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Gordon Gekko

Suicide bomber wareersan, caught and defused

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Ciidanka Booliska DFKM oo sheegay in ay qabteen nin watay waxyaabaha Qarxa


Ciidamada Booliska DF ee ku sugan dekadda ayaa sheegay in ay gacanta ku dhigeenee nin rabay inuu isku qarxiyo gudaha dekadda magaalada Muqdisho.


Ciidamada AMISOM aay ku guuleystay in ay furfuraan Bamkii uu watay ninkaan sida ay sheegeen saraakiil ka tirsan Df.


Waxaa su,aalo weydiinaya ninka la qabtay Ciidanka AMISOM iyo kuwa DF ee ku sugnaa dekadda waloow ilaa haatan aan la shaacin ninka la qabtay iyo Magaciisa .

Kayse Yare





Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed ee ilaalada ka ah dekadda magaalada Muqdisho ayaa goor dhow ku guuleystayu iney gacanta ku dhigaan nin doonayey inuu isku miidaamiyo gudaha dekadda Muqdisho.


Ninkan oo gacanta lagu dhigay ayaa waxaa laga helay waxyaabaha qarxa iyo miino la sheegay in awoodeeda ay sareyso iyadoo ciidamada AMISOM ee ka socda dalka Ugandha ay ku guuleysteen in ninkan laga fur furo waxyaabihii ku rakibnaa korkiisa.


Ciidamada Booliska iyo kuwa Ugandha ayaa weydiinaya su’aalo ku saabsan cidii soo dirtay iyo su’aalo kale iyadoo dhawaan saxaafadda loo soo gudbin doono warbixin faah faahsan oo ku saabsan arintaasi.


Waa markii ugu horeysay ee nin miineysan oo doonayey inuu is qarxiyo gacanta lagu dhigay iyadoo horay qaraxyo dad is miidaamiyay lala beegsaday ciidamada dalka Itoobiya xarumo ay ku sugan yihiin.


Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali

AllPuntland, Muqdisho

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by a confused soldier should we say?



loool........where is the General? Mallagaa xayuubiyey?

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^^^The war is over, thus I am a retired soldier.

I figure you would be the first to notice.


How is your war going Abwan? More clan demo's in London are planned I guess. The question is will the turnout be more than 50? :D

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^^^It's to be expected that such desperate acts would occure since the anti-governemnt groups could no longer put up a fight.


Criminal acts are to be expected but organised violence against the government and gun markets are a thing of the past.

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I like your source for Mogadishu news...this story was not reported by and HornAfrik but and Allpuntland. Haddana ma Keyse Yare ayaad la baxday Duke oo wararkaad Muqdisho ka soo tebisaa intana Cut and Paste as Usual! You might as well open a forum aad Duke ula baxdid ama General dheh amase shicib sheego si aad toos warka ugu soo qortid. Adduunyooyo xaalkaa ba'.

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^^ Its not the first time that you have highlighted how you only take news from sites which happen to be run by your kinsmen. And you want to criticise the Duke.

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Qarax is miidaamin ah oo dekadda Muqdisho lala doonayay oo la fashiliyey


{Somaaljecel News Network} Muqdisho:- Ciidamada dowladda KMG ee ilaalada ka ah Dekedda weyn ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa gacanta ku dhigay nin la sheegay inuu isku soo xirxiray waxyaabaha qarxa oo doonayay inuu isku qarxiyo dekedda dhexdeeda.


Sida warku sheegayo ninkaas ayaa markii la qabtay waxaa laga qaaday rimuutkii qarxin lahaa waxyaabaha qarxa ee uu isku rakibay, kadibna waxaa loo geeyay oo gacanta loo Ciidamada Yuganda oo iyagu heysta waxyaabaha lagu baaro miinooyinka qarxa, kuwaasoo baaritaan ku haya ninkaas iyo waxyaabaha uu ku miineysan yahay.


Warkan oo aanu ka soo xiganay qaar ka mid ah Saraakiisha Ciidamada dowladda KMG Soomaaliya ee ku sugan dekadda weyn ee magaalad Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in ninkan ay arrintiisa haatan la wareegeen Ciidamada Yugandha ee ka tirsan kuwa AMISOM ee Muqdisho howlagallada nabadeed u jooga.


Ma jiraan warar dheeraad ah oo ka soo baxaya xaaladda ninkaas, waxaana loo diiday in la tusiyo sxaafadda, iyadoo sida la sheegay ay su’aalo weydiinayaan saraakiisha Ciidmada Yugandha oo arrinkiisa la xil wareegay.


Waa markii ugu horreysay oo la qabto ruux isa soo miidaamiyey, iyadoo horey dhowr nin oo is miidaamiyey ay ciidamada Itoobiya xarumahooda qaraxyo dhimasho iyo dhaawac badan ka dhacay ay ka fuliyeen, balse ma dhicin in ilaha muhimka u ah shacabka Soomaaliyeed sida dekadda iyo Ayraboorka qaraxyo is miidaamin ah lala soo maago haatan ka hor, iyadoo aysan dekaddu haatan ku sugnaydn ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah.

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Somalia: Roadside bomb blast sparks the casualty of five policemen

Aweys Osman Yusuf


Mogadishu 07, May.07 ( Sh.M.Network) A road side bomb blast caused the casualties of at least five Somali troops on Monday. The bomb exploded as a group of Somali troops onboard a police pickup truck passed by on route to the presidential palace in south of the capital Mogadishu.


Witnesses told Shabelle that five police men who were seriously wounded in the blast were removed from the wreckage. Asho Ali, a witness, said she saw five policemen bleeding after the blast. “I saw five with blood everywhere on their body. At least three seemed dead because they were not moving at all,” she said.

Is it this confused and helpless man you r referrin to who found his way to those trucks???

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^^ the above incident is not a suicide mission but roadside bomb i.e a mine placed near the road. It could be an IED but it could also be a leftover landmine. Whatever the case, its nothing close to a suicide mission. Homework: Go back to Baghdad and get some more lessons.

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Somalia: Roadside bomb blast sparks the casualty of five policemen

Aweys Osman Yusuf


Mogadishu 07, May.07 ( Sh.M.Network) A road side bomb blast caused the casualties of at least five Somali troops on Monday. The bomb exploded as a group of Somali troops onboard a police pickup truck passed by on route to the presidential palace in south of the capital Mogadishu.


Witnesses told Shabelle that five police men who were seriously wounded in the blast were removed from the wreckage. Asho Ali, a witness, said she saw five policemen bleeding after the blast. “I saw five with blood everywhere on their body. At least three seemed dead because they were not moving at all,” she said.


The explosion occurred Aden Adde main road near the president’s house. No one has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. This is , however, the second bomb attack against government soldiers since the government supported by its allied Ethiopian forces got the upper hand over the Islamic insurgents late last month after fierce battle in which more 1,000 civilians were killed and nearly 2400 were wounded.


A convoy of Ugandan troops passed by the route before the explosion happened, according to witnesses. Buildings along the roadside were badly damaged by the shrapnel.


The Somali government was not available for comments over the incident.



Shabelle Media Network Somalia

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Originally posted by TheSomaliEconomist:

^^ Homework: Go back to Baghdad and get some more lessons.

So you are asking for suicide bombs and loss of lives? sad indeed.

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^^ Don't flip it Mr.poet. Your the one that cheers and applauds suicide bombing and destruction. You seem to be putting on different capes as you like these days.

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Suicide bomber...road side bomb bomb driver...where do these are these F$#@!@# coming from?

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