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The greatest somali war of words ( somali poetry war) . how this war started ?) .

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Wixii la qoraa quruumo hadhee, muxuu hadal qiimo leeyahay :D .


guraad that was intreasting, atleast i appreciated it with out paying heed to the political overtones and just as a work of art, i hope that did not defeat your purpose.


i can see where you get your politics from.

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H.I , its all good brother . i just wanted to keep a live our history and how we were people of art and poetry , we young somali people have no idea about our great history as people of art and poetry . our youngestres now listen to rap music battles but what they dont know is that we somalis have history of poetry battles long before american rap battles, which now days american rappers trying to copy.


That poetry battle which i posted lasted for longtime, the battle started 1920(right after death of great poet sayid m. abdullah hussan) untill 1950 .

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thanks guraad.....i agree we need to learn our history.....very refreshing indeed...our ancestors new how 2 fight with words or weapon with bravery yet they also had the wisdom of how 2 reconcile without foreigners interference....will need some of the words translated though.

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Sster AFRICAN , thank you .its true our history is full of battles but at the same time we are people who can come togher as a one people.


Sis you can ask your elders to translate those poetrys its indeed great poems with great men of words . smile.gif

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i dont know if you're aware or not these poems are the source of somali fighting and never offer any way out of our problems not the old days and certainly not now.


Cartaneey Cammuud layska qaad, ceelki Reer Magane


Hadday curaddadii noolyihiin, waad cabbi lahayde


Nimankii ku caawiyi jiraan, cidi ka noolayne


Cabdullaahi iyo Yuusuf baa, ciidda hoos maraye


Beddel baa cashiiro u xigoo, waa cuq dabadeede


Raggii calanku saarnaan jiriyo, Caliba loo diidye


Niman baaba Caarshe u noqdiyo, Caamir oo kala’e


Markuu Haybe sidii coomir degey, looga soo cararye


Ma la cawryi Reer Yuusuf waa, cirir ********e,


Miduu caayo miduu cayriyiyo, miduu carjaameeyo


Saddexdaa calaamuu ka dhigay, cuurki Reer Dalal


Caqli waxaan lahayn baad tahaye, ha i caloolyeyne,


Cayn iyo Hartaad leedahaye, caraqda fuuqfuuqso!

this paricular poem as i understad promotes war and uses peom as a weapon. so what is good about them?

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i know that peoms are used as a weapon however they are part of our history,whether good or bad we need to be aware of it,to be honest i love calidhuux i used to had collection of his poems,but i lost them i have been looking for them since then,anyway this is something that happened over 50 years,so if you do not learn anything from it,atleast have good laugh at it.

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Originally posted by bulo:

i love calidhuux

Bulo you are not alone. I am a big fan of Calidhuux Aadan. The fire of this man's extraordinary poetic oratory, his remarkable charisma and his unparalleled talent as a "poetic instigator" is what made him one of the greatest Somali poets, if not the greatest.


read the following couple of lines from Ismaaciil Cigaal Bullaale


Dabkaad hurisay Cali Aadanow, dogobbadaad oogtay,

Dambaaburada aad ololisiyo, dirirta guusheeda,

Maandhow Daryarey noogu timid, dacawigaagiiye!

Inkastoo dalkii kala fog yahay, hadalku soo duulye

Dabeelaha Xagaagii dhiciyo, dowlahaa sidaye

Noo dooji dooggiyo sidii, Dirirka Cawleede.

^^loool. It made me laugh.


One would be unfair to deny the natural talent of poets like Salaan Carrabey and Sayid Maxamed Cabulle who were adversaries of Calidhuux.

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^The lion-teaser is right Ali-dhuux, Salaan Carrabeey, and Inna Abdille Hassan are indisputable figures in the field of poetry. The clannish nature of these poems aside, 'Guba' is a poetic narrative of a tribal war. It is an oral history of nomadic community consisted of several clans struggling for existence in an arid grazing fields.


The beauty of their expression, their great imaginative power, and the facility in language in which they expressed defeat, pride, glory and revenge in the form of allegory is fascinating. It is revolting, however, when one considers their disregard of justice in the light of nomadic dictum: “nin la diley nin baa loo dilaa wa dekanadiisii e.”


A 21 yr old, the legend has it, born when Ali-dhuux set this whole drama in motion, had closed it with a poem that all good old poets couldn't dispute its validity and eloquence.


I find this sonnet beautiful: the young poet recites a description of the victim Ina-Camey to his kinfolk. He paints a picture of him for the audience to instigate a violent reaction…it seems the victim was tall, respectful, generous, brave, and articulate murdered in cold-blood for no reason.


Dadku kala hannaan quruxsan oo, haybad kala roone,

Haldhaa-kacay-la-moodyow markuu, hab u taxaashaayo!

Haashaashka laafyaha markuu, hagac ka siinaayo,


Hanqalkiyo hareedkiyo gadhkiyo, qalabka heemaalka,

Iyo horin-ka-roonow ninkaa, qiimo lagu haystay!

“Haq!“ waxaan iraahdaa markay, igu hanqaaraane.


Hab hadday martidu soo tiraa, heelka gurigiisa,

Hilbo loo qalyaa iyo xumbada, Halab la siiyaaba

Anfacada haddii laga hambado, huri ogaantiisa.


Harka geedka fagaaraha markii, la hindisoonaayo

Nin xun baa wax habayaaqiyoo, haatiyoo dila’e

Arrinkii qabiilku u hugmaan, heli ogaantiisa


Hindisaha ka doodka ah markii, la hanjaboonaayo

Meeshii sarbeeb lagu hayaan, had iyo qoob joogin,

Majliskuu ka haasaawi jiray, hadal macaankiisa.


Halaakada colaadeed markii, la isku hiifaayo

“Hayaay!“ iyo “hayaay!“ maalintii, la isku haaraamo!

Fule baa habaarane naftii, hibada loo yeelay.

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bulo , i agree with you that we have to learn our history . history is how we learn about past.



Libaax , that poem from smaacil is indeed great and funny , lol.

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Well me see if this is correct....

The poems started because a clan overtook another clans land and Cali Dhuux is basically trying to instigate war between the old owners of the land against the new owners(in any book thats diradiraalnimo)The whole set of poems revolve around how one tribe is superior to the other and so on and so on.I cant say if he was successful and a war did start at that particular moment in history but that is certainly a legacy one can't be proud of.I have heard that in the late 80's when Barre was recruiting the poor refugees from Ethiopia as foot soldiers in the campaign against the SNM he would recite poems from the Guba chain promising them SNM land and respect lost as reward for their support.

I once listened to a very beautiful poem by an educated poet,it seems like what he said then is the reality we are faced with today.



Nin qabyaalad doojoow

Doqonniimo waa cudur

Haddii aad dux leedahay

bal docdaada uun eeg

Inta dumar agooma ah

Inta dhiig dad lagu qubay

Inta darib nin lagu cunay

Inta duul ku qaran jabay

Debec yaa lahaayeey

Maxaa degel ku baaba'ay

Maxaa dhacay Umula-doox

Anigaa nin dooriyo

Anigaa wax dumin kara

Maxaa Beel ku dumug tidhi

Imisaa dugaag qaday

Dubaaxdiinna loo wadhay

Darka iyo xareeddiyo

Daaq laysu qoonsaday

Dirirtiyo colaaduu

Maxay haad dibbiriyeen

Islaan wiilki laga diley

Dugayeey maxay tidhi

Dadab iyo aroosiyo

Aqal laba daryaalle ah

Maxaa daaha loo rogey

Waxan uga dan lee yahay

Sumad iyo Diir-soociyo

ninkii duuf ku nooloow

Alle doori baad tahay

Soomali waa duud

Dekan qabae ha joogee

Waa ul iyo diirkeed

Deris iyo tol wada yaal

Nin danlaana kala gur

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i enjoy many peoms as long as they promote peace, instablity, justice and social cohision. one of the ills that our people suffer and also devestated our beautiful country is tribal wars that burning since old days. peoms like guba is what is keeping those wars burning. please don't trivialise them just let them stay behind academic walls so they could be studied but not used.

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It all started cali's poem ...


Doqonkii reer hebel doolo laga qaadye.


Doolo is an important pastural land. he was trying to warn his tribal cousins that these foriegn tribes are spreading into their land slowly and slowly na'mean. They better do something about it.


Well, Doolo now belongs to its original owners na'mean. cali dhuux's guubaabo was the turning point na'mean. They finally realized the situation.

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asalaalu calaykum.

Guba waa silsildaha ugu bacna wayn sida aan aamin sanahay ee ka tirsan tariikhda suugaanta .

inkasto silsilada awgeed dagaalo u dheceen hadana saa uma wayneyn.


Guba waxaan ka haystaa tii uu duubay abwaanka caanka ah ee Jamac Kadiye. laakin se qaybo inyar kala duwan baad ka heli kartaa shabakadaha internetka.


Guba waxaa ku jira raagi uu waa waynaa(Gaints) ee horaantii qarnigii tegay sida Qamaan Bulxan, Cali Dhuux, Maxamed Cumar Dage, Salaan Carabeey iyo kuwa kale oo tiradoodu toban kor u dhaaftay.


Taariikhdu waa muhiim,oo in dhalaanka la baro waa wax aad laga ma maarmaan ah...13 sano ee la soo dhaafay soomali dagaal sokeeye bay ku jirtay, mustaqbalka dee la ilaawi maayo oo marka soomaliya degto,skuulada baa lagu dhigi


waad salamantihiin dhamaantiin


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ya allah,


why do we have to drag out every argument, the point i was making as precisley as i can, is that as works of art and poetry they are indeed wonderfull, but none of us should make the mistake of deriving our politics from this in the final analysis qabil haraunges, lest we fall in to the trap of siyad and his cronies like dafle et al, who used this expired poetry to reconstitute clan animosity and warfare, with the added condit that whilst people used to kill each other with blunderbusses all THIS generation can expect is to be packed into containers and provide moving targets for AA guns.

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