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Puntland A Superpower In Somali Politics

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I would like to say after extensive research I have come across a very interesting strategy being implemented by the puntland administration!!!


Firstly. Sheikh Sharif Government is very reliant upon puntland because it has no place to tax due to having no control also to make matters worse the donor money given to him by the world alot of those funds are not cleared and take a long time to clear!!!


Secondly. Puntland has great influence in somaliland more then meets the eye. The somali shilling that is made in bossaso is used by burco and erigavo residents. Not to mention they trade in Bossaso also!!!


Plus, We have morgan who is sitting in kenya plotting the recapture of kismayo port which definitely would be an added bonus into our arsenal.


Galmudug is also under puntland due to having no port/airport to collect taxes and therefore they sit under the federalism like we do.


I think our strategy should be curbed a little bit, firstly our brothers in las anod it is not fair we are providing somali shilling to burco residents and erigavo residents who in turn pay their soldiers to damage areas of puntland. Why are we doing this? Is Puntland involved as many say?


We should send a clear warning to somaliland and say "you will starve without us providing u the somali shilling you use to pay your workers"


Last time i checked burco nor erigavo has somali shilling bank where they manufacture the paper!!!


However I see in a way what garowe might be up to!!! I think their using siilanyo to bring all the sland under federalism similar to the galmudug administration we did in 2006!!! And Siilanyo knows full well his clan and the other clan in erigavo are dependant on us!!!


So what should we do? Let siilanyo bring his ppl under federalism and take a seat back? Or should we stop providing a port for burco/erigavo traders and cutt the somali shillings currency from reaching them and thus starving the ppl and also their militia!!!


We have extensive powers, but I don't get why we aint making good use of it. We have puntland soldiers based in hamar and around the afgoye district. We have Morgan Doing the kismayo job. We have sharmarke in p.m position. We got erigavo and burco fianancially controlled and depedent. We have galmudug under our feet!!


We need to make good use of our extensive power-base and show these people who REALLY runs the show.


If u can't control a clan by military, then control him financially, if u can't control him fianancially, control him politically. And in some cases it seems we combined financial/military control in areas like hamar where we have soldiers there and also funding it from garowe!!!


Anyways We are probably the strongest clan in somalis and i think we have politicians who are not making good use of it!!!


Any input would be appreciated!!!

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We have extensive powers, but I don't get why we aint making good use of it. We have puntland soldiers based in hamar and around the afgoye district. We have Morgan Doing the kismayo job. We have sharmarke in p.m position. We got erigavo and burco fianancially controlled and depedent. We have galmudug under our feet!!

You and your Puntland should go and conquer Mars.

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Let the real king rest in peace. This one is impersonator. Seek some counseling kid.


PL is not a sanctuary nor is it above any other city or state. Its interest and growth lies that of every Somali in the country, not the demise or at the expense of certain Somali populace as you alluded.

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Che-Guevarra...Do u deny that clans can be controlled thru three means


1. Politically

2. Economically

3. Militarily


TFG= Controlled financially/politically/and militarily from garowe. I say that because. Sheikh Sharif doesn't tax anywhere in order to raise up revenue for himself? Isn't that a fact!!!


Politically we are involved because for goodness sake who came up with the idea "federal"? Why do we have xidhibaans in the tfg or p.m seat? That is called Political Strategy.


Their is no question we are in hamar militarily also because reputable news agencies have stated that afgoye controlladiisa iyo hamar are controlled by forces loyal to puntland!!! That media being shabellenet!!!


Are u disputing the fact galmudug comes under puntland? If so, where do they tax? Airport and Port facilities raise up the real $$$ for solid administration!!!


Those keys areas of port and airport and even checkpoints in galkayo are not in the galmudug control!!!


Why else would they be federal if it wasn't created from garowe? Are u telling me that aideed ppl will just accept a political position which is federal and came from garowe just because they like us? Of course not!!! That is silly to say.


They simply had no choice but to be federal considering the situation their in. Their somali shilling is printed in bossaso, they have no airport, no deked, no checkpoints in galkayo!!!


Now could you be disputing the fact that erigavo and burco is depedendant on the somali shilling? They don't use somaliland shilling over there nor anywhere in the eastern areas of somaliland. Their money is printed and put on trucks from bossaso!!!


I don't think rayale would accept somali shillings bank in burco or erigavo? Do you? I don't what their is to dispute!!!


Plus burco and erigavo trade their livestocks, bring down their goods for their shops and projects from bossaso port!!!


Those ppl would not be able to pay their militia if that somali shilling was cut down from being given to them from bossaso.


Do you know what happens if u don't have a supply of notes? it's called economic crises sxb, the economy crumbles and ppl will starve literally!!!


You need to pay your soldiers money, they dont just happen to walk around for free, u need fuel for your technicals, u need food for ur soldiers plate lol. Without those funds mean u can't operate and can be taken over straight away!!!


So I don't see what you are disputing!!! Everything I stated was facts. Morgan hasn't captured kismayo yet but their is news he is training troops to capture it again!!!


Hell even abuudwaq uses our money sxb. Watch this abudwaq suuq sarifka saying that he brings his money from bossaso.


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Why do you think the minister of finance in garowe blasted sheikh sharif for bringing new money being printed in sudan???? Their is reasons for everything. He blasted him because that would make puntland not in control of the following areas






5. Nugaal

6. Sool

7. Galguduud

8. Hiiran


All those states currently recieve their money from bossaso. If sharif brought his money that means he will have control over what they do and what they don't do. It's called financial control!!! It's a tactic in war!!!


That is why the south is a mess. Those areas below galguduud and bay are not in our control. That is why they can go crazy and do whatever they want!!! Why u think ahlul sunnah is sitting with the tfg???? Wake up guys. Learn what financial control means!!!


If we don't have financial control, that is when u will start exercising military. Hence hamar is like that they dont get their money from us and thus have vastly different political position and constant war...kismayo is the same, that is why morgan is trying to capture it.


Do u ever see puntland talking about anywhere else other then areas where their influence is totally absent be it military or financial or political..Kismayo/hamar/baidoa/gedo for example is classic example where we have no influence in any way shape or form hence why we are backing tfg and are military present there!!!

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LoooooooooooooL@Somali shilling is printed in Bosaso. You are joker Cowke-thanks for the laugh but seriously and I mean this sincerely you need to take down a notch.

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Yes Printing does occur. Infact it even occurs in the black-market which is why inflation soared before.


Dayax Islamic Bank was incorporated on 7 June 2005 as a consequence of being awarded a banking license by the Government of Puntland, Somalia.


Why is the puntland administration offering banking licences?

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Cawke---you are big Diric baan umalaynayaa howshaada wado ina aabo ,,,, laakin keep in your deluded mind ,,,that your are writing this for sake of ,,,, whatever you call it!!

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