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Ahlu Sunna yet again defeat Alshabab in Central Somalia: more than 76 deads!

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Dagaal xoogan oo caawa ka dhacay degmada Wabxo oo lagu kala adkaaday iyo meydadkii ugu badnaa ebid oo waran caawa halkaas


Dagaal rogaal celin ah oo markii afaraad ay soo qadeen ciidamada Alshabaab ayaa ka dhacay caawa kaa oo u dhaxeya xoogaga islaamiyiinta isla ah ee isaga soo hor jeeda dhinaca fikirka

waa Ahlusuna Waljameeca iyo Alshabaab


Dagaalka caawa fidikii halkaa ka dhacay ayaa inta la ogyahay waxaa ku dhintay 76 qof oo u badan xoogagii halkaa isku fara saaray waxaana la dhihi karaa waa dagaalkii ugu xumaa ee halkaa ka dhaco inta la ogsoonyahay


Dagaalka caawa ayaa waxaa wali uu ka socda dhanka Dac halkaa oo loo riixay xoogaga Alshabaab iyadoona deeganka Wabxo gacanta ku hayaan xoogaga Ahlusuna waljameeco oo xiligaan u muuqdo xoogaga dar dar cusub ku soo galay siyaasada Sooomaliya


Sheekh C/risaaq Ashcari ayaa sheegay inay jireen Meydada dad Cadaan ah oo ka bar bar dagaalamayay Alshabaab, kuwaasoo uu sheegay inay ku soo bandhigayaan website-yada Soomalida



Labada urur diimeed yaa isku heysta xaga fikirka iyagoona ay isku heystaan Wahaabiyo iyo Suufiyiin taana waxaa la dhihi karaa dagaalkooda waa mid labada qole aminsan yihiin hadii ay ku dhintaa dagaalkaasi jano galayaan waxaase isweydiin mudan jano si sahalkaas lagu kalaayo haday jiri laheyd waaba fudun laahed


Dhanka kale deegaanka Maxaas ayaa waxaa xiligaan ka taliya xoogaga Alshabaab oo dagaal faraha looga gubtay kula wareegay



Jamac Qoor-Gaab Garoowe,


Cigaal101934@hotmail .com

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SIXID: Halka Dagaalku ka Dhacay Waxaa Lagu Magacaabaa Dab-Qurun oo U Dhaxaysa Dac iyo Wabxo { 18 May 2009




Culumada Ahlu Sunna ayaa galabta 10kii saac (4pm) weerar ku qaaday saldhiggii looga soo duuli jiray Wabxo oo Iminka culumadu ku sugantahay. Dagaalka ayaa daba socday weerar hoobiyayaal ah oo lagu soo weeraray Wabxo. Dagaalka ayaa muddo hal saac iyo xoogaa ah socday.

Saldhigga ayaa waxaa loogu tagay dad soomaali iyo ajaanib isugu jira. Markii wax yar xabbadu socotayna wey kala carareen. Halkaas waxaa looga dilay nin caddaan ah oo sida la sheegay u qaabilsanaa qaybta qaraxyada. Waxaa iyana laga dilay 10 nin oo kuwa xabaalaha qoda ah. Culumada ayaa waxaa ka shahiiday 1 wadaad iyo 2 dhaawac ah.


Dab-qurun waxay dhacdaa jidka loo aado Ceel Buur, wax yarna koofur ka xigta tuulada Dac. Labadii maalmood ee la soo dhaafay ayay 3 jeer weerar ka soo qaadeen khawaarijtu oo ku wajahnaa magaalada Wabxo. Dagaaladaas ayaa isu geyntooda, qiyaastii waxaa uga le'day kooxaha gafuurka tiro 80 ruux ka badan. Culumadana, maanta ayaa waxaa ka shahiiday wadaadkii 4 dhanka Wabxo.


Ciidan Ahlu Sunna ayaa weli ku raad jooga inkastoo cadceeddu dhacday oo ay adagtahay in la qabto ruux baqday habeenimo. Qaar ka mid ah ciidanka dagaalka galay oo aan kula hadalnay khadka telefoonka ayaa noo sheegay inaysan khawaarijtu wejiga nasiin karin oo mushaar un u xulanayaan ee aysan jirin qadiyad u qalanta kudagaalankeeda. Waxaad arkeysaa ayay yiraahdeen RUUX CARARAYA OO HADDANA DHAHAYA ALLAHU AKBAR! Waxay caddeynaysaa in imaanku uusan dhuunta jirin ee magaca ilaahay iyo DUBUR-JEEDIS la isma raaciyo!



Xafiiska Warark ee Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca

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It seems that the fierce nomads from the arid Central regions of Somalia are ruthless in defeating the religious warlords.


Alshabab could so far prevail in cities were people are tired of fighting after 18 years of conlicts. But the nomads in the Central regions are still warlike and have not been indoctrinated in the alien ideology of Alshabab.


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^^^I agree with you here, its open warfare and the brave seem to hold out better here.


Though their moves to Jowhar will open them up to send more fighters to these regions.


Sharif should do a little to cut them their supply routes in central Shabblee, this is his region he should make it hell for these men.


Thus their energies would be soaked up in Galgaduud, Hiiraan and Shabbele lose all there and he is in the game.


So far they have it easy with Turki running around without any problems.

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Originally posted by Meiji:

It seems that the fierce nomads from the arid Central regions of Somalia are ruthless in defeating the religious warlords.





yes but shababs are fighting on multiple fronts and holding a far larger territory. Whereas these guys are not holding out one front. A clear military advantage. Anyway, are these your new heroes>? ;)ps. your pics are mashing up this page.

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On Friday and Saturday, fighting between Shabaab and a moderate Islamist group in two central towns killed some 68 people and sent 3,300 others fleeing from their homes, pro-government forces and a rights group said.


"We have killed 47 al Shabaab fighters including a white man in Mahas and Wabho," Sheikh Abdullahi Sheikh Abu Yusuf, spokesman of the moderate Ahlu Sunna Waljamaca, told Reuters, adding that three of their fighters had been killed. m/s/nm/20090517/wl_n m/us_somalia_conflic t



Alshabab have economic advantage: they control 2 major ports and a vast agricultural hinterland.


They have military advantage: influx of foreign fighters and their expertise, Eritrean arms shipments.


Clearly Ahlu Sunna is doing great considering the major disadvantages they have.

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^^ reports say they only have a few hundred foreign fighters. And these are rag tag militia members, remember, not bloody mlitary generals. Anyway, you are missing the point, I am saying it would be interesting to see how strong this group would be if Alshabab and Xizbul Islam concentrated all their power in that region.............. .

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Al Zeylaci,


I support the only 100% authentic Somali faction out there, with ZERO % NON-SOMALI FIGHTERS.


I hope these fierce nomads with their geeljire mentality will bring more damage to the foreign-trained, financed and influenced Alshabab and their foreign fighters.


They should be decimated like in Guriceel-Dhusomareeb , zero tolerance for these religious pretenders.


So far the Ahlu Sunna faction has support from the various Somali nomadic clans in Central Somalia. They should solidify that support and mobilize every single geeljire to counter these foreign-supported religious pretenders.


Lets see what those Ahlu Sunna allied with Geeljire´s of Mudug will do since those from Galgaduud seem to be crazy already. :D

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Even Xisbi Islam is supported by foreign entities: Eritrea.



I despise all foreign-backed factions that have foreign fighters amids themselves and bring unparalleled destruction upon Somali families.


Such factions should be defeated for the sake of Somalia and its people.

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lol, the so " called Ahlul Sunnah" is supported by Ethiopia. There was a leaked document from Ethiopian officials showing this and Zenawi admitted this. And I am completely sure they will be supported by Western donors in Nairobi. There is no group in Somalia which will not supported by foreigners, sxb.

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Al Zeylaci,


The Ahlu Sunna fighters that broke Alshabab and their foreign fighters more than 3 times in Waxbo-Maxaas are 100% autenthic Somalis. Unlike, the Alshabab who have themselves admitted that foreign jihadi fighters are in their ranks, and are supported by Alqaida and other International organizations.


Insha allah Ahlu Sunna allied with the local Geeljire´s will crush the foreign-supported, financed, influenced and trained Alshabab and their Eritrean-supported, armed and trained Xisbi Islam faction.

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