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Che -Guevara

Cabdillahi Ducaale, oo mar kale la kulmay fadeexad diblomaasiyadeed

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You dont piss of the US


As always Oodweyne thinks quantity equals quality, allot of garbage masked as intellectual discourse. Adeer you have failed, your incompetent minister of nothing has been and continues to be humiliated in Washington, and you can see the unionists have a spring in their step. Your feminine voice wont change the reality on the ground, :D Faroole humiliated the secessionist enclave, gave his point of view to Washington at your expense.


I too wish our brothers from the North West attended that meeting, Oodweyne & JB would not be in this predicament today.

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As far as one can read the Obama admin’s policy or that of US congress it’s very hard to spot a discernible difference between the two admins in the North. I mean the reason they were both invited was in essence to say you guys did a good job in tending your local affairs but here is the big picture you need to work on, cooperate the tfg and have this framework as a starting point to address the bigger political issues that you may have with this entity. But in the mean time the first priority is security in the south anything you could do to positively affect without endangering yours will be appreciated. If you miss the political bullet in that brilliantly formulated position coming from the US, you have no chance getting the gist of the larger strategic regional US policy as it regards to the Horn. And to top it off, you take your entity’s failure to grasp and comprehend this new approach from US as a success. You dwell on minor details, but dodge the question of falling out with the very powers whose acceptance you have been trying to attain in the last 18 years.


Come back and say what Donald Payne says does not matter.

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The secessionist enclave has to realize the truth, the guru of simpletons Oodweyne thinks courage is based on self delusion. The US snub is a fact as reported by none other than secessionist media outlets like Haatuf &, maybe they are the “defeated lot” that guru simple usually refers to.


There is no argument here, they have failed and need a new strategy also the elections when ever they are held are going to be entertaining. :D

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Oodweyne, again adeer a simple few lines should suffice as a response to the Guru of the simpletons. Adeer angering the US by not attending that meeting, the isolation of your enclave, the recent fighting and uprising in Awdal, the failure to hold the elections again on time has rendered your whole arguments to naught.


You have no legs to stand on, thus as you were with that Oodweyne, again adeer a simple few lines should suffice as a response to the Guru of the simpletons. Adeer angering the US by not attending that meeting, the isolation of your enclave, the recent fighting and uprising in Awdal, the failure to hold the elections again on time has rendered your whole arguments to naught.


You have no legs to stand on, thus as you were with that feminine voice.


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Oodweyne, the guru of the simple, adeer your arguments might anger and irritate children but here you are dealing with a grown man. For a man who is led by a former Qad merchant and NSS operative, you sure hold yourself in high esteem.

Again you failed to present anything contrary to the report of the thread, your unrecognized entity and its representative the former refugee from London is being isolated as promised by Mr Payne. Your anger and waffle can not change this simple fact.


Faroole met with and gave his case to the worlds only super power, your minions are in Washington holed up in a hotel with nothing to do.


Again Guru-simple you lack basic comprehension of the political realities and are driven by deep clan anguish. No one is recognizing you and the world has now promised to keep you as you are isolated and alone.



I hope my Norther Western brothers wake up before its too late

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Ooodweyne or Guru-simple.


I had a great Italian meal for lunch and guess what I find on my return to SOL but more claptrap from the hallucinated one. As I have stated before, your secessionist project has become stuck, not a single nation recognize you anything other than NW Somalia.


You have a QAD merchant and Siyad Barre junior operative as “President”, he has looted the money of the poor and lives lavishly, arrests your kinsmen and you can do nothing but sing his praise. Nothing has changed in Hargaysa they used to sing for Siyad Barre, then Morgan and Ghani and now Riyaale. The region is in love with the strong man who is not from the clan.


Now go get angry again it will not change anything in the real world. You are Somali’s and not the Queen of England’s children. You are part of Somalia and there is no such thing as “Republic of Somaliland or Shankaroon”. And your representatives sitting in Washington have not met a single US official or civil servant. :D

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In all honousty, when all the bull is forgotten what matters is the reality on the ground, so what is the reality on the ground.


Somalia is a battle ground for radical jihadist, the U.S. government is in a major campaign supporting the government with weapons,finance and covert and overt military solutions. What will be the eventual conclusion, if any of you have read the book the "art of war" based on the reality on the ground, the situation will continue to be the way that it is and will eventually lead to those who have greater resource,man power and geographic faverability.



Alshabab right now has a the resources mainly supplied by sympathisers,arab doners and eriteria (who is doing it to counter Ethiopia).


Alshabab has more man power than any other entity in Southern Somalia,


The geography gives them the advantage by having numerous little villages and major towns to operate out of, like kismayo.


American foreign policy has in the past changed over night, right now it supports the government in its battle against alshabab, once the government titers and falls which it eventually will, its foreign policy will switch to Somaliland.


You ask why?


again, The U.S. will turn to Somaliland because at present it is the number one military power of all the somali peoples, what the U.S. will probably look to do is isolate Somalia and return it to UN trusteeship were the whole world will have a collective right to monitor and patrol. So Somalia would technically belong to the U.N. 18 governments and not one has worked, that shows that this problem is requires drastic action.


Puntland again as i said previously is an entity in name only hyped up by little kids like dukey who have never even been to Africa (i know he will say hes been there,but you can tell he has never been because he's always in the internet). Puntland cant even take control of Las anod, they havent paid there so called police,army a wage in like 4 years, to the extent that soldiers are becoming criminals to feed there families. You can hype up puntland as much as you want, but the reality is its 3 regions which have low populations, and consists of little villages like garowe and bosaso, if you dont believe me go to google earth and check it out compare hargaisa to bosaso, bosaso is half the size of burco. Garowe is smaller that borama and that their capital.


Saxib, stop trying to sell me garbage cause i aint buying.

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Originally posted by GAAROODI:

In all honousty, when all the bull is forgotten what matters is the reality on the ground, so what is the reality on the ground.


Somalia is a battle ground for radical jihadist, the U.S. government is in a major campaign supporting the government with weapons,finance and covert and overt military solutions. What will be the eventual conclusion, if any of you have read the book the "art of war" based on the reality on the ground, the situation will continue to be the way that it is and will eventually lead to those who have greater resource,man power and geographic faverability.



Alshabab right now has a the resources mainly supplied by sympathisers,arab doners and eriteria (who is doing it to counter Ethiopia).


Alshabab has more man power than any other entity in Southern Somalia,


The geography gives them the advantage by having numerous little villages and major towns to operate out of, like kismayo.


American foreign policy has in the past changed over night, right now it supports the government in its battle against alshabab, once the government titers and falls which it eventually will, its foreign policy will switch to Somaliland.


You ask why?


again, The U.S. will turn to Somaliland because at present it is the number one military power of all the somali peoples, what the U.S. will probably look to do is isolate Somalia and return it to UN trusteeship were the whole world will have a collective right to monitor and patrol. So Somalia would technically belong to the U.N. 18 governments and not one has worked, that shows that this problem is requires drastic action.


Puntland again as i said previously is an entity in name only hyped up by little kids like dukey who have never even been to Africa (i know he will say hes been there,but you can tell he has never been because he's always in the internet). Puntland cant even take control of Las anod, they havent paid there so called police,army a wage in like 4 years, to the extent that soldiers are becoming criminals to feed there families. You can hype up puntland as much as you want, but the reality is its 3 regions which have low populations, and consists of little villages like garowe and bosaso, if you dont believe me go to google earth and check it out compare hargaisa to bosaso, bosaso is half the size of burco. Garowe is smaller that borama and that their capital.


Saxib, stop trying to sell me garbage cause i aint buying.

lol :D Thanks for the FAIRY TALE, saaxiib! need to get over yourself!- cuz you fast becoming a total waste of bandwidth. Suuuure, but ofcourse, you've typed some letters here, and they (by sheer coincidence) may have formed some words, and almost made some sentences; but shamefully, they ALL mounted to nothing more than a pathetic textual drivel. That's about it.


Marka banooniga yara daji, intaan adiga lagu dajin.

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Seeing that you commented i must of have an impact on you.


If it was drivel you wouldnt have commented, looooooooooool.

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Is that your best take on my reply or are you just that utterly skull empty to come up with anything else? Somebody replies with utter disgust and contempt and immediately you feel very important.


This is a forum, 'genius'! If people don't post replies on threads, however full of crap they maybe, then where, huh?


But perhaps that's what is wrong with you in the first place and what everybody is complaining about. It's not that you like dull, it's just that you don't know any different. It's your chosen way of life. As well as expression of course.


But seriously, don't you find yourself many times in that somehow dreadful situation where you are just repulsed by your own dullness? It must be truly tough being you. I feel sorry for you, I really do.

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