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TFG..... Who...?

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Now that you know what the fundamental ingredient of a successful political entity is, coupled it with REAL POLITICIANS and to name a few from my kneck of the woods ..Cabduallahi Caddow, Cabdi Qaasim(assuming warlords that stood in his way are eradicated) and of curs the former Amb. And current President Mohamed Warsame ….etc…


And believe me if it was up to me, Qeybdiid, Indha cadde, Morgan, M’dheere, yalaxow, Barre Hiiraale, A Yusuf , Qanyare etc would all be executed publicly to show the Somali masses that Warlordism shall never be tolerated on our soil AGAIN.


A government that consist of more then a group of mullahs should be brought forward By the masses, allowing them to rally around a true government and a servant of its people.

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And believe me if it was up to me, Qeybdiid, Indha cadde, Morgan, M’dheere, yalaxow, Barre Hiiraale, A Yusuf , Qanyare etc would all be executed publicly to show the Somali masses that Warlordism shall never be tolerated on our soil AGAIN

Respect. It's this unequivocal denunciation and rejection of warlords that paves the way forward for Somalia. Those who make pathetic excuses(Oh he's an ailing old man, harmless old fool ) or glib rationlisations( Oh he also has done some good) need to understand this crucial point: Even if they are your Tol-ka leaders, they, United Warlords of Dhabo-dhilifia(UWD), will recieve their just deserts. And so shall those who are doqon enough to stand by their side. A new Somalia is in the making, one that cannot afford to suffer fools. Enough time has been wasted, 4 decades and counting.

A government that consist of more then a group of mullahs should be brought forward By the masses, allowing them to rally around a true government and a servant of its people

Fair enough. I agree, for example, that acceptable(yacni fully vetted, no war crimes, no qabyaalad) TFG technocrats be included in a new government, but they would only be operating in a pure administrative capacity due to their technical knowledge(or other strategic value, ie contacts, etc). They would have nothing to do with the legislative or the executive branches.


Almost forgot: Cabdullahi Cadow ? Longtime CIA agent. Abdi-Qasim ? Meh. Had his chance, failed big-time, achieved nothing but to strengthen the warlords. There's also the tens of million of dollars given to his government that both he and Galayr have to account for. Tryna tell ya, duqa. Look to the future for 'Real Politicians', not the past.

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When i say real politicians, i'm looking at their backgrounds and experiences of first hand politics e.g holding governmental positions. many of these men did and it was the last effective one that fell in 91.


They are educated men who distance them self from Clan politics.


Cabdiqasim was given the worst job on earth. Outside elements suggested "invasion" several times to him. Luckly it was never in the nature of a patriot to allow his people to suffer in the hands of foreigners under his governmental banner. His philosophy was 'Al Islaax', meaning everything should be sorted trough talks.

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His government would probably be more effective once UIC's done the impossible thus implying they would settle for a High court legislators position. That my friend i don't see as failure but the difference between a man of wisdom, full of nationalism and a Traitor, ex warlord, a simply selfish coward.



BTW, you don't believe everything you hear do you?

That nonsense was used as a slogan to discredit the Cabdullahi Caddow same one which won Cadullahi yusuf the foreign staged theater in kenya and look now where it lead Somalis too.


CIA is involved with many more people who you'd probably wouldn't believe. Bottom line is One man had the capability to do a job and the other one wasn't mentally fit never mind other attributes.


Thats gone.. lets not repeat past mistakes.

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

I agree, for example, that acceptable(yacni fully vetted, no war crimes, no qabyaalad) TFG technocrats be included in a new government, but they would only be operating in a pure administrative capacity due to their technical knowledge(or other strategic value, ie contacts, etc). They would have nothing to do with the legislative or the executive branches.

^^Even Kashafa is getting there...

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Miskiin, you are so predictable nowdays ninyahooy. Your messages are full of hypocrisy, lies and nonsense. Dr. Galbeyte, Abdiqassim was a sheikh, a patriot, an individual who loved his country miyaa garateey. Whereas Yeey is a devilish individual, full of qabyalaad, a warlord with Isbaaros heh...abti,, you are so transparent even a toddler can see thru you walahi,,,,no need to comment on all dat nonsense...all I am saying it's not fashionable to be a see-thru like the cover up ninyahooy...ceeb,


btw...if Yeey was such a character, then I can't imagine why he was the few who opposed uprooting your kind from Galkacyo in the 90's, when USC were crashed to it's knees and were left to ran Baidoba and the capital.. In the region of Mudug, he is considered to be the peace-loving politician, but I guess the fellow terrosist in the capital make him a clan fanatic. I wonder why all of the 275's MP in Kenya elected a clan fanatic over your uncles(Caddow & Abdiqassim) with a landslide margin. Ohhh...ethiopia ethiopia stole the elections to Yeey's favor miyaa huh ? The majority of the people in the capital support Yeey, the poor civilians from the smaller tribes(who form the majority of the southern provinces) have been maimed, robbed, killed, raped, occupied left to right by these clan militias who form the core rebellion,, and Yeey's mission is to bring an end to this madness. Hence Yeey careless about appeasing these looters/terrorists as well as their supporters like you. Yeey doesn't give a damn whether your from clan X or clan Y, the civilians must give up their weapons or else it will be taken by force saxiib, and must abide the law...or else will be sent to prison. Simply man....LAW & ORDER is the way to go..negotiation/dialogue is even better,,,but the job must be done...something Abdiqasiim refused to do???Don't know why???

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btw...if Yeey was such a character, then I can't imagine why he was the few who opposed uprooting your kind from Galkacyo in the 90's, when USC were crashed to it's knees and were left to ran Baidoba and the capital.. In the region of Mudug, he is considered to be the peace-loving politician, but I guess the fellow terrosist in the capital make him a clan fanatic. I wonder why all of the 275's MP in Kenya elected a clan fanatic over your uncles(Caddow & Abdiqassim) with a landslide margin. Ohhh...ethiopia ethiopia stole the elections to Yeey's favor miyaa huh ? The majority of the people in the capital support Yeey, the poor civilians from the smaller tribes(who form the majority of the southern provinces) have been maimed, robbed, killed, raped, occupied left to right by these clan militias who form the core rebellion,, and Yeey's mission is to bring an end to this madness. Hence Yeey careless about appeasing these looters/terrorists as well as their supporters like you. Yeey doesn't give a damn whether your from clan X or clan Y, the civilians must give up their weapons or else it will be taken by force saxiib, and must abide the law...or else will be sent to prison. Simply man....LAW & ORDER is the way to go..negotiation/dialogue is even better,,,but the job must be done...something Abdiqasiim refused to do???Don't know why??? [/QB]

You could not have been more further than the truth - with this pompously falsified bio of Yeey set aside - could you care to tell us lil truth in his current and present situation now? We have been told just like Geedi he is been asked to step down by the powers that be to him.

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Brothers the Shabaab cannot rule Somalia we have to be smart about this the likes Sheikh Shariif and Ibrahim Cadow yes but not Turki, Ceyro, or Abu Mansur. Somalia is in no position to be in another war with the world super power. We need to be tactical like AP said those men need to be incorporated into the military, but in terms of leadership the moderates and intellectuals should be left at it. Somalia needs several decades of peace and stability to heal militarily, socially and economically. So in that time we should avoid provoking enemies as much as possible.


In my opinion Yey is finished after his term he will leave office, in the mean time the Alliance should get in agreement with the Prime minister and get into a serious position where they will take a large chunk of the future transitional government.

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Janagale – The self-indulgent (leave my uncle alone) inputs are uncalled for my friend. He’s put him self in the world of politics and he will be criticized and addressed accordingly. The truth might be insensitive to your views but not offensive. so pull your pants up sxb.


Toure- Shabaab cannot rule it indeed.


Shabaab should work in line with the national interest, continue the liberation as they are doing so far.

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