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Khalaf, someone who expects to hear truths from a buffon also expects to see Moooryaaans on a Holy war. P.A.R.A.D.O.X.I.C.A.L.


People are going insane left and right these days. LOOL

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Mida Kale I declare my alligence only to Allah and Messenger scw, and follow jamacatal islamiya whom follow the Quran

That's all good here. But your words and quotes in past threads say otherwise. Sacab-Tuming for A/Y does not in any way, shape, or form, come close to the Quran. I'll leave it at that.


I'm not asking you to support or not support the ICU, I'm simply asking you to be frank about where you stand. If it's with the adeero, then be real about it. General Duke is. General Sakhar is. General Jumatatu-in-exile was. General Jujie is. General Allamagan is. See the pattern ?


If not, and you support the Xaq, then let your words and posts validate your intentions. That's all I'm saying. Laakin, "I-support-Islam-but-also-support-the-Kufaar-and-Munaafiqs" is not hathal a Muslim brother laga sugaayo.


Also, don't sweat A.u.B. I think you're taking his rhetorical bombast(bombing Galkacyo) to the heart. He's a nice diversion, eh ? Now's the time to say: Focus on the crucial issues on the table.

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Kashafa, this aint about no holy war. Dude, shake yourself out of this ICU epipelepsy. It's all about one sub-clan that doesn't wanna cough up the loot and plunder they gained from the civil war. To them, any government (yes, including the one led by their own cousin AbdiQasim was illigit) is an occupation. Wake up and smell the coffee.

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Ilma-adeerayaal maanta soomali labo yaa loo kala baxay...You're either daba-dhilif Gaal dabada u leefa or you're a true somali patriot...Nothing in between whatso-ever....

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I think I need to do dedicate a thread to this beloved red herring of TFG supporters. It's easy to escape from a debate with a crazy line like "But it ain't a Holy War, One Sub-clan is inherently evil, savage, and has anarchy tattooed in their DNA"


Pi, try again, dawg. Even you know that line of thought is Nazi-esque. Conversely, I'd guess your solution would be ethnic cleansing ?

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Ppl like to hear themselves talk miya? yaa akhi i dont like repeating myself nooh....if Islam=ICU to u then cool thats you, not to me tho ma garthay? Just as u accuse GD n others supporting their "uncles" are the ICU cats here and everywhere...marka ninyahow hadalka badan naga jooji, somali wa ista qaana.....meshaan islamnimo iyo jihad ma jiro... go ahead and confuse da qabil-ubane speaking "piercing truths" but haaq is distinct from falsehood as the Quran says....qabil iyo Islamnimo do not mix, qabil politics iyo islamimo do not mix, Allah Akbars and burning ppl do not mix! naga dhah adeer wareerka.


As ive said over and over again on this board, meshaan wa corrupt politics.....marka allah ha u sahlo maskinta that are caught up in the middle.

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Originally posted by Khalaf:


"A.u.B is trippin', but beneath his buffoonery, are some
piercing truths."


That says it all adeer, if u believe there are "truth" to this nigga full of clan hatered from his moryanism 101....i think its you sxb that needs to check up on ur sources.

Waaba a confussed al-islaax or the peppered new puppeteering salaful-jadiid insult you with clanism!!


Rasuulka scw wuxuu yiri, "qofkii hadalkeyga iyo diinteyda ka been sheega, booskii uu naarta ka gali lahaa hasoo diyaarsado" this hadiith exactly suffices your hypocracy calling yourself Muslim and insulting our Islamic pillers by demoting the concept of Jihaad, acting the boothlicker that is beyond GD.


What has been deduced from your swaying remarks is that you are more closer to the Gaalo idealogy than Islamic ones! Your federation plate between pork and lamb meat is what we see on your table, part tfg and part liberal Islam!


good luck, little integrationist of the day! lol

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The TFG must be under illusion if it believes that it has the capacity to extricate itself from the total chaos that simmers in Mogadishu streets. In 1993 a UN mandated International Peace Keeping mission which consisted of a well funded, well trained and well equipped soldiers were dragged on the streets of Mogadishu. This is just the beginning of a new era. The coming days will be surprising and sadly more shocking unless the TFG makes a systematic effort to face the grim reality. If military might was solution to insurgency, America would not have suffered embarrassingly in Iraq. Dialogue , Co-operation and Concession is key to peaceful solution.


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You're knee-deep in the dodo, Khalaf. I thought I could reason with you, laakin qayli iyo cabaad iyo "Somali waa istaqanaa" aala soo shirtagtay. If you didn't notice, we're all about changing that qabil-centric mentality

No matter. Thanks for making your position clear, as an Tikrey appeaser.

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Ayaandaradii ugu weyneed. Soomaali isgubeyso maanta, meydkoodina ka baxsan la' naceybka ay isku qabaan daradooda.


Kuwa isleh Xabashi ayaa ku jabi doono Soomaali isgubeyso, ha ogaadaan Xabashi maanta camal waxee ugu faraxsantahay inay jirin, oo naceybkii Soomaaliyeed dhexdooda ahaa meesheee ugu hooseysay gaartay.


Waxaaba kaaga sii daran laba qolo la kala safan Soomaali meydkooda Soomaali kale sidii baqti camal ah dhulka ugu jiidaayo ama kuwii hore Xabashada leysay -- waxaaba taas ka daran hadana laba qolo kale la kala safan inta ku jirto, marba kuwa u alalaasaayo waxaan dhacaayo, supposedly dad loo maleyn jiray waayo'arag, oo ifkii iyo adduunkii arkeen, walina mentality miyiga wato; heck xataa Reer Miyi waligood ay isdagaali jireen dad dhulka kuma jiidi jirin ama mid shisheeye laayo walaalkooda ah uma sacabtumi jirin, maanta waxaan ayaan aragnaa, dad 'waxbartayna' u sacabtumaayo golahaan ku jiro, saas u dhaqmaayo ku kaliftay.


Meydadkaas aniga badankooda Soomaali ayee igula egyihiin, aad ayaana ugu xumahay Soomaali kale inay dhulka ku jiido, hadana gubaan meydad Soomaaliyeed oo isku dhiig yihiin, iskaba dhaaf wax kale.


Xataa hadduu yahay mid Tigrey ama Amxaar, dareenka qofka in uu galo ma'aha qof dhintay oo tagay in lagu jiido dhulka, wuxuu raba ha ahaadee.

Meeshii ugu hooseysay ayee mareysaa maanta Soomaali.


Dhaqan Soomaaliyeed ma'aha, mana ahayn. Waa murugii ugu weyneed, runtii. Soomaali meydadkooda gubaayo. Bisinka.


NB., I hope this thread will be kept in civilized manner, otherwise it will follow the fate of other two in recent days.


Xishmada, taxadirka iyo ixtiraamka ha lagu dadaalo. I hope it will continue.

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Pleasure sxb, whatever makes you sleep better yaa akhi. ninyahow um all about changing the qabil-centric mentality which stands in the way of our ppls unity, Islam Alone is the solution and that can only be carried out by jamcatal islamiya-men united under the banner of the black flag of there is No God but Allah, and Muhamad is the Messenger of Allah, not courts separted into hebel hebel with former killers and lotters and the greatest duty of Islam (Jihad) shall be called by noblemen of the Sunnah who have knowledge not mere druglords.


Thanks for the talk yaa akhi, know the jamacat of islamiya is distinct from the others.....until they rise its the corrupt game of politics, in which i want no part of.

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Someone should come here and do a social survey since this thread basically represents all the different characters with guns in our homeland.

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Duke & Khalaf have chosen an Islamic image as a signatures to proof that they're not really......... lol. Pardon me for laughing

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^^^LOL says tone....pardon me for laughin kkkkkkkkkkkkk :D .....da tones who admires warabes that prosuites dumarka somali and qabil-uabanes talkin to me of all ppl about islam what is the world coming to..... much like the qasidiya website wit the blag flag and saying "ALLah Akbar" to burning of dead bodies....enuff said!

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I just couldn't help but notice bro hard feelings, do continue..But we can read you guys like a book.

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