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What does Democracy Mean to You?

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Democracy is what Somaliland keeps alive ,, if you want to know take that as an example and live with it.

i thought after Allah - it was diaspora funds and

Jaat that kept Sadland alive - :cool:

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^^^ha ha ha....some democracy that is!


Demoqraadiyad ma aha in mar walba u hal urur siyaasadeed ku shubto doorasha been beenta ah. Misna ee dadweenihii reer hargaysa ka banaanbaxaan dhibaatada ka haysata dhanka biyaha oo dhaqaalihii ceelasha loogu tala galay ee dad afka ee iska mariyeen. Ma taas baad ileedahay demoqraadiyad baa ka jirta?


Xagee lagu arkay maamul ku sheeg sideeda aroornimo xafiisyada fura, meeshii loo gaaro 11 AM, albaabada isugu dhufto- dabadeed nah shicib weenihii u shaxaad doonto dawladda hoose.


Mataasa demoqraadi kusheegaysaa...maasha aduunyadu idin aqoonsan weeday.


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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THe democracy means as one tried to define in Somali context:


The Somali clan-based social system

Lineage identity or clannism is a central organising force in Somali society and is more significant in

contemporary stateless Somalia than in previous decades. In the period of state collapse, clannism has

proved to be both divisive and a destructive tool in the hands of political leaders as well as a vital source

of group protection, social security and customary law in the absence of the state. Clan identity in

Somalia is very fluid. Each Somali can trace their genealogy over 30 generations, giving Somalis

membership in many sub-clans. Which level in one’s lineage is mobilized as one’s ‘clan’ depends entirely

on the issue at hand.

Clannism exists with a range of other cross-cutting affiliations – professional associations as well as

regional, class, factional, gender and religious movements (including the Islamist Al-Ittihad organization),

some of which are described below.

The council of clan elders, for example, is the dominant institution in most locales expected to provide

wisdom and build consensus among clan ranks in matters of clan interest especially in times of crisis.

In Somali society all married men can claim to be elders and speak in clan assemblies (shir) earning

Somalia a reputation as a ‘pastoral democracy’. Elders’ councils are not institutionalized and often they

react more than they act

The main religion is Islam with almost the entire population being Sunni Muslims. Islamic values

provide hope and solidarity to cope with the harsh conditions prevalent in the country. They have also

been used to build trusted institutions, both commercial and juridical. The most visible sign of the latter

are the Islamic courts based on shari’a law. They are widely appreciated by local communities and

dispense justice in zones where customary law fails to maintain law and order. Radical Islam, organized

as Al-Ittihad in Somalia, is a growing trend, with a presence throughout the country. However, even

within the Al-Ittihad movement, there are numerous splits along clan lines.

Networks of functional professional associations (made up of non-governmental organizations (NGOs),

professionals in education, health and other fields) serve as bridges across clan and factional conflicts

promoting human development, reconciliation and good governance. On several occasions women’s

groups have successfully managed to place pressure on militia to release kidnapping victims or cease

fighting. But they have also been at the forefront of mobilization of clannism for armed conflict.

Source: UNDP, 1998

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Dhulqarnayn, you're a little too stuck on this rape thing methinks. Just let it go, it doesn't make anyone less of a man if other men do terrible things without his consent.




I'm divorced AND older than you. I can't be given away in marriage like a kilo of sugar dear, that's for the young and beautiful. You better go back to Ngonge and co and demand your down-payment back. They took advantage of your desperation.


Thank you for finally telling us what democracy means to you. Now tell us what "Islamic way of governing" means to you.

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I'm divorced AND older than you.

that is even better - Ngonge knew what i wanted :D


there was no down payment - you came for free, as part of negotiated settlement for offence caused by Ibti.


as for what 'islamic way of governing' means to me; it means ruling by the will of Allah as prescribed in the Qur'an hadith and as understood by the companions of the prophet(pbuh) especially the 4 rightly guided khalifas.

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What is going on here. Adeer Sayid, see wax yihiin. Maad haadka inoo kala du'did! Maxaa i kaa daba dhigay? Do you want me to sing Dolly parton's 'jolene' male-version? Please!

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^^^Wakh Wakh iyo Waali baan maqlijiray! i didn't know it was reference to you.


what do you mean 'maxaa kaa daba dhijay', whose following who here - this is my thread i'll have know.


Dolly Parton na waa dhegeysataa? wakh wakh iyo waali baan kugu ogahay -



i thought it was compliment being compared to you, now i know it was an offence - where is that JB - i am going to sue for defemation.

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