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A Love Note!

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Feelings! Dareen, or A7asis



Yesterday I was driving on a highway amid a lot of traffic, my mind was not with the traffic, nor with the direction I was driving to, my mind became glued to a feeling that caused my heart to murmur or palpitate, missing beats, I felt I did not belong to this world anymore, I felt homesick to a home that I have only known in the pages of the Quraan and the narrations of the Hadeeth.



The feeling continued for a good while that day, I can not describe the feeling but I can only say, that while it lasted, it was the most pleasant feeling I have had for a good three years. At that distant time the good feeling was trigerred by a verse of Quraan that electrified my spine with a high powered spike.


What triggered this feeling this time around began initially with the remembrance of Allah SWT, making Dhiker as I drove my vehicle, a freak thought that crossed my mind metamorphosed to captivating feeling of awe and love for Allah SWT..


I reasoned, here I am breathing effortlessly, thinking with clarity, seeing a picturesque view of thw world around me with all of its messages, enjoying and celebrating life in a very constructive way, riding on a late model wheels, great business, great family, good health, good faith in Allah SWT, I felt that I have reached the epitome of this life and as a person who wants more and more, I began yearning to meet Allah SWT, not that I was suicidal, nor was I hallucinated with drugs, rather I felt a yearning of love for someone to whom alone I credit for everything that I have had and every fulfillment that I have experienced.


" O Allah, I credit you for all the good things in my life, and for all the good things that you have bestowed upon your creatures who are not recognizing your kindness, it is all from you alone, you have no partners, Here is my poor tribute, and here is my gratitude, accept it O lord, amen"


I began thinking of Allah SWT, while hymning his praise as I drove with a mind that has travelled to the edge of the known Universe in search for its maker, at awe of his splendid greatness and majesty. Subxaanallah wa bixamdih, subxaanallahul cadiim.


Non of the good things that I possess have blinded me from the one who have bestowed these on me, I no longer attach myself to physical things that go through the usual phases from glitter to gloom, rather, I aspire higher, I demand to be with the company of my eternal maker, as I am spiritully with him as long as I mention his good name and as long as I think about his bounties and goodness for me.


This deep thought of Allah SWT, has inspired me of his love, and my attachment to him alone and no one else, has freed me from all social ills such as envy, hatred, cheating, lies, dishonesty, cruelty, ...... , I no longer compete with the crowd in the same direction, on physical things , as everyhting around me comes from the components of this lowly earth, and eventually will all recycle back to where it came from, so it makes sense to me to fix my love on the eternal source of love and happiness, Allah SWT.


O Allah, grant me the honor of your love, and the love of those who are in love with you, and the love of those whose love will get me closer to you, you are my goal, and you are the source of my life, accept my tears today, and forgive me for falling short of your expectations, you are my ally and you are my protector. Amen.




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O Allah



I can not fully be grateful to you, I can not mention your glorious names enough times, how can I do it when I am fully aware that things that are right in my life outweigh things that are bad by a margin of 99 to one. I even feel ashamed crying for help when things go wrong, for which I am to be blamed.


I know that when things go wrong, that it was me that caused it in more than a way; First, I thought I did not need you, because I did not seek your help, Secondly I have wronged myself without seeking your forgiveness, and third, I failed to help someone who was in need, and as a result you did not help me.


When I mention your name, You have inspired me to remember you, when I feel your care for me and be grateful, again, You have guided me to be thankful, so in effect, I can not pay for your kindness to me in any way.


O Allah I realize when I transgress and do wrong, that this behavior of mine was the result of a previous willful violation of something that I knew to be wrong. So as a result, my previous sin have led to my present one. Likewise, a good deed will lead to another good deed, because the reward of a good deed is to be given the opportunity and the honor to do more good deeds, until I meet you in the day of judgment.


O Allah, I bear witness that you are the originator of life, the creator of guidance systems on blind fish's lateral lines sending bursts of electrical signals to sniff out food of prey, and the originator of the intricate life map in the genetic code. ( like Chromosom # 1 sequence, just completed May, 2006, The one who have created and then guided) .


You establish patterns and you repeat, yours is endless wisdom , and for your servants, appreciating your wisdom is their wisdom . I thank you for granting me the sense of appreciation of your wisdom and care.


O Allah, I know one thing for sure: That you are good, Kind, Just and Wise,


O Allah, You are perfect in every way and my mind is too inferior to grasp dimensions of your greatness. The more I know about you, the greater my love grows for you. The more I attach my heart to you, the less it gets suspended by gravity. With my soul in love with you, minus my worldly worries, I seek to go even higher and higher, like helium rising to the edges of the blue membrane of our tiny home planet. I even daydream to have a cosmic tour of your creations in the universe, flying out to view with awe your fine touches and the splendor of the universe and its breathtaking sights.


Here is a creature amidst trillions of stars, nebulae, quasars, black holes, dark matter, planets and intergalactic debris seeking his maker for guidance and mercy.


Subxaanallaah, wa bixamdih, subxaanallaah al cadeem.



Poor Nur

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Very touching masha allah. when I was reading i wished I could feel the same love you have for allah.May allah make you the inhabitants of jannatul fardawsa.I love you for the sake of allah nur and walaahi you have inspired me in many ways. I have a soft heart. I cried.

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sareeda sis


axbbaki Allahu alladii fiihi axbabtabii


i too love you in His sake, and also all nomads who love Allah SWT, that is one love that adds value to our life in this world and next.


my prayer was : O Allah, grant me the honor of your love, and the love of those who are in love with you, and the love of those whose love will get me closer to you, you are my goal, and you are the source of my life, accept my tears today, and forgive me for falling short of your commandments, you are my ally and you are my protector. Amen.



it is said


" that which was for Allah stays connected, while everything else at the end get disconnected"


The love of Allah SWT is the true love and the essence of this feeling, if this love is directed toward Allah, it bears fruit, if on the other hand is directed to mortals and money, pain and agony is the prize.


May Allah SWT resurrect us all in Jannah of Ferdous, Amin.



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e-Nuri Old editions (2000)


Love of Allah


It has been reported that Omar Ibn Al Khattab RAA said, The prophet of Allah said "


Of the servants of Allah are some people who are not prophets, nor martyrs, the prophets and the martyrs will envy their place near Allah(Positive envy, competing to be good) in the day of judgement.


They said O prophet of Allah tell us who they are? he prophet SAWS said " they are a people who love each other in the spirit of Allah without any blood ties nor maoney that they exchange. By Allah, Their faces are of light ( NOOR) and the are on top of light ( NOOR) and they will not be afraid when people are afraid in the day of Judgment and they will not grief when people grief in the day of judgment and then the prophet read this verse from the Quraan.


" The awliyaaAllah (those who take him as protector, ally, friend,) there is no fear upon them nor will they grief"


Reported by Abuu Daud ( 3526), Al Nasaaee Al Kubraa (11236) and ibn Hibbaan (573)


From the above hadeeth, we learn the importance of the devotion to Allah and confining all love to him and extending that love to all those he loves only.


To Love Allah is to love the Prophet SAWS


To love the prophet SAWS is to to follow his Sunnah ( Life Style of The prophet Muhammad SAWS)


" I swear by he in whose hand my soul rests, Non of you is a believer until I become closer to his heart in love than his parents and his children and all of people"


Al Bukhaari,(15) and Muslim (44)


So the origin of all love is the love of Allah SWT. from that we love all connected to Allah beginning with our prophet Muhammad SAWS and showing that love with our following ( Ta'sii) of his Sunnah. Learning from his glorious Seerah and pious companions who loved Allah so much, they gave all dear to them in exchange to be with the prophet Muhammad SAWS in Jannah.


Any one who loves Allah must love that which Allah loves and must hate that which Allah hates. Also, anyone who does not love Allah , Allah does not love him. If Allah does not love you, you gotta a huge problem.


Of our deeds, Allah loves mostly Salaat, How do we perform it is a measure of our love for Allah. check your Salaat, do you have khushuuc, focused, now what you are saying, and saying what you know, feeling that you are standing infront of the King of the universe, the Living, the Sovreign, the powerful, the Kind, the Gentle and the Loving.


It has been reported thatour prophet SAWS said " He who loves the meeting of Allah, Allah loves his meeting" Bukhari (2443) and Muslim(2683).


Some Muslims were so fond of Allah, they could not wait meeting him that Allah revealed this verse


" He who is looking forward to meet Allah, Indeed the time ( To meet Allah) is approaching"



Allah SWT said " So (man) did not approach, mount and overcome the barrier (that impedes man’s quest to enter paradise),. ……………(That obstacle is) Giving freedom to an oppressed person, or the feeding (of the poor) in a day of famine, feeding an orphaned relative, or a destitute clinging onto sand”



The prophet of Allah SAWS said " The most loved among people to Allah is the one who is most helpful to them, and the most loved action to Allah, the magnificent, the powerful, is happiness you bring to a Muslim, or a help you offer to rid him of his worries, or an assistance to pay off his debt, or ridding him of hunger. And to walk with my Muslim brother (to assist him) to meet his needs is more appealing to me than Itikaaf (seclusion) in a mosque (for worship) for (a period) of a month.

And who ever controls his anger, Allah will conceal (the deeds that he is ashamed of, so others may not despise him). And whomsoever, was able to act in retaliation for his anger and chooses not to act, Allah fills his heart with satisfaction in the day of judgment, and whomsoever walks with his brother (to offer help) until he secures it, Allah the majestic will secure his foot firm (on solid ground) in a day that the feet will slip and slide.

And a bad etiquette indeed corrupts good deeds like vinegar corrupts honey.


Reported by Al Tabarani, and Ibn Abi Al Dunyaa

Category, Hassan

Source: Sahiih Al Jaamic , 176


This hadeeth has many lessons in it


1. If you want Allah to love you, be helpful to others. Do volunteer work

2. Strive to contribute to the happiness of Muslims, and if not able, do not bring misery into their lives

3. An effort to help your Muslim brother/sister is a form of worship proportionate to Itikaaf in a mosque for the sole purpose of worshiping ALLAH.

4. To err is human but to keep your sins between you and your lord, control your anger when others harm you. And if you are so angry that you want to retaliate, think of walking away, Allah will reward you with safeguarding your dignity here, and satisfaction in the Day of Judgment.

5. Striving to have Akhlaaq or good etiquette, is the way to seek the love of Allah


Now, how can we reconcile contradictions in the lives of many muslims?


How can one love Allah, and support injustice in any form? One of Allah's names is (Al cadl) ( The Justice)


How can one Love Allah and Love corruption? ( InnaAllahu la yuxbbu al mufsideen)( Allah does not love corrupters)


How can one love Allah, and hate Sunnah? ( man raghiba can sunnatee fa leysa minnee) He who seeks other than my Sunnah ( way of life) he is not of (following ) me. ( no shafaacah)


How can one love Allah and hate the pious?


How can one love Allah and love sin?


How can one love Allah and have bad akhlaaq etiquette?


Let us look deep into our inner selves, and ask our selves, are we honest with our own selves? 7





2000 e-Nuri old Posts

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A Sister with screen name (Now and again) responded to one of my old posts on love of Allah, she wrote;



Nur- I'm glad to see this topic thriving. Sorry it took me so long to come back here and finish answering the questions I started answering, I hope you're still interested in my contibution.

I flatter myself when I think I love allah, but it scares me to think that maybe I think I do and actually don't but sometimes you actually need to put your thoughts into words in order to fully understand them.So here goes:

3-How loving allah changed my life:

Imagine living a life of looking for happiness and content solely in this world. We all run around wanting to get rich, marry someone drop dead gorgeous, have adorable succesful kids, be declared a successful human being in general by your peers. But then if you didn't believe in an after life or a god then what's the point of all that?, your wife/husband, and kids will die eventually, be forgotten by all the following generations. So why go through all that when you just disappear with nothing left for you??nothing to look forward to..nothing. You just simply vanish, never remembered or known. And the world just keeps on spinning,losing everyone eventually just to be replaced by someonelse. Is our life that worthless??, unimportant??we are all a potential nobody. Imagine living with those thoughts above, what is the purpose of living when eventually rich powerful man and poor illiterate man will all be forgotten, perished dead men? And we wonder why people commit suicide, I MEAN WHAT IS THE USE OF LIVING AND RUNNING AROUND LIKE A NUTCASE?.

But then there is faith in allah, who created us all, molded us, forever present in our lives.What harm can anyone do you when you have the ALL-MIGHTY at your side, isn't it good to know that the world is not a chaotic place?but that the ALL-KNOWING allah has it in complete order?, nothing escapes him. NOTHING. What helpless creatures we would be if we were just all victims of random old fate! Isn't it good to know that you are important?, carefully molded by a superb being that loves you with love greater than that of 70 mothers put together?, that you are not just a nobody in this great big universe of ours. Look at your mother, who loves you more than she?, but what can she do for us when we are in great trouble??what can she do?..she is as weak as you and I. Doesn't it feel good right at that moment to know that the ALL-KNOWING, ALL-MIGHTY, ALL-MERCIFUL allah who created you and those who wish you harm, who created you who are afraid and that of which you're afraid of is at your side?..he is there all around you, can hear your cries?..and can do ANYTHING??..and imagine..HE LOVES YOU!

ALLAHU AKBAR! what more does a human need?, what more can he ask for??, can you think of anything greater?. YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO ALLAH!. Allah says:

"verily, we created man of the best stature"

"then we reduced him to the lowest of the low"

at tiin (5-6)

When you are there with your head on the floor, completely vulnerable, completely humble, and begging in a way despised by the world,crying out for mercy from allah, it is then right then..that you are on top of the world, you are the most highest being on this earth, you are truely at the top of the food chain!.

So Nur, to make a long story short, loving allah has changed my life, it makes my time here on this earth valuable, it gives meaning to my life, I'm not just a powerless nobody who stands exposed to the cruelities of this world, at the time of fear and confusion I can wrap myself up with the warm, protective, soothing blanket of knowing that allah sees me, he hears me, and If I acknowledge my vulnerbility and NEED for him, that blanket of warmth will turn in to a cocoon of safety.


now and again

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Asalaamu aleykum, walaahi that almost made me cry.

I am sorry to say that I never sit down and think of the love Allah has shown me or even think of my love for Allah.


It is sad that we keep on going and going not remembering Allah, until something goes wrong and we are on our knees begging Allah to make things better.


Pray for me everyone that I get closer to ALLAH and I will pray for you all insha'allah.


Asalaamu aleykum.

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A/c brother Nur,


I felt I did not belong to this world anymore, I felt homesick to a home that I have only known in the pages of the Quraan and the narrations of the Hadeeth

We don't belong to this world, but only few are lucky enough to have gathered enough provisions to long for home my dear brother. I hope you're one of them smile.gif


I was asking myself: How does one know whether he/she loves Allah or not? It's not an easy question to answer, as people differ in their judgement criterion, standard criterion and perspective biasness. So, I thought to myself, the only way to know it for sure, is to find out the criterions Allah uses as standard to express love for His servants. Assuming, whomsoever Allah loves, cannot fail but love Allah to acquire such position by means of criterion fulfilment in the first place (I guessed).


I did a quick search in the Glorious Qur'an to find that Allah loves in His slaves among other things, those:


..who are patient; ..who are pious; ..who are good-doers; ..who are equitable; ..who repent; ..who fight in His Cause; ..who act justly; ..who put their trust in Him; ..who purify themselves; ..who follow the Sunnah..


If I was to use the above collection as an objective/subjective performance evaluation with respect to the degree of proximity I could/would fit in those measurement indicators, clear becomes to me the failure I am! O Allah! Have mercy on this miserable soul!


I'm looking for an easier and more favourable test now :D



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SOS w/c walaal


It is not only that when one has enough provision that we long for the next life, for most it is the opposite, when life is tough, for that reason the Prophet SAWS used to supplicate:


"O Allah grant me a yearning for meeting you ( Shawqu ilaa liqaa'ika) but not out of stark poverty nor illness"


Prophet Yusuf is said to have had that SHAWQ ( Yearning to meet Allah) when he finally had all the pieces in his life in place, he said : Take my life as Muslim, and raise me in the day of judgement with the righteous"


In my case, I would say, I am comfortable, which means according to the Hadeeth"


He who wakes up in peace, healthy in his body, has his daily ration, is as if he is granted the Dunyaa .


The Prophet defined richness as being content, which makes poverty having insatiable need of wealth. So anyone with unmet need is poor, and anyone who has no need is rich, controlling our needs is the key.


As for the love of Allah, Allah SWT says: Say ( O Muhammad), if you indeed love Allah than follow me , Allah will love you and will forgive your sins"




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Originally posted by S.O.S:

A/c brother Nur,


..who are patient; ..who are pious; ..who are good-doers; ..who are equitable; ..who repent; ..who fight in His Cause; ..who act justly; ..who put their trust in Him; ..who purify themselves; ..who follow the Sunnah..




^^Mu'ihilaat xubba ar-Raxiim. Xayaaka'Laah yaa Shamz!

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What I had imagined was Bukhari's final minutes as he sat down tired in the shade of an old tree, forced of his path by an intense longing to meet his Creator. The provisions I had in mind was similar to his, but you're right brother Nur, people desire to cross over for many reasons, good and bad ones. Xiin you're welcome.

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Brothers Nur, Xiinfaniin, A/c,


Looking back to my statement regarding the gathering of provisions, I must admit that I've mistakenly assumed that people could/would read my mind and would somehow understand what I implied. So to explain my use of the word provision, it should be enough for me to state that it has no bearing to worldly sustenance whatsoever! smile.gif


Firstly, it's as brother Nur has told us by citing the verse: "Say (O Muhammad); 'if you (really) love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful'" (Qur'an, 3:31)


Secondly, we have to remember that our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "There are three things whoever has them will enjoy faith: That Allah and His Messenger are most loved to him than anything else, that one loves anyone else only for the sake of Allah and that one hates returning to disbelief as he hates being thrown into the Fire" (Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmed and ibn Majah)


Nevertheless, I was planning to add more of the qualities that Allah loves to see in His slaves, only this time using the Sunnah, instead of the Qur'an, as the source, but became unfortunately little preoccupied with work..


So quoting in the words of our beloved Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) to preserve their context in describing these qualities, here's among other things what he said:


"Allah loves the believer who is pious and rich, but does not show off." (Muslim)


"Allah loves the slave who believes and acquires a career/work." (Tabarani)


"Allah loves from amongst His slaves, the one who has a sense of zeal or honour." (Tirmidi)


"Allah is Most Generous and He loves generosity in sale, purchase and judgement." (Hakim)


"Allah loves the believing slave who is poor but virtuous enough to refrain from begging though he has many children." (Ahmed)


"Allah loves lofty matters and superiority and hates inferior matters." (Tabarani)


"Allah loves that you be just towards your children even when kissing them." (Najjar)


"Allah is Most Forgiving and He loves forgiveness." (Iday)


"Allah said: My love is due to those who meet for My sake, visit one another and make any effort for My pleasure." (Malik)


"The most loved slaves to Allah are those who exhort their slaves." (Ahmed)


"The most loved deeds by Allah are the ones that are continuous even if they are not many." (Bukhari)


"The most loved slaves to Allah are those who are made to love virtue, and loving virtuous deeds is made lovely to them." (Dunya)


"The strong believer is better and more loved by Allah than the weak believer, but they are both good." (Muslim)


"If two men love each other for the sake of Allah, the stronger in love to his brother will be more loved by Allah." (Tabarani)



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Mashallah Nur. Amazing! smile.gif


My mother is also inspired by it, she says “jazaaka Allahu khayran†and makes duca for you.

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Br Nur Yaa Akhii I recall the first day I fall in love. This love was a different sort of Love. This love lead to the dilation of my eyes. Ever cell of my body become alive. It was a feeling I have never felt before.


Till today I am grateful I experienced a love for my creator the inventor of the heavens and earth the giver and taker of life. I hope that my love for him continues.


I feel spriritually complete at present and I only have my Lord to be thankful to he has lead me to the straight path. The one my lord guides none can misguide and the one he misguides none can guide.


Allah SWT has told us all menkind are astray except those he guides and those that ask for guidance. I ask Allah Swt to guide me to the straight path and never leave me to go astray. Ameen.



Our body needs nutrients and minerals to thrive and to function. I need Allahs remembrance to keep my soul at ease and in tranqulity.

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This is so freaky, I was just thinking about this a few days ago, when I was reading about the bombings in Mogadishu, an article read ‘Motors were being fired throughout the night’, and I was thinking how lucky I am that I can sleep peacefully. A few days later, just before I fell asleep I was thinking of the phrase in surah fataxa, ‘Make us among those whom you have favoured’. Before I used to think, one day Allah will make us among those he has favoured, as in the after life. Then it just came to me that we already are those whom he has favoured. Born Muslim, saved from the war, loving home, good loving parents who love each other, understanding siblings who are my closest friends, a good education, health and complete faith. I was so shocked when I realized all of these things in relation to that phrase, I think that’s when I started to feel slightly unworthy & that I could never thank Allah enough. I think I do know the feeling you are talking about Nur, can’t explain it though. I think it can be re-created when doing dikir, that's when my heart is most alive.

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