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What now? - the E-factor

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Qasaaro fowqal qasaaro :D


Awoowe if you have specific objections which Waxa-la-Yiri haven't addressed raise it please. Our talking-head figures and Somali conflict experts, the best spinners one can find out there (for free :D mind you), will weigh in. This is all we do buddy and we do it pretty well and with style and class.


FYI it is a matter of principle in this business to gather (subjectively) all the rumors, internet xaafado renditions on political events, white-noises inside and outside biibitooyinka, dizzying convo around the dark and smoke filled marfishs, and war-iyo-wacaale that come through the long distance calls.


You would think it is that simple. Nop! The process is very complicated. After tedious content collection, we filter the junk through one helluva bug screen (clan blind :D ) called band pass in some circles. We then use our state of the art optical instruments (color blind) to look through the final product.


Our journalism is "another day, another principle" kind of khabar. We are the only journalists that pride themselves letting their emotional restraint relaxed. We called as "we" see it from a distance thousand miles away from ground zero. We look the evnts as they happen and we don't give all sides equal and fair audience to their side of the story. We see things from one-dimentional platform. It is less taxing and very economical way of running a business.


Now you have been informed of how things go around here we expect you to declare your allegiance to this "noble" organization. You are one of us Mr. Qasaaro. You are not getting paid with all your hardwork. What Waxa-la-Yiri organization is asking of you is simple. Formally join this media mogul or else we will consider suing your behind :D


The only way out of this spider hole you have dug for your sorry behind is to join eNuri establishment and develop the sophistication, pious character, and ability to reason and swallow your pride so you can be in a position to call a spade a spade ;)


Now back to the subject at hand. What you are asking is clarity, we think. Very well! we'll try our best my friend.


The point we're making here is not about glorifying the powers that are determined to keep Somalia a barn where they confront the shadowy enemies they think are marching toward their neck of the wood. Noooow awoowe. The point is the existence of policies in distance capitals that literally kept the fire of warlords fueled. That's all. E-factor is a factor in Somali politics. You disagree? Be my guest!


We root for Islamic courts despite their shortcomings. We think the alternative is unacceptable. We also think the courts have a humongous room for improvement. We have our reasons. Do you want to explore "why" we hold these views or you just want to dish out well ya know what I'm talking about.


The shaah is on me sxb.

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I gotta tell ya buddy, ur fixation on the fate of the strongman in Arlaadi territory is uncalled for



Nin durbaan qaatay ilaaq dalbay Baashow. icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by Baashi:

Qasaaro fowqal qasaaro


Awoowe if you have specific objections which
haven't addressed raise it please. Our talking-head figures and Somali conflict experts, the best spinners one can find out there (for free
mind you), will weigh in. This is all we do buddy and we do it pretty well and with style and class.


FYI it is a matter of principle in this business to gather (subjectively) all the rumors,
internet xaafado
renditions on political events, white-noises inside and outside
, dizzying convo around the dark and smoke filled
, and
that come through the long distance calls.


You would think it is that simple. Nop! The process is very complicated. After tedious content collection, we filter the junk through one helluva bug screen (clan blind
) called band pass in some circles. We then use our state of the art optical instruments (color blind) to look through the final product.


Our journalism is "another day, another principle" kind of
. We are the only journalists that pride themselves letting their emotional restraint relaxed. We called as "we" see it from a distance thousand miles away from ground zero. We look the evnts as they happen and we don't give all sides equal and fair audience to their side of the story. We see things from one-dimentional platform. It is less taxing and very economical way of running a business.


Now you have been informed of how things go around here we expect you to declare your allegiance to this "noble" organization. You are one of us Mr. Qasaaro. You are not getting paid with all your hardwork. What
organization is asking of you is simple. Formally join this media mogul or else we will consider suing your behind


The only way out of this spider hole you have dug for your sorry behind is to join eNuri establishment and develop the sophistication, pious character, and ability to reason and swallow your pride so you can be in a position to call a spade a spade


Now back to the subject at hand. What you are asking is clarity, we think. Very well! we'll try our best my friend.


The point we're making here is not about glorifying the powers that are determined to keep Somalia a barn where they confront the shadowy enemies they think are marching toward their neck of the wood. Noooow awoowe. The point is the existence of policies in distance capitals that literally kept the fire of warlords fueled. That's all. E-factor is a factor in Somali politics. You disagree? Be my guest!


We root for Islamic courts despite their shortcomings. We think the alternative is unacceptable. We also think the courts have a humongous room for improvement. We have our reasons. Do you want to explore "why" we hold these views or you just want to dish out well ya know what I'm talking about.


is on me sxb.

Awoowe, aan waxwalba ka doodno ama aan isku khilaafno, laakiin marnaba ma haboona iney meesha soo gasho gorgortan dhanka mowqifka ah iyo meeshii aan ka istaagi laheyn haduuba cadow shisheeye soo fariisto kaabiga Aqalkeena Hooyo, Soomaaliya.


Arinta Xamar ka taagan hadeey Boosaaso ama Hargeyso ka dhici laheyd, runtii waxaan ka taagnaan lahaa mowqifka aan haatan istaagsanahay, waana taas waxa laga doonayo muwaadin kasta oo u dhashay Beesha Soomaaliyeed.


Hadaba waxaa iga talo ah, awoowe, howshaan qunsax-balaadka (E-Factor) ah ee aad igu marti qaaday yeeysan naga duuflaalin hadafkii naga dhexeeyay oo ahaa inaan dalkeena iyo dadkeena difaacno. Sidaas ayuu ku taliyay Qasaaro, oo ah oday qasaaro iyo faa'iido intaba usoo joogay noloshiisa. :D


Doodana ha socoto.... Caaqilka Hurdo-ku-dirirka ahow. smile.gif

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Right on. You have a point there sxb. Waliba aan kuugu daree Somalida waxay tiraahdaa "Nin xil qaaday, eedna qaad".




Boowe isku mowqif baynu nahay. Ilaa hadda xaga iyo xageer iyo dhankan iyo dhankoo intaba ku dayay walina ma garan waxa aad qoonsatay. Ma dood baad ka qabtaa Ethiopia inay afarta addimood iyo waxii waheliya kula jidho arrimaha Somali oo dee sidoodaba issaga murugsan?


May? Haa? Jawaabtaadu maxay tahay? Hadday haa tahay oo aad ila aragto munaafaqada iyo mid habee laban gawrac, kan gacan qabo kolkuu liito oo hiil iyo hooba sii walaalkiina qudha ka jar aqalkana ka gub, mindiyaha isugu dhiib, dusha ka eego, gogoshii laysugu keenaba addigu ka odayee! intaas ah shido ah yaa amxaarku nagu hayaa!


Innaga yaa sidaa ogolaaney e issagu nama maquunin. Boowe hadalkeygu waxuu ahaa inaan intaa akhyaarta golaha oo dee aan ugu weynaha awoowena u ahay :D tusaaleeyo. Waxaan ka abaaray nimanka wiil hoogyada ah maantana jabay waxa suuro ah in dib loo soo hubeeyo oo ay bartoodii ka miisaan oo sidda ayaan darrada Somali haysata ay ku sii socoto.


Warkeygu nuxurkiisu intaa buu ahaa. Fahamtu yaa qasaara? :D Haddii dooduu tahay Maya, dee fadlan waa ina rag xaajadiiye dooda na qaniinsii :D oo bal wax na tusaalee sxb.

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Awoowe, horta hadalkaagu ma xumeyn, laakiin xoogaa waxaan ka dhadhansaday inaad nagu xuuxisay Ethiopia iyo wixii ay wateen oo aad ku sheegtay, markii loo laabto aragtidaada taariikhdii dhaweyd, iney soo laba kacleyn karaan, arintuna halkaas kasii dhabqi karto. Waa halkaas meesha aan dulucda hadalkaaga ka qabsaday.


Waxaan arkaa inaad waliba iska indho tirtay waaqaca maanta jira iyo boqol-jibaar ka duwan yahay kuwii hore ee lasoo maray, ama aan uwada joogay natiijooyinkey ku soo afjarmeen. Marka uu qofku wax cabirayo waxaa lama huraan ah in dhowr arimood la is barbardhigo. Waxayna noqon karaan marxalada lagu jiro Vs. Kuwii hore, dadka/hogaanka jooga Vs. Kuwii hore, dareenka shacabka Vs. Danta maqaawiirta, Casharadii lasoo maray iyo cibaarooyinka laga qaatay. Intaas oo kuwa kale oo si fiican loo turxaan bixiyay waxay sugi karaan in go'aan raafaf balaaran laga qaato, kaasoo suurta galin karin in ififaalaha soo socda aragti fiican looga qalin daarto.


Hadaba, awoowe, inaad sidbatid aniga ilama xuma, laakiin waxaa daran adoo sidbaday inaan kugu fiirsano. Qatifkaagana ha u arag wax weyn, sababtoo ah madashu kama salmarna xaadirtanka rag culaab iyo mug intaba u saaxiib ah, marka le eego fakarkooda.


..intaas waxaa ii dheer, dood kale oo midaan la halmaasha, waa hadaad heysid waqti iyo kaadsiimo. smile.gif

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Perfect. Doodu haday xubin la qabto leedahay.


Awoowe waqtigu waa igu yaryahay oo 15 minidh baa ka hadhay kolkaan caraabi jiray. Bal aan soo dhaweeyo hawsha oo aan ku koobo "E-factor" ee bal golaha u sheeg waxa aad ka qabto qodobka ah:


1. Ethiopia gacan iyo addinba waxay kula jidhaa arimaha murugsan ee Soomaaliya. Kuwa hada la jabiyay iyo dagaalka ay oogeen gacn bay ku lahayd. Haatana dib in ay ka soo habeyso oo inta hubayso oo dib u soo abaabusho yay u badan tahay.


2. Ma waxaad leedahay mowqifka is beddelay iyo ragga hada majaraha u haya Maxkamadaha aawadood bay uga gaabsanaysaa oo taageero hiil iyo hooba ah siin meyso dagaal-oogayaasha?


Bi'ithnilaah berritoole ubaxnimada baan soo laaban doonaa.

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Originally posted by Baashi:

Perfect. Doodu haday xubin la qabto leedahay.


Awoowe waqtigu waa igu yaryahay oo 15 minidh baa ka hadhay kolkaan caraabi jiray. Bal aan soo dhaweeyo hawsha oo aan ku koobo "E-factor" ee bal golaha u sheeg waxa aad ka qabto qodobka ah:


1. Ethiopia gacan iyo addinba waxay kula jidhaa arimaha murugsan ee Soomaaliya. Kuwa hada la jabiyay iyo dagaalka ay oogeen gacn bay ku lahayd. Haatana dib in ay ka soo habeyso oo inta hubayso oo dib u soo abaabusho yay u badan tahay.


2. Ma waxaad leedahay mowqifka is beddelay iyo ragga hada majaraha u haya Maxkamadaha aawadood bay uga gaabsanaysaa oo taageero hiil iyo hooba ah siin meyso dagaal-oogayaasha?


Bi'ithnilaah berritoole ubaxnimada baan soo laaban doonaa.

Horta qodobka hore, wax weyn baa ka qaldan. Bal aan isku dayo inaan saxo. Sidaan ognahay dagaalka sidiisaba wadan ma wadi koro. Dagaalka waxaa wada oo sii huriya shacabka. Sidaan ognahay nimanka inkaartu ku dhacday ee Xamar laga eryay waxay ahaayeen niman toll-la'aani ay ku dhacday. Waloow ay heysan lahaayeen rag u dagaalama, waxaan kula qabi lahaa fakarka aad maanta heysato.


Shacabka sidiisaba dagaalka wuxuu ku kordhiyaa dhiirigalin, qaaraan, kuwa markeey dhintaan in rag cusub oo caaboon lagu badalo, kuwa markeey dhaawacmaan jiil hor leh in lasoo kiciyo. Laakiin Nimanka haatan Xamar laga saaray waxaa isku helay shacab la'aan iyo dhalinyaradii u dagaalameysay oo markeey dhaawac iyo qasaaro badan la kulmeen wax gurmad ah waayey.


Qodobka labaad hadaan usoo jeesto, asna waxaad moodaa in xoogaa ustuuko farabadan ay ka maqan tahay. Bal isna aan kugu caawiyo sidaan u xardho-xardheyn laheyn, lol. Ugaas Baashiyow, aloow aadan bogga u dhimane, waxaa jirta oraah dadka AF-Maayga ku hadlaa ay yiraahdaan: Af waakanee, mey liki aamee . Marka arinta haatan waxay taagan tahay halkaas. Ethiopia waa u jeedaa in dharbaaxo culus ay ku dhacday raggii ay usoo waakilatay barnaamijyada qaska iyo fowdada Soomaaliya. Kaliyah maanta waxaa u banaan iney dagaalka si toos ah usoo gasho. Sababtoo ah raggii shalay u dagaalami lahaa waa kuwaas dadkoodii deyrada ka ah, oo noqday haad geed waayay.


Bal aan is dareen siino, waxa dhici kara hadiiba ay ethiopia dagaalka soo gasho, oo ah runtii arin suurtoowi karta. Aniga caqligeyga daciifka ah wuxuu i tusay in maalintaas ey soomaali gabi'ahaanteedba meel walba oo ay joogto midnimadeeda ay dagdag kusoo laabaneyso. Sababtoo ah waxaa meesha ka baxaya is cadowsigii ay dadku dhexdooda is cadowsan jiraan. Waxaana markaas qof walbaa ka dageysa in cadowgeena # 1 uu yahay gaalka maddoow ee amxaarka ah.


Su'aasha aan jeclahay inaan hadaba kugu soo tuuro waxay tahay, maalinkaas diyaar ma tahay, mise waxaad kusii oran doontaa: War naga daaya Ethiopia maanta iskama dhicin karnee, maalin kale hanoo ahaato... ama Qidad kale noo raadiya oo aan dagaal aheyn oo aan iskaga dhicino ethiopia .

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Bring them on smile.gif


I see a Somali empire with Harar as its capital and Ethiopia disintegrating into a million nations. Its better to die honourable and in the defence of our land then to die slowly like we are dying today. So please let them come and we will settle this matter for once and for all. First they where helped by the Portugese (against Ahmed Guray and the Waranles). Then by the English and the Italians ( against the Sayd and the Daraawiish). Then by the USSR,East Germany, The Cubans and the Communist Yemeni's ( in 1977 against WSLF and the Somali National Army)


Now they will be supported by the United States. ( nothing has changed) We have won all those previous wars. and this war won't be any different. Expect for the small fact that if we are defeated it is the end of the Somali Nation and if we are victorious we will enjoy eternal peace.


Let them give the likes of me a meaningfull life smile.gif


(shaqola'aan ayaa i dishaye)

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^^Ilaahow aadan hoogin aduun iyo aakhiro! I love you because of the truth. Always side with it, for Allah will side with us in the Day of judgement, insha-Allah.


Stinking Ethiopians will learn more from us as we emerge from the ruins of tribalism. I hope that task will bring our generations on the verge of Janno by defending our Diin and Dal against that ruthless enemy.

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One more bridge to cross!

Waxa-la-yiri news tidbits

War iyo wacaale as it happens



Another day in the make-belief world of Somali conflict! Waxa-la-yiri’s veteran journalist who is imbedded in Courts militia is reporting that Jowhar, the provincial capital, has fallen to Courts militia. Jowhar is now under courts’ column.


Things are moving rapidly. Our staff’s fuusto is full of dispatches. Our Mundul complex in no man’s land has been inundated with war iyo wacaale. To bring clarity to the latest news we asked Dr. Warmooge to weigh in.


Courts move to Jowhar was necessary preemptive strike against “gathering†threat, Dr. Warmooge explains. It is puzzling, he continues, that Bush’s doctrine is used by unlikely militia on another type of terrorist kind - warlords.


Dr. Wax-ma-yaqaan, the dean of Nation-Building Symposium, a think tank founded and funded by Nomadic School of Hard Knocks, echoes with Dr. Warmooge’s sentiment. The attack on Jowhar is a textbook example of finishing off weak and defeated foe.


Courts are pursuing the remnants of forces loyal to Maxamed Dheere in high speed chase never seen since Ceydiid’s last touchdown play in the Gedo and Kismayo stadium in early nineties. It is likely that courts will keep chasing the warlords until they close off the FeerFeer gate which has served for Ethiopians as conduit to channel logistical assistance to their favorite warlords.


The real question is how long courts can maintain a standing army in area as large as the one they control now. Another equally important question is whether they can keep a tight lid on the clannish feelings that’s brewing under the surface.


The timing of the attack is unmistakable. Tomorrow US will convene a conference on Somalia. US’s priority is clear; it wants to formulate a policy that's consistent with its larger "war on terror" policies. What it needs is a regional support for its new approach. Given the sudden hundred eighty degree policy turn, the announced slate of attendees, IGAD’s adamant support to TFG – a creation of its own, the new development in northern Mogadishu, and the TFG’s call for foreign troops, the outcome of the conference is anyone’s guess!


One thing is clear however. Courts are nervous of any foreign troops deployed under auspices of Abdullahi Yussuf. Likewise TFG led by the current leaders will not move into the capital naked and unprotected. TFG is asking a military muscle worthy of national government. Any workable initiative has to accommodate both concerns. The trap is in as the differences btw the two are irreconcilable.


Somali experts such as Dr. Warmooge and Dr. Wax-ma-yaqaan think that Somali conflict is in the crossroads. If handled this one with the care it deserves this time around, there is a chance to end the prolonged conflict that’s been raging in the southern Somalia more than a decade now.


Waxa-la-yiri News Desk,

Wax ma yaqaan, war moogaa ka liita.

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^^Awoowe, your news analysis are unfolding with the taste of suprises that seem to cast deliberate ambiguities for the honorable cause and struggle of our brothers in Muqdishu.


but I choose to remain an spectator this time! smile.gif

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Good analysis indeed yaa Baashi.


I think the strategy of Islamic Courts should be in two folds. First, consolidate their grip on Mogadishu and the surrounding areas to deny any safe heaven for the defeated warlords. Second, negotiate with the TFG and join them with own terms so the Courts can be part of greater national effort to stabilize Somalia.


As you correctly observed the vote for foreign troop deployment could potentially complicate things. A compromise can be reached though if assurances are given these troops will not be deployed in Mogadishu or areas under the control of Islamic Courts.


So far, so good. Lets wait and see what tomorrow brings.

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If handled this one with the care it deserves this time around, there is a chance to end the prolonged conflict that’s been raging in the southern Somalia more than a decade now.

Let's hope so.

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