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Xuuraan iyo Xanta Suuqa: kala soco Is Kismayo Next?

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Originally posted by Isseh:

Emperor, perhaps you are right. I may be naively expecting the impossible to happen, but a working between Hiiraale and Al-Shabaab is not altogether unimaginable. That is owing to the fact that 'interests' reign over characters lately. Both Hiiraale and Al-Shabaab, if they come to an agreement of a sort, are in it to gain. Whatever I wrote yesterday was speculative but read below:

Temporary allaince with no common or shared longterm interest would hardly yield anything. These are people with no principles who will change sides at moment's notice. I wouldn't pin my hope on anything good coming out of the Jubbas

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What else is new other than Hornka wali bacaadka Kismaayo difaacayaa.


Eedo yey m**ryaanta shabaab ku gowricin oo aysan dhiigaata bacaadka kismaayo aysan ku shubin out of despite for the ICU and that one "tribe" union that you hate so much.


PS:Marmarka qaarkood k-town sheeko sheeko marka aad keento, shaki aa igalo, oo waxaan umaleeyaa inaad ka hadleysid sierra leone iyo diamonds ka, markaas aan is qabtaa oo instead reality of bacaadka k-town ii sawirmaa. :D

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War deg deg ah : Beesha Sede oo Caawa sheegtay in dagaalkii ay ku qaadi lahaayeen Xoogaga Maxkamadaha iyo Al Shabaab ay joojiyeen kana doorteen Wadahadal. 19 May 2008

Posted to the Web 19 May 08, 20:25


Mas'uuliyiinta magaalada Kismaayo xarunta Gobalka Jubbada Hoose oo Xalay iyo Maanta ay ka jireen xaalada Coladeed ayaa Caawa Shaaca ka qaaday in ay baajiyeen gebi ahaanba Dagaal ay damacsanaayeen in ay la galaan Xoogaga Al Shabaab iyo Maxkamadaha oo maalmihii lasoo dhaafay isbalaarsi ka weday Jubbooyinka.


Afhayeenka Beesha Sede Nabadoon Xasan Dheere ayaa Caawa ka dhawaajiyay in ay joojiyeen dagaalkii ay damacsanaayeen islamarkaana ay Wadahadalo la bilaabeen Ciidamada Al Shabaab iyo kuwa Maxkamadaha sidaasna lagu baajiyay Dagaal uu dhiig ku daadan lahaan.


Nabadoon Xasan Dheere oo Goordhaw lahaday qaar katirsan Warbaahinta Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in Beesha Sede ay tahay Been Nabdeed oo aanay doonayn in ay ku dhax milanto Ururka Diimeedyada Soomaaliya " waxaan ogaanay in Kooxaha Jubbooyinka soo galay ay yihiin Kooxa Diimeedyo aan qabiil ahayn sidaas darteed waxaan Go'aansanay in aan Nabadda ka wada shaqaysno ayuu yiri Xasan Dheere arrintan ayay ku farxeen Boqolaal qoys oo Qax ujoog ahaa Muqdisho

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There is no difference between what Al Shabab has been doing in Beledweyne, Jawhar, and other parties of the south, and what this week’s military activity suggest they will do in Kismayo. So the qabiil label does not quite stick really. As much as I believe the gangs who control that city are illegitimate entity and as much as I would welcome their departure, I don’t think what these al shabaabs are doing has any assessable purpose political or otherwise. It may bring about the opposite of what they claim to be their aim; the return of Ethiopian boots to Kismayo.


I hope they wont attack Kismayo and cause the exodus of civilians from the city …



ps..Horn ma barataaan oo faraha ka qaadaan dhalinyaro.

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Thus the "religious" movement which has fought militias in Jilib will make a deal with the clan militias in kismayu?


Its fascinating. But again its an opportunity, it highlights how weak horn's boys are if the All Shabaab think they can take over Kismayu.

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^^Have you ever had doubts about al shabaabs strength as fighters Duke? The Kismayo melitia would not stand a chance but that's not the point here. The point is to what end will al shabaab's attack on Kismayo serve? To show that they are stronger than those who hold the city? I mean that's just pointless, is it not?


Midda kale, if they go ahead with this attack would it not prompt Ethiopian forces going back to Kismayo again, physically? And wouldn't that complicate the Jabbuuti conference in its effort to find a workable arrengement to set a timetable for Ethiopia's withdrawal...


May be i am wrong but this and its timing does not make sense to me.

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^The way out is agreeing not to wage war within Kismaayo city or draw attention to it.


In ay Al-Shabaab iyo Hiiraale's men Kismaayo banaankeeda ku soo heshiiyaan ayaa wanaagsan. And as news reports suggest Sheikh M. Shukri, a relation of Hiiraale, is currently working on that. Xassan Dheere's press releases are testimony to this end.


I hope another last minute deal that can spare reer Kismaayo from suffering can be worked out, just like the last time.

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Xiin, Al Shabaab are not that strong adeer. Barve yes, but strength in military terms is non existent.


Why should the clan militia with roadblocks and murders of civilians be spared? I understand the Xogsade, Horn nostalga for the JVA and various clan based arguments.


As for news, the clan websites are reporting this.


Maleeshiyaad ka amar qaata Bare Hiiraale oo u soo dhaqaaqay dhinaca jilib
ayaga oo soo gaaray deegaanka Buulo guduud oo 30-km dhinaca woqooyi kaga began magaalada kismaayo ayaga oo doonaya Jilib iyo

(19-05-2008) Maleeshiyooyin ku abtirsada Beesha **** una badan beesha ********* oo wata ilaa 15-gaadiidka dagaalka ayaa soo gaaray maanta Buulo guduud oo 30-km kaga began magaalada kismaayo ayaga oo doonaya in ay markale isku dayaan in ay hantiyaan magaalooyinka Jilib iyi kamsuuma oo maalmihii la soo dhaafay ay qabsadeen xoogagaga is garabsanaya.



Isku day uu doonayay in uu xalay ilaa saakay ku dhex dhexaadiyo Magaalada kismaayo gudaheeda Ciidamadaasi una sheego in ay joojiyan sida ay wax u wadaan ayuu ku guulaysan waayay shukri oo ka mid ah saraakiishii ugu sareysay Gobolada jubooyinka midowgii maxkamadaha islaamiga.



Dhinaca kale warar aanu ka helayno goobaha ay soo gaareen Maleeshiyada kismaayo ayaa waxay sheegayaan in uu wato Maleeshiyadan mid ka miid ah saraakiishii isbahusigii isbahaysiga jubooyinka oo bu burray sanad ka hor.



Arintani ayay walaac ka muujiyeen odayaasha magaalada kismaayo waxayna la hadleen bare qudhiisa oo jooga kismaayo balse arintani ayaana suurto gal iyo in la baajiyo maleeshiyadan ayaa lagu guulaysan waayay.


Dalkanews Muqdisho



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Paragon, I said it adeer. This is not September, 2006 when many felt wronged.


No one from Kismaayo to Luuq has any stomach to contemplate a fight with Al Shabaab or any other group who are seen as the few truly resisting a perceived and real occupation of the country. Gunimadaas cid ay ku duugantahay ilamaaha reerkaan. Sidaan iri xiniinyo taabasho ayaa laysku salaamay lakin wadahadal waligeedba miiska way saarnayd.


I have not checked yet but something tells me the latter news report is accurate. If this is the case, however, the group in Kismaayo will no longer be seen as neutral party by Addis Ababa and it stands to be seen whether they then move away from their centrist position and join the liberation camp without any hesitation.


Perhaps this was Al Shabaab's objective? In any case, it will be a good day for Somalia if things transpire as they seem. Hardship will follow but it will be worth it I daresay.


I will try to get updated on the situation.

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Duke, Barre Hiiraale is set on building Jubbaland. Perhaps those of his clansmen who see the reality for what it is will get through to him.


Your article says the traditional leaders are very unhappy.


Arintani ayay walaac ka muujiyeen odayaasha magaalada kismaayo waxayna la hadleen bare qudhiisa

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