kambooni and the architect of the successful military operations that resulted in the takeover of Kismaayo, Jubooyinka, Gedo. Also, the same thoroughbred who karbaash'd the ONLF when they decided to open up bases in Jubboyinka, kibir iyo xoog. Well, kibir'kee iyo xoog'gee waala iskaga daba yimid

Wara cadowga ha isku badin maraad tahay maxaan dhahaa? :D:D


Intaan anu ka warqabo ONLF Jubooyinka dhufays u aaday iyagoo heli

kara Daakhato iyo Nogob ma jiraan. Bal halkaa dib ugu noqo

oo dhanka ONLF'tana ka soo xaqiiji warkaasu suu u jiro.


Dhowr wiil oo dano shaqsi ahaaneed u aaday dhulka reer tolkood dagaan

ha ugu gafin sumcada ONLF iyo halgankeeda xalasha ah. ONLF haddii ay

shaqsi Somaliyeed far saari rabto kuwo badan oo da'bodhi'lif ah ayaa

Diridawa iyo Jigjiga ka buxa lakiin waxay isku dayaan in

Tigree mooyee ayna xabadoodu ama siyaasadoodu lid ku noqon umada Somaliyeed

oo si isle'eg oogu baahan dawlad iyo xornimo waarta.


Waa jiri karaan isku dhacyo yar yar oo wiilashu is afdhaafan laakin

siyaasad kor ka timaada oo madaxda ONLF'tu hawl geliso ma ahan.

Si khalad ah aad moodaa in aad wax u fahantay, sheekhow iska sax.

Waxaa laga yabaa in laguugu sheekeeyey in ONLF Maraykan tahay

haddayse ahan la haayeen ma'eyna shacabka ku so noqdeen si ay qaraanka

iyo lacagta ay ku dagaal galaan ooga gurtaan. Nin mashruuc la gala

Maraykanka ma uuna islaamaha iyo ardayda lacag ka gurteen. Teeda

kale isla Maraykanka ayaa dagaalka ugu weyn kula jira ONLF'ta sababtoo

ah dawlada uu laangaabka Tigreegu ka taliyo ayaa qolodan Maraykanka

saxibkeeda dhabta ah. ONLF iyo Alshabaab waa iskugu mid haddayna

ONLF ka sii darneyn. Siyaasad ka ahaan iyo dagaal ka ahaan ba Tigreegu

waa og yihiin midka labadan urur iyaga u daran.



Khibrada dagaal ee ONLF inta ay dhantahay waa la socotaa aan u malaynayaa.

Waxay dhantahay inta dhaq-dhaqaaqa xornimo doonka gobolku socday.

Waa imisa sano? Lixdameeyo iyo hidhidhii ayey dhantahay.


Markaa ONLF igu soo bood maahan. Adeerkood iyo aaboyaashood ayaa

gubaabo iyo khibrad dheer ooga tagay inta ay raganimadooda ku kas badaan ka sokow.


Kibirka aad sheegi nina uma roona oo waa runtaa laakiin adna kibirka

badan iska yaree. Haddii kale ha igu qasbin in laba guuto oo ONLF

'peacekeeping forces' ah shariifka u soo diro. Ma hadaad rabtaa in

aan dhaho shookaanta wareejiya oo nimanka Alshabaabka la dhaho

waa Tigree ha la soo qabqabto. Waraa ina kala ilaali aabadey.


Ina kalo ilaali niyow waxba is kugu ma keen jiraane. :Dicon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Kashafa, niyow shirkadaha xayaysiisyada ayaaba lacag badan kugu qaadan lahaa ,,,,

War nika suuq usoo raadi niyow ,,, kolood afhayeenka Riyaale ka dhigto... :D:D

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Geeloow daaq oo daaq balse maalintaad Ciin daaqdo ayaa laguu yaabaa, ayaa la yiri.


Kashfanoow, maalintaad ONLF shanta la soo gashaa laguu yaabaa! :D

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^^ :D . Waa tahay, abti. Horta aan Xamar gacanta ku dhigno(inshallah). Markaas aa xagaas iyo Galbeed aa safar salaan ku imaanaynaa. As long as your guns are aimed exclusively at Ethiopians(and not, say, at

), waa isfahmaynaa, maa fii mushkila.

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have you been to any of these safe places that you speak about? Or you going by what someone told you?

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Muxuu la soo daahey Turki, ma xaaji qamsiin lagu soo qariyo ayeey gadiidleeydu diideen ineey ka kireeyaan?


The seem bemused, to say the least. Lost, more like.


Paragon, Sh. xasan Turki inuu is qariyo uma abaahna isagaa madax ah, ninlka is qarinaya waa ninka xitaa markuu Turkiya tegay rabay inuu gaariga gaashaaman raaco. :D




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