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Dedicated to the USC + plus showing disrespect to secessionists and dowladdiid!

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One shot in the air

Puntland stay’s its own heir

ICU’s bare

Courts didn’t fare

Cade doesn‘t turn his hair

Nor does he care

Puntland won its share!

Keeps it’s rare

Nobody can dare

To claim Cade’s chair

Democratically elected and fair

We don’t want you, stay in your clans lair!


Lieutenant-General Sakhar going for the dowladdiid and secessionists

Lieutenant-General Sakhar disrespecting them for not being realists

Pronouncing the defeat of the dowladdiid and separatists!

Proclaiming the victory of Puntland, God bless the unionists.

Parading the success of the state pioneers and federalists

Publicising the failure of the separatists and USC terrorists!

Greetings and blessings from Lieutenant-General Sakhar to the TFG loyalists!

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Nobody can dare

To claim Cade’s chair

Democratically elected and fair

We don’t want you, stay in your clans lair!

Was Cadde democratically elected or randomly elected?

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

Politics section has been seeing a lot of creativity recently.

Including your new avator :D

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Dedicated to the USC

There was me thinking you're going to be the first Puntu to thank Col. Qaybdiid for defending you smile.gif Maybe next time..


Originally posted by General Duke:

General Sakhar the poet warrior..

Derejooyin been ah yaa garbaha loogu daabacaye :D

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^^^Ayoub Shiekh, calm down lad, the same troops who kept you out of SOOL will keep the clan courts out of Mudug.


Cambarro, we dont need the courts dear, we have a court and it works, we have a system and it works. Even our districts have elected heads..

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Greetings to the TFG Loyalists!


General Duke brother thanks for your answer, I think I've got the reply our sister is looking for!


This one is dedicated to our sister cambaro!


Cambaro to be nice but bold

Let me say that you naïve and colt

Although intelligent and not dolt

Sakhar is going you to jolt

Puntland will not attack but volt

Puntland will not be allowed to fold

Puntland will give the ICU (its) bolt

We’re going to support the TFG as told

Puntland’s fight will not be put on a hold

Puntland will show ICU expansionists the cold

(Sister) Simply Puntland is not to be sold

Cambaro can I marry you, I’ll provide you with gold?

Sakhar is not going to break out of our traditional courting mold!

My clan is going to provide your family, with the finest camels from Somalia’s wold

I promise to you we will stay together until we grow old

I’ll treat you nicely, for that I’ll give you my word!

If I offended you Cambaro, please forgive my tort!

Sakhar is simply helpful and he’s a good sort.

A brave man has simply to risk and court

I hope I’ll find a way into your heart’ and well guarded fort!

Inshallah by the grace of Allah we will become each others company and port!

One thing I’ve to get out of my chest sister I’m poor and a little’ bit short

But I believe in the commandments and the lord

I wish my name was Hassan Dahir Aweys Ayrow but Cambaro I won’t keep you further bored

Please god, after this vomit, don’t make Cambaro break my spinal cord!

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